Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 373 - Rare Virus

Number 1 is the only genius so far who has survived the critical age of one year and five years. He has grown extremely well as an adult.

And No. 0 did not survive to adulthood.

Only a few of their current experiments have survived the age of five, and they are now very unstable. They will explode at any time because they themselves cannot control that powerful force at all.

They didn't know how No. 1 defeated the virus before. They thought it was because she was naturally strong and subdued the virus, so she lived to adulthood without exploding.

Later I found out that he was cured.

As long as they get No. 1's body, they can solve the hidden danger of these experimental subjects exploding based on her current genetic sequence.

Sihe glanced at these babies with their eyes still closed. Who would have thought that such a tender body could contain such powerful power?

In a small body, there is enough power to destroy their current Xingyao base.

"Really, what he said has been broken. Just wait and get the data. I hope you will study it as soon as possible. These weapons are the key to our victory." After speaking, Sihe went to another room.

He went to see several other surviving experimental subjects. The images transmitted from Xihe's eyes made Wei Lanshan's heart almost stop.

Because some of these children were roaring, the pain and heartbreak made Wei Lanshan's heart clench.

This situation was very similar to what she had seen before.

Those children who screamed like wild animals during the attack transmitted their voices to Wei Lanshan's ears through Xihe's monitoring system.

It hurt her so much.

And she had seen more than one person in this situation. Ye Zhenwei's late-stage symptoms of the disease were exactly the same as the pictures she saw and the sounds she heard now.

Now Wei Lanshan is certain that the virus on her and Ye Zhenwei was definitely not an accident.

But it is inevitable.

Wei Lanshan cut out the picture and stopped it on the face of a child who was having a seizure.

She stared at the child's painful face, her heart trembling, how could anyone be so cruel.

How could this be……

She will definitely find this person and expose all his evil deeds to the public.

Let this person be nailed to the pillar of shame forever and never be able to stand up again.

Liuyao and Qimang beside Wei Lanshan also saw this scene, as well as several of Wei Lanshan's assistants.

The starship is hidden in the dark, and the atmosphere inside the starship is very heavy at this moment.

Wei Lanshan's assistants are also researchers in the biomedical field. They know very well what the scene just means.

"Dr. Wei, should we report it to the alliance?" One of the assistants, Shi Shaoguang, couldn't help but ask.

They didn't know anything about Wei Lanshan and the Ye family. This matter was too important.

"Report it." Now that we have found out here, it is impossible to deal with Ye Zhenwei and the Ye family's affairs.

She had reported this matter to the Central Intelligence Brain before, but because of Ye Zhenwei's talent and her experimental issues, the Central Intelligence Brain did not pursue the matter and instead asked her to go to the Xianri Alliance to complete the task as punishment.

"Let's go to the Jinghui Galaxy." Wei Lanshan said to Qimang. After hearing the instruction, Qimang entered a series of coordinates and quickly left the star field.

On the way to Jing Huixing, Wei Lanshan gave Xi Xiu all the information she collected.

Only the conditions of those experimental subjects were not clear yet, so she did not give them.

She decided to check that person's birth information. Coincidentally, she was born in Jinghuixing.

This incident has now become the heaviest stone on her heart.

If all this is not a coincidence, then how much pain that person has experienced.

When they met, she looked healthy, and Wei Lanshan thought she had suddenly fallen ill. The virus was rare.

So when Ye Zhenwei also suffered from the same disease, the head of the Ye family asked her for help, and she left Gaia and went to the Tianning galaxy.

Just to make up for the regret of not being able to save that person in the first place.

As a result, she succeeded.

Also saved an innocent child.

Thinking about it now, Tang Yongyu must have concealed this matter. Otherwise, if she saved Ye Zhenwei, the Ye family should be grateful instead of silencing her.

Wei Lanshan decided to follow this line to investigate, check the Tang family, the Ye family, Ye Zhenwei's birth, and that person's birth information.

Wei Lanshan left the black star field quietly, and Xihe did not realize that he was being monitored and had data stolen.

It received a message that it was temporarily on standby, and Wei Lanshan pressed the button that automatically destroyed the code.

Sihe shook his head, feeling suddenly relaxed, which made him very confused.

He turned around and looked around, but found nothing out of the ordinary. His subordinates came in to report on the work and gave an account of the operations here.

"Sir Sihe, the energy here in Xingyao can still last for about a month."

"Well, I understand. I'll ask Nishio to rob a batch to replenish it. Is there any more?"

"Yes. It's just..." The subordinate stopped talking.

"If you fart, let it go."

"It's those scientific researchers who want Gaia's latest nutritional supplements and drinks. Also, here's the list."

The men turned the light screen towards Sihe.

Sihe looked at the long list of item names above. If it hadn't been a machine body, the veins on its forehead would have jumped ten times.

"Me! Let people prepare!" Sihe gritted his mechanical teeth and squeezed out these five words.

When Xihe's starship left the Xingyao Base, Wei Lanshan sent the coordinates here to the alliance, and the alliance guards followed up on the rest.

At Yuanri Station, Xixiu rubbed her brows after reading the information Wei Lanshan sent her.

He looked a little tired, and A-Xian also looked unhappy.

She responded to the data Wei Lanshan had obtained in the past few months, as well as the messages Xixiu had left to her before.

Li Xianfeng's matter was imminent, and Xixiu felt that he had grasped a key point.

"Sister Ah Xian, if Li Xianfeng lives in another way, which way is most likely?"

"The humans in the Alliance are not Anvilians, and the Alliance has confirmed Li Fengfeng's death."

"Before he died, there was a strange place where he saw a person."

Wei Lanshan's information was very comprehensive. She and Xu Fengxiang exchanged information about each other, and finally found out Li Fengfeng's movements before his death.

Uncharacteristically, he left Shang Yuexing's residence and met a person. The person who accompanied him was his robot assistant.

Xu Fengxiang found Li Yufeng's robot assistant from the long-lost Shang Yuexing warehouse.

Opening its data storage, luckily Li Xianfeng did not clear the robot's data. After they restored the data, they saw the "person" Li Xianfeng went out to meet.

"Who? The one from the Qin family?"

"Not sure. Judging from the tone and word usage, yes. But judging from the images retained by the robot's data, it cannot be called a human."

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