Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 332 - A tough battle

Apparently these bugs know how to get nutrients and grow themselves up.

These things grow by relying on the flesh and blood of their own kind.

And there was a scene that made both Qing Zhixun and Xixiu feel scared.

In the center of these adults, there is a pair of extra-large black bugs that look much larger than these adults.

How big is it?

According to the pictures taken by the robot, calculated using the ratio, it is bigger than an adult golden retriever!

The two big bugs in the video have obviously discovered them.

But they don't move!

In other words, disdain.

And when they are motionless, Xixiu can't even detect their existence with mental power. This kind of bug has a system that blocks mental power!

Xixiu's heart sank.

She was sure the Alliance didn't have this kind of creature.

There is no record of this kind of bug in the entire Jingsu Alliance star field, known or unknown.

It must have been raised here by humans.

I just don’t know if it’s a mutation of which species.

"Is the aura on them the aura of corruption that Anweil ​​said?"

After Xixiu breathed out a heavy breath, she finally felt a little more comfortable.

"Yes, yes. Also, I found that these bugs have their own consciousness, and they have the ability to think."

And obviously he is recharging his energy.

Xixiu once again focused his attention on the screen, and saw that the two largest ones had obviously turned the direction of the six eyes to where the robot was.

"They can block mental power, and their existence cannot be detected when they are motionless."

Qing Zhixun also discovered this problem.

In this case, in a battle, mental power is only useful when the opponent is moving.

If it keeps pretending to be dead, it won't be able to detect their existence.

"According to Anweil's records, this kind of smell does not come from this kind of insect."

It is something else that is not a living thing, but a kind of corruption. To put it simply, it is a kind of pollution.

That kind of corruption is a pollutant bred by the starry sky that can destroy the land of Anvil.

"Are you saying that the auras on these things were artificially placed on them? Are they experimental subjects?"

"Judging from Anvil's records, this kind of aura cannot be artificially cultivated. It is accumulated deep in the starry sky and will explode when the time comes."

Xixiu's heart sank even more.

Who would have nothing to do to cultivate these things.

Cultivating something like this must have a deep purpose.

Who could this person be?

Who else would know that the people of Anvil are afraid of this kind of breath?

A Xian was not sure at first.

Xixiu guessed that it might be the person who knew the secret of Princess Anweil.

Or maybe it's behind the scenes of what's happened in the league in recent years.

If this is really the case, how many secrets does this person have that have not been discovered by the alliance?

How could he have been running around for so many years under the supervision of the central intelligence brain?

"These things must all be destroyed." Xixiu knew very well that these insects could not be taken away, not even one.

If this kind of bug is allowed to enter the alliance, it will undoubtedly bring great disaster to the alliance.

If this kind of thing left here and could reproduce at this speed, the consequences would be disastrous.

They can now only eat their own kind.

It's because there is no other choice.

Once we go to the Alliance, once other food is available, these bugs will definitely explode.

By then, the entire Jingsu Alliance will have this bug, and they will become sinners.

"Yes, we have to find a way."

Qing Zhixun strongly agrees with Xixiu's view. He will not let this kind of thing threaten Anweil ​​or even the alliance.

Now, neither of them knew what the bug was afraid of.

How to kill them.

But always give it a try.

If you can, be sure to keep all these bugs here.

When they find the signal, let the people who come to pick them up blow up the place directly, or shield the entire artificial star.

Let the Alliance send professionals over to eliminate all hidden dangers in this swamp.

"How many weapons did you bring?" Qing Zhixun wanted to integrate the existing resources of the two people.

"There are six space buttons, all of which are small. The large weapons only have the space button you picked up at the station."

"Large weapons cannot be used for the time being. If we can use our own power to deal with these things first, we will give priority to this method."

Use weapons to blow up this place, I don't know what the consequences will be.

If a destruction device is buried here, they will both be wiped out together.

This is obviously not advisable.

It's not time to sacrifice.

"But these things can shield mental power, and we have to use mechas to get to the sky above the swamp." Xixiu expressed the questions in his heart.

Fighting above the swamp, they don't have many advantages. If they accidentally fall into the swamp, they probably won't even have any bones left.

"Think of other ways." Qing Zhixun didn't have any good ideas now, so he had to keep observing his surroundings.

There is no way they can keep fighting over the swamp, because they are not sure what else is under the swamp.

This underground man-made swamp is very wide and was specially built to support these things. The simulation of the environment and the position of the lights were all done deliberately.

But something doesn't make sense.

Since you are raised here, why do you never come back to take a look?

Still, he can always see here!

Xixiu released all her mental power, covering every corner. In several places, she discovered the existence of surveillance.

She pointed the direction to Qing Zhixun.

Qing Zhixun sent the detection robot and ordered it to bring back the monitoring equipment and energy device.

After Qing Zhixun checked these monitoring equipment, he found that the monitoring had stopped operating recently, or because the energy ran out.

This person reserved hundreds of years of energy at once so that he could see the growth of these cultures even if he was not here.

Because if you don’t come here, you won’t be discovered or traced.

He calculated the time.

When these cultures grow up and take shape, the monitoring energy will just be used up, and he will come directly here to take these bugs out of the artificial star.

This is a very far-sighted plan.

These monitors were products from hundreds of years ago, which also proved the two of them’s previous guesses about the time when this artificial star was built.

Qing Zhixun copied all the surveillance videos and brought them back to the alliance for study.

The data storage here will definitely allow the alliance's scientific researchers to figure out the reason.

If that doesn't work, there's Wei Lanshan.

"I brought some powder to try first to see if it can kill these larvae."

Wei Lanshan prepared a lot of supplies for Xixiu that could be used when going out to fight, including healing agents and medicines.

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