Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 335 - Almost Exhausted

According to the ten years mentioned by Ah Xian before, there are still two years before the crisis in Anweil ​​comes.

Therefore, these two must be eliminated.

Otherwise, Anvil and the Alliance will encounter a greater crisis.

If these two were allowed to go to Anweil, the tasks of Wu Jingshuo, Liu Jia, and Jing Xi would be tripled.

And the reason why this maker created this kind of bug was obviously to use this kind of creature to hold back the Anweir people so that they could not support the alliance.

In this way, when he wants to attack the Jingsu Alliance, the alliance will lose a very powerful backup force.

This man planned it very well.

It's like a ring within a ring.

First there were living creatures, then there were immortal robots, and now here comes a giant that produces the smell of corruption.

Each of these weapons is a challenge for the alliance when released.

If all three are present, Jingsu will definitely be unable to resist.

So Xixiu was determined to destroy these two giants today.

"No, we use mental power to force them back to the swamp, severely damage their thinking consciousness, and if they cannot be completely destroyed, we will make them unable to think anymore. Then, after we find a way to go back, we will destroy this place."

The only way now is to fight these two giants with mental power and use mental power to directly force them back into the swamp.

Xixiu is also considering Qing Zhixun's method.

However, she was a little worried that she wouldn't be able to deal with two at the same time.

Qing Zhixun should not be affected too much now. What if something unexpected happens on the way?

"How long can your mental strength last?" Xixiu asked very cautiously.

"Don't worry, it won't be exhausted. My mental power should be about the same as that of Wu Jingxian now. But you, can you give it a full blow?"

Qing Zhixun is still very confident about this.

However, Xixiu's mental strength is at the peak of 3S according to official statistics.

Although he knew that her real data was definitely not the official one, he was worried about it, so he had to ask clearly.

Xixiu was surprised by Qing Zhixun's sincerity.

It seemed that he had compared his mental strength with A-Xian in private, so he was so sure.

"Don't worry about me. If you can't hold on any longer, I should be able to give you reinforcements."

Hearing Xixiu's words, Qing Zhixun was surprised. He knew that she hid part of her strength, but he didn't expect that her strength would surpass Wu Jingxian.

Wu Jingxian's mental power was at the same level as his, which was already a very rare level in the Jingsu Alliance.

Even his mother Wu Jingxi's mental power has not reached 4S, but he and Wu Jingxian have already reached this level.

Hong Xixiu, who can also give him spiritual reinforcements of this level, her spirit will only become more terrifying.

"I didn't expect you to be so secretive. Since we are both sure, let's each deal with one, and the one who solves it first will support the other."

Xixiu made a gesture of approval.

The two giants were entangled by Ebony with vines, and could not advance or retreat at the moment.

Xixiu placed the metal ball by his side and suspended it in case of a sudden crisis.

After protecting herself, she and Wuyuan were on the left and right, and Wuyuan attacked with force. She took back the mental power that had been scattered everywhere, twisted it into a rope, and headed towards the Big Mac. , a few strands followed quietly, without being noticed by Big Mac.

After some testing, Xixiu discovered that the mental power of this bug was different from other species in the alliance.

Its mental power, based on the fluctuations in the air, was found to be stored in more than one place in their eyes.

Xixiu counted carefully and found that the six eyes were the six storage warehouses for mental power.

This is a bit tricky.

Its eyes are so flexible.

No wonder the metal ball directed by mental power can be detected no matter which angle it passes by.

It seems that the only option is to fight this disgusting thing head-on.

Qing Zhixun also discovered this problem and made the same decision as Xixiu.

The mental power of the two people instantly increased a lot. Big Mac also noticed the other party's tyranny, and he would fight them head-on.

The two giants twisted their fat bodies bound by ebony with vines, trying to struggle away, eat these two alien species that disturbed their sleep, and crush their bones until every bit was left. Only then can I relieve my hatred.

After being attacked by Xixiu's mental power, Big Mac made a sharp and harsh sound.

In order to judge the fluctuations in the air, Xixiu did not wear a soundproof device before, so he would be shocked by this sound wave.

The same goes for Qing Zhixun.

The two people stepped back ten meters.

The mental power has not been withdrawn, and he is still trying to break through the Big Mac's barrier.

The skills of this kind of bug are almost maxed out. How can we force them back into the swamp?

Xixiu racked his brains and finally decided to use similar bugs in the swamp as a trap.

Their current food is the same kind.

They have been eating continuously since the arrival of Xixiu and Qing Zhixun, which proves that their physical strength is very high.

"We'll fight them. When these two are exhausted, they will definitely go back to the swamp to replenish their energy."

Xixiu's words at this moment sounded like the sounds of nature to Qing Zhixun.

The aura emanating from Big Mac made his whole body feel heavy, helpless and helpless, and his legs felt as if they were filled with lead.

No wonder, Anvil needs to gather the strength of the entire clan to resist this kind of power.

This kind of aura simply exists specifically to restrain Anvil's power.

It will slow down the Anvil people's movement and suppress their mental power.

It even gave them an urge to tear themselves apart in their minds.

After Xixiu spoke, Qing Zhixun was somewhat relieved.

"Yeah." Qing Zhixun's voice sounded tired.

Xixiu sensed the concentration of the corrupt smell in the air and found that Big Mac had accelerated the secretion of liquid, making the corrupt smell in the air even stronger.

"Sir, please take a rest. Let Ebony and Wuyuan deal with these two for now."

Qing Zhixun, a man from Anweil ​​alone, could survive the corruption in this pool to this point, which shows that his talent and ability are not low.

But everyone has limits.

"Okay." Qing Zhixun is not a reluctant person.

If he fell, the situation here would be difficult for Hong Xixiu to handle alone.

"You must say it if you can't hold it anymore." Xixiu's voice was very soft, and Qing Zhixun felt that the dullness in his chest had left a lot.

Xixiu had been observing after letting Qing Zhixun rest.

After Ebony got her order, she began to deal with Big Mac again.

If Big Mac wants to completely get rid of the ebony vines, it will consume more energy.

The way they replenish energy is, obviously, by eating, eating their own kind.

Xixiu's idea was quickly passed on to Wu Mu, who pulled out the cane and killed some of the bugs in the swamp.

They were stacked together dexterously and dragged to a place not far from the Big Mac, but within the swamp.

Thanks to book friend Huan Xueshang for catching the bug. The author mistakenly typed the name of the exotic plant "Ebony" as "Witchwood" in a very early chapter. Starting from this chapter, it will be renamed. Corrected to "ebony".

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