Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 333 - The Giant Takes Off

There are also some poisonous powders that she can use to kill some highly toxic bugs in the wild.

One of them is to prevent bugs encountered in the wild and inhibit the growth rate of bugs.

There are many wild creatures in the Jingsu Alliance, and many species in the Wild Star are poisonous.

Wei Lanshan has traveled to many places, so the things she makes are very targeted.

Wei Lanshan told Xixiu at the beginning that this kind of powder should be used sparingly and protective measures should be taken when using it, because it can still cause some harm to the body.

However, in times of crisis, these medicines can play a big role.

"Okay, let the detection robot spray from the surrounding areas close to us first, let them eat, and then spread it in layer by layer. We will watch the situation from the sidelines."

If it is effective, judging by the eating speed of these bugs, the poison in the powder will spread to the center in about two hours.

The detection robot sprayed out the prepared powder, and the bugs seemed to smell a rare delicacy.

There are attractant ingredients in the powder, and these bugs have never eaten anything like this, so after the powder is put in, the swamp comes to life instantly like an exploding pot.

The bugs on the edge went to eat the powder one after another. The bugs that ate the powder were eaten by the ones nearby that didn't get it before they had time to attack.

Soon, bugs from the edges to the center were eating the powder.

After an hour, the bugs' feeding slowed.

Xixiu has been observing carefully.

These bugs are really scary.

Their claws are so powerful that they can cut off the bodies of their own kind.

After so many years of reproduction, they have filled this swamp.

So more and more bugs were injured by the powder, all the way to the center.

After more than an hour, the worms were ovulating at a slower rate and the time it took for them to hatch became longer.

This is a good thing.

Proving that Wei Lanshan's medicine is effective.

Qing Zhixun is also observing.

The two biggest ones in the middle finally took action after discovering this strangeness.

These two are like their kings.

They made a loud noise at the same time, a shrill, unbearable high-pitched sound.

After hearing this voice.

The bugs that were still eating stopped and all swarmed towards the center.

One after another, layer by layer, go to the center.

Both Qing Zhixun and Xixiu's eyes widened.

These bugs actually obey orders.

This is, gathering.

The two largest insects, with twelve eyes, looked in the direction of Xixiu and the others at the same time.

The insects that gathered towards the center dived into the depths of the swamp.

At this time, they actually wanted to lift the two big ones, push their king out of the swamp, and let them go to land to fight.

And they succeeded.

The two big ones were carried out of the deep swamp.

Above the dense insects are two giants.

After the body in the Big Mac Swamp was exposed, both Xixiu and Qing Zhixun's pupils shrank.

They discovered that the Big Mac was very big.

What is exposed above the swamp is only a small part of their bodies.

Under the swamp, there is an abdomen that seems to be used to store energy.

Xixiu could feel that this abdomen was full of stuff, and it was still very bad stuff.

Judging from Qing Zhixun's expression, Xixiu felt that he had guessed correctly.

After the two big bugs came out, Qing Zhixun broke out in cold sweat on his forehead and his face turned a little pale. It was obviously very unbearable.

"How are you?" Xixiu asked concerned.

"It's still bearable. It's no big deal for the time being." Qing Zhixun calmed down and spit out the discomfort in his chest.

"If you can't support it later, don't force it, I can support you."

"Well, okay." Qing Zhixun pursed his lips. Xixiu's words obviously made him uncomfortable.

This was the first time Xixiu showed concern for him after they met.

On the other hand, the two giants moved their wings that they had never used before leaving the swamp.

Xixiu definitely saw it in their eyes, it was novel.

Big Mac's six eyes moved around without any blind spots, and under the light of the underground swamp, their eyes looked a little strange.

"They are going to fly over." Xixiu said in a deep voice. Judging from the insect's body structure, the protection of this insect must be terrifying.

"Be prepared for a fight, because we don't know if there's anything else wrong with it, and we can't let them get closer than two meters to us."

Qing Zhixun, who is half Anvil blood, is not happy with the aura emitted by Big Mac.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Xixiu looked at his face and checked Qing Zhixun's condition again, feeling a little worried.

There are only two of them here. If Qing Zhixun's combat effectiveness is suppressed, it will not be a good thing for them.

"There is no problem for the time being." Qing Zhixun suppressed the discomfort in his heart.

"The robot is in front, and Wumu will be on the side. Let's observe their fighting methods first, and then make a battle plan. Sir, do you think this is feasible?" This is the fastest and best way for them to understand this kind of bug.

If Qing Zhixun's condition is really bad, Xixiu will have to support Qing Zhixun.

Fortunately, she had asked Axian before how to help the people of Anweil ​​when such a crisis occurred.

Ah Xian told her how to do it.

As long as there is one person with strong mental power among them, and his mental power is immortal, the rest of the Anvilians can obtain energy from him.

She can put her spiritual power around Qing Zhixun and cause resonance.

In this way, Qing Zhixun's mental power will not be too damaged and exhausted.

"When you can't hold on any longer and are mentally weak, please tell me. Do you hear me?"

This was a serious expression and tone that Xixiu had never used before. Qing Zhixun looked at her pure black eyes and nodded seriously.

"Okay." She said this, obviously knowing the crisis faced by the people of Anvil, and she also knew how to deal with it.

While they were talking, two Big Macs had arrived ten meters away from them.

The exterior looks absolutely disgusting.

In addition, those six huge eyes are always under their gaze.

Very permeable.

Their round abdomens are constantly secreting a transparent mucus.

As this slime dripped onto the ground outside the swamp, black smoke rose from the ground.

After the smoke spread, the smell of corruption in the air became even stronger.

The whole body of this insect is poisonous.

There is a barb on their tail.

Xixiu is certain that the Alliance does not have this kind of bug.

In other words, the alliance does not have a prototype of this bug. This bug is artificially cultivated.

Same as making living things.

It is not a natural creature bred by the nature of this alliance.

Seeing this scene, Qing Zhixun stood in front of Xixiu.

This is not just a responsibility as a commander.

But this time, he will protect her.

He wouldn't let her die trying to save him.

That kind of pain, once is enough.

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