Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 358 - There is a kind of loneliness

When she opened the door, Xixiu found that the decoration here was super cozy, the room was in warm colors and was cleaned cleanly.

There was a bottle of potion on the dining table. Fortunately, the girl didn't put the package in the recycling bin.

They can get some useful information from the package and should be able to trace it to where it was sent.

Xixiu and the others waited for the scene handlers to collect all the evidence before entering the room without destroying anything.

This is the room of a girl who lives alone, with two bedrooms and one living room. Her robot will be squatting at the door of the bedroom, because their arrival has triggered the starting device.

"Danger, danger, a stranger has entered." The robot sounded the alarm.

Qing Zhixun thought it was noisy, so he used the control system in the living room to set it to standby mode.

He also used the device to make a copy of the data in other smart communication tools owned by the owner of this house.

After finding her information, Qing Zhixun asked Fu Chen to help find the girl's body according to the number.

Ask Fu Chen to open the terminal on her wrist, download all the data inside, and send a copy to him.

"It looks very ordinary here." A Xian whispered to Xi Xiu.

Xixiu nodded.

This girl looks so innocent.

I found out after talking to her.

She is a girl who loves life.

"She probably never thought that the people she met on the Internet could help her break through the blocker?"

"No, Yuan Ri canceled the injection of blockers a long time ago." Qing Zhixun turned to the owner's medical records and found that she had not injected blockers on time. To be precise, she had never injected them.

Xixiu and Axian looked at each other.

So, this girl can fall in love with the stranger on the other side of the Internet without hesitation?

"Ahem, didn't the Alliance notice?"

"Yuanri officials cooperated together and concealed the alliance."

In these years, except for those who must perform military service, no other citizens have been injected with blockers.

Yuan Ri was fake from top to bottom, even the medical records and physical examination records.

Starting about twenty-five years ago, the Yuanri people stopped injecting blockers.

This is worth pondering.

Xixiu didn't understand why Yuanri did this?

Their marriage is still matched by the central brain. In this case, these Yuanri people will definitely fall in love with others before matching.

After all, hormones are something that cannot be controlled!

This person treated the entire galaxy of Yuanri as an experimental subject.

Since Yuan Ri has been deceiving the alliance from top to bottom, that is, since twenty-five years ago, there has been a problem with the leaders sent by the alliance.

The leaders of Yuanri change every five years, and so far, five terms have passed.

It should be easy to start with the leaders of the Yuan Dynasty twenty-five years ago.

Qing Zhixun contacted Fang Jinyu on the way back. He had information on all Yuanri leaders sent out, including their current addresses.

Soon, Fang Jinyu sent the information of the five leaders to Qing Zhixun.

After returning to the place where they were stationed, Qing Zhixun entered the central intelligence brain and planned to find out all the files and interpersonal relationships of these people.

A Xian and Xixiu originally planned to leave, but Qing Zhixun asked them to see the result before leaving.

The two of them were sitting in Qing Zhixun's office, chatting.

Xixiu decided to give her the girl's data before leaving, so she contacted Fu Chen and asked him to tell it about the girl.

In the end, whether all her consciousness can return to her body depends on God's will.

Now that the girl's body has been found, Fu Chen will start to extract her consciousness first.

Fu Chen and the others have been working on this problem in the past few days, and they have gradually gained insights.

The scientific researchers of the alliance are all experienced and talented people.

However, this time things are tricky.

Although after the consciousness is derived, they are sure that they can return them to their own bodies, but how much they return is not up to them.

Qing Zhixun's hand speed is very fast.

After a while, he found these people's five-hundred-year-old family trees.

He sent these files to Xixiu and Axian. Xixiu had a nine-star database that could be cross-compared.

"These people all seem to be clean." A Xian didn't see anything wrong.

"It's very clean, but too clean." Xixiu's words made Ah Xian even more confused.

It is precisely because of this that the Central Intelligence Brain did not find anything wrong with them when they were nominated by the Council of Elders.

Let these people go to Yuanri smoothly.

"I didn't understand." Axian looked at Qing Zhixun with pleading eyes.

She really doesn't understand the crooked and bald nature of human beings.

"These people are specially trained and prepared talent weapons. To put it simply, these people are heading towards the position of Yuanri leaders. All their resumes and efforts are for this purpose."

Who is so prescient?

And he also knows the league’s standards for selecting talents, and has prepared so many people for the league to select.

A Xian frowned fiercely.

"Sir, can I make a copy of these people's information?" Xixiu planned to ask Feng Qiqi and the others to check on these people.

Long Xingxue and Ming Weiman also stopped doing their own things and focused all their energy on investigating this matter.

Because it concerns the glory of Jiuxing.

With these two old Jianghus taking action, and cooperating with Feng Qiqi and Bai Yinglong, Jiuxing's progress will be much faster.

"Okay. When the time comes, can Captain Hong cross-share the information we have collected with me?"

Xixiu nodded in agreement.

Yeah, increase the chances of meeting and discussing.


Ah Xian quietly gave Qing Zhixun a thumbs up without letting Xi Xiu notice.

Nothing happened, so Xixiu and A-Xian went back to pack their things. They would leave Yuanri and return to their base tomorrow morning.

The next day, before the stars of the first day had risen, Xixiu's starship took off.

Xi Xiu and A Xian stood side by side on the bridge of the starship, watching Yuan Ri getting smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a star, and sighed in their hearts.

Yuanri is actually a very beautiful planet. When it was far away, Xixiu saw its blue appearance.

Very similar to her hometown.

"What is Xixiu thinking about?" Ah Xian could feel the longing in her heart at this moment.

"This planet is very similar to my hometown." Xixiu said nothing more.

Similar to her hometown, Ah Xian can somewhat understand what will happen to her heart.

A-Xian turned sideways and hugged Xixiu.

For the Anweil ​​people, the meaning of hometown is very big and important.

Therefore, she could understand the sadness and longing in Xixiu's heart.

She left the space for Xixiu and returned to the cabin. Not far from the bridge, she saw Qing Zhixun leaning against the bulkhead.

His eyes were always in the direction of Xixiu, but he didn't see Ah Xian walking towards him.

A-Xian curled her lips. She was so focused on her future partner, where could she see her aunt?

When A-Xian turned around, Qing Zhixun's eyes had a intensity similar to that of Xi Xiu.

Does she miss her hometown too?

That hometown that I can no longer return to.

Do you think of him occasionally?

Probably not.

After all, he had been too distant from her in the past.

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