Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 357 - Robot Girl

The robot began to recall the scenes that it could still remember, and Axian felt the fluctuations in its consciousness.

Quietly, Axian kept up with its frequency of consciousness and began to explore its life together.

The robot did not realize that its consciousness had been invaded by human beings using mental power.

Ah Xian did this to find out what happened to it in the end. Human consciousness will leave some traces at the last moment.

The robot closed its empty eyes, listened to Xixiu's guidance, and followed its own consciousness, as if it had returned to its own home.

The pen under its hand keeps moving.

Draw the space where it once lived.

He lives alone. His parents do not live in the central city, but in a concentrated residential area outside the central city.

A Xian saw its daily routine.

She is a lovely girl who loves life very much.

Her fingers have been mechanically modified and appear to be very flexible.

In the picture, she is sitting in front of the terminal. There should be a light screen in front of her. Her fingers are moving quickly and she is compiling code.

She has an ordinary job as a programmer for an experience website.

Xixiu looked at the daily life it described and felt sorry for these Yuanri citizens.

If, without this person behind the scenes, this girl should have started to submit marriage applications by now and is about to enter another state of life.

Its consciousness seemed very, very sad when it painted these pictures.

Both Xixiu and A-Xian could feel it.

Xixiu knew that the robot was crying, and the sadness was like a tide, all splashing into the air, drowning people.

Twenty minutes later, the robot stopped writing.

In the afternoon after it had just rained, the light in the house was a little dark, and the silver body of the robot glowed coldly, just like its sadness, cold and heavy.

Xixiu recorded this scene.

Keep this room of sadness in your memory forever.

"These, these are the pictures I can still remember. I'm not sure if they are my own memories." The robot's voice did not rise and fall, which made it feel painful because it could not express its thoughts correctly.

"Can I make a copy of these?" Xixiu's voice seemed to give it some comfort.

"Okay, okay." The robot nodded vigorously.

"I can give it a try and use our method to find your home for you." Xixiu decided to help the robot.

What would she do if she fell into such a situation one day?

Might as well die.

If you die, it will be over.

Now like this, I am tortured by memory fragments every day, not knowing who I was and where I am going in the future.

Home is gone.

Relatives have also become machines.

If it could find its former home, this robot would not be as sad as it is now.

"Really, really? Thank you, thank you." If it had an emotional program, the tone at this moment would be very joyful.

"I can't guarantee that it can be done, but I will tell you whatever the outcome is."

The star network of Yuanri Prime was blocked a long time ago, and they could not find the identity of this girl through the traces of the use of the central brain.

It can only be found through the network used by Yuanri now. Fortunately, it has drawn its own occupation, so the scope is much smaller.

"Yeah." The robot's personality still had its original imprint, and Xixiu could feel that she was a cute girl.

A Xian remained silent, and Xi Xiu guessed that she might have discovered something.

The two of them didn't stay too long. Xixiu backed up the scattered memories drawn by the robot and left the residential building.

When they left, the other robots who heard the noise came out of the door and looked around with blank eyes.

This scene made Xixiu feel a little chilly, and Axian also felt the pain suppressed by the robot.

But there is nothing they can do at this moment.

On the way back, there was a rare silence between the two of them. Ah Xian was thinking about what she "perceived", while Xi Xiu was thinking about the intention of the person behind her.

"Xixiu, there was something strange about this girl before her consciousness was stripped away."

This is what she sensed.

The girl's consciousness wandered around the room for a while before leaving her body.

"What a strange method?"

"Before her consciousness was transferred, she experienced a brief dissociation state."

They all know that when mental power does not reach a certain level, it is impossible to let consciousness, that is, mental power, wander outside.

Although humans in the alliance all possess mental power, those below 2S cannot release their mental power.

This girl's mental strength obviously does not reach this level.

So how did her consciousness achieve a dissociated state?

"Could it be that some medicine has been released recently that is not within the scope of the alliance's monitoring?"

Some people always like to take risks.

Therefore, in many places that cannot be monitored by the central intelligence brain, some people secretly research potions that can enhance mental power.

If you want to break through the barriers, move up a level.

Some are entrusted by others. To put it simply, they take people's money to find funds for their own research projects, and the research results are only used by these families.

"I don't know. What impressed her most deeply was a conversation with a person."

This girl is a programmer and she has access to a lot of people on the other side of the network.

Among them, the person on the Internet who was remembered by her subconscious was a stranger from outside the Yuanri Galaxy with whom she had been in frequent contact recently.

They talked a lot.

It has reached the point where we have to meet each other even if the blockers are broken.

The robot remembered the opponent's ID very clearly, and Ah Xian decided to give this ID to Wu Jingyang to check.

"This girl broke through the blocker and fell in love with that person?" Xixiu felt incredible.

The alliance's blockers are truly incredibly powerful.

Like her, she won't have that kind of impulse towards anyone now, no matter how good the other person is, or even if the person in front of her is the type that she will 100% like, it's useless.

Being indifferent will not cause any ripples.

The thing called hormones in her previous world would not be secreted at all.

Therefore, the heart will not beat faster for another person.

Ordinary men and women can be comrades, classmates, family members, and friends, but they cannot be lovers.

"Well, that should be the case. The other party mailed her a lot of things, the addresses were not detailed, and they seemed to contain potions."

Their people should be able to find this kind of thing when they find this girl's home.

After these people were stripped of their consciousness, no one came to clean up the scene, so their homes remained as they were before.

They have access to a wealth of information.

Because of the rain and the problem discovered by A Xian, Qing Zhixun decided to launch an investigation immediately, and only left after getting the results.

His computer skills are very powerful. He decomposed the network entrance of Yuan Day step by step and after retrieving a large amount of information, he finally found a place that matched the pattern drawn by the robot.

Fortunately, when he, Xixiu and the others entered Yuanri last time, they took away the device in the street lamp. From there, he successfully connected to Yuanri's network hub.

Got the complicated information inside.

Xixiu and Axian followed Qing Zhixun to the residence they found through the Internet based on the robot's drawings.

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