Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 334 - Battle against the Giant

Xixiu was still a little surprised when she saw Qing Zhixun's action.

She didn't expect Qing Zhixun to be such a responsible leader to his subordinates. Apart from anything else, he was indeed a responsible and responsible leader.

I don’t know what the outcome of this battle will be.

But Xixiu will work hard to prevent these things from going to Anweil, which can be regarded as doing something for Anweil ​​who has been protecting her.

After the two Big Macs appeared, Wu Yuan and Qing Zhixun's robot Qing Sansui stood in front of them, and Wu Yuan directly turned on the full combat mode.

Qing Sansui's fighting skills come from Qing Zhixun itself. Like Wu Yuan, he is a master of fighting.

The witch tree directly borrowed the energy here to grow to its peak state.

The aura that the Anvil people are afraid of actually has a certain impact on it, but it's not as serious as the Anvil people.

Wu Mu has grown up under the spiritual power of Xi Xiu for more than ten years since he was born, so the damage caused by this aura to him has been minimized.

This is also the first time Xixiu has seen Wu Mu in its prime, and it is very impressive.

Its vines twisted around and transformed into a human form.

It has hands, feet, and a head.

All wrapped with vines.

There is a cluster of green leaves growing on the top of the head.

He was about two meters tall, and his movements and expressions were very similar to Xixiu's, which made Xixiu happy.

She didn't expect that the little guy who wouldn't let go of her had grown up so much.

After being together for more than ten years, I also learned a lot about her demeanor.

He is always sleeping, could he be observing secretly?

While Xixiu was stunned, the entire figures of the two giants came into the sight of Xixiu and Qing Zhixun.

With such a large body and the sharp teeth in its mouth, if the human body was not protected, it would definitely be broken in half if it was bitten.

Not to mention that they also contain unknown toxins. If they are contaminated, there is probably no medical treatment.

Wu Yuan and Qing Sansui each chose a target, and Wu Mu was responsible for entangling Big Mac.

Its vines have tiny saw teeth to prevent them from slipping.

Because the mucus on Big Mac is secreted all the time.

With these saw teeth, it would be difficult for Big Mac to get rid of the vines of the Witchwood.

Both Wu Yuan and Qing San are very fast, but Big Mac's eyes are too flexible.

The attacks of the two five-yuan robots were basically dodged by Big Mac.

Even if the witchwood vines bound these two, it wouldn't have much effect.

Although Big Mac's abdomen looked soft, the five-yuan rotating mechanical arm was unable to scratch the skin on its abdomen.

It was also bounced back.

This kind of bug actually combines the advantages of all the starry sky beasts that have ever appeared in the Jingsu Alliance.

This is the conclusion Wuyuan came to after reading all the data on this bug, splitting each part down, and comparing it with its database.

The person who cultivated Big Mac is definitely someone who is very familiar with the history of the league and has first-hand information about the league.

Wuyuan and Qing did not have an advantage against Big Mac at the age of three. Big Mac's body looked bulky, but in fact it was very agile.

The flexibility of their bodies made Xixiu feel incredible. The twisting angles of those two clumsy bodies were as flexible as the turning angles of their eyes.

Wuyuanjian cannot seriously injure this disgusting bug, its martial arts are useless, and its existing weapons cannot penetrate this bug.

The vines of the Witchwood can strangle Big Mac's body. After wrapping them all, even if I keep poking Big Mac with the hardest vine, I still can't get the vines in.

The vine of the Witchwood is its ultimate weapon. It can strangle the hardest metal in the Alliance and deform it.

Xixiu knew what Wu Mu was capable of.

Qing Zhixun also knew to some extent how powerful the alien plant was. Not even the witch tree could pierce the Big Mac's body.

All they can use are weapons of mass destruction.

"We'll deal with the one on the left, you and Wumu and the others deal with the one on the right, force these two back into the swamp, and then increase the amount of medicine."

This is the only way they can temporarily postpone the crisis.

If you don't have enough mental power, you can't use it as a last resort.

Because we don’t know the strength of these two, what will be the consequences if their mental power is also transformed and is stronger than the mental power level of the existing star beasts in the alliance?

It was obvious that they would become the meal of these two giants today.

"Well, okay, I can only give it a try."

Xixiu took out the weapon, and the metal ball followed her. After Xixiu came over, Wumu tightened the vines tied to Big Mac.

Xixiu kept observing as he moved forward.

She discovered that Big Mac's eyes would follow her footsteps, and the information revealed in their eyes showed that they had simple thinking abilities.

Their bodies are so hard, obviously the designers wanted them to withstand artillery fire and attacks from various weapons.

Xixiu tested it with a metal ball.

She discovered that even with the blessing of mental power, the speed of the metal ball reached twice that of existing weapons, and it could not penetrate the skin of Big Mac's abdomen.

There is almost no flaw in the skin of this insect.

Their wings were also very sharp, and Xixiu recorded the frequency of their flapping wings with a terminal. The speed was only a few seconds slower than her previous attack.

This frequency is enough to easily crush any carbon-based life.

The Big Mac in front of Xixiu felt that the attack just now was just tickling it, which was not enough.

It looked at Xixiu, and Xixiu was sure that it was contempt.

Yes, she was despised by a bug.

If you tell Wu Jingxian this, she probably won't believe it.

In their eyes, Hong Xixiu, who could shine in the sky and the earth, was stumped by a giant insect and was even looked down upon.

Xi Xiu decided to show this video to Wu Jingxian when he returned home.

She is really a little depressed...

After attacking ten times in succession to no avail, Xixiu retreated to a safe position.

This creature's body is airtight from top to bottom, and its body's toughness exceeds Xixiu's common sense.

Who created this kind of bug? If you meet this person in the future, you must get rid of him.

If you keep it, it will definitely bring more trouble to the Jingsu Alliance.

After Xixiu stopped attacking, Rang Wuyuan came back.

Only Wumu still tied up these two bugs, which made Mudu feel a little uncomfortable.

There is no progress on Qing Zhixun's side either.

He returned to Xixiu.

"These two don't care at all about our attacks, and they're not afraid. One thing, they can't seem to stay away from the swamp now."

Xixiu frowned and listened to Qing Zhixun's summary. She also discovered this.

"Yes. But are we leaving like this?" Let these two scourges stay here, waiting for their creator to take them away and send them to the Jingsu Alliance?


Anvil cannot afford to experience such a crisis so early.

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