Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 374 - Long Xingxue Arrives

He is a person who looks weird and cannot be called a "human".

The body and facial features are human, but the various parts of the body are very uncoordinated.

He was unsteady when walking, his mouth leaked when he spoke, and his facial expression was distorted, which was not natural at all.

It was very similar to the post-stroke patients that Xixiu had seen before. He couldn't say what he wanted to say, his facial expression was dull, he had no strength and no energy.

Such people should not exist in the alliance.

The alliance's medical level is so high that Xi Xiu feels like magic, unless a virus that has not been discovered by Jing Su suddenly invades the human body, just like Ye Zhenwei's previous illness.

There are very few diseases in which human intervention, drugs, and machines have no effect.

That's why Xixiu was surprised by this person's appearance. It was obvious that he was underdeveloped.

Wei Lanshan marked the characteristics of this person on the few pictures: a suspected replicator.

The concept of clones has not appeared in the Alliance for a long time, so Wei Lanshan used it suspiciously.

Xixiu also spent a lot of time searching in the central brain, and finally compiled the information about the clones.

"The Jingsu Alliance prohibits this research. The law clearly stipulates it. Where did this person come from?"

Wei Lanshan would not jump to conclusions easily. Even though the name was suspicious, it was probably a clone.

"Li Xianfeng's friends all died before him, so this person is either his dead friend, or the Qin family who has always regarded him as a rival and confidant."

"But why did he do this?" A Xian was very puzzled. Did he spend hundreds of years just to subvert the alliance?

"Sister Axian, you don't understand human beings. This person obviously has an almost crazy obsession with immortality."

Crazy enough to do whatever it takes.

"Eternal life is not a good thing sometimes."

Xixiu shook her head. For her hometown, immortality has always been the goal of human exploration. This topic existed earlier than Li Xianfeng.

Human beings have endless desires, so they have such a desire for eternal life.

Who doesn't want to live forever?

Who doesn't want to live forever.

"Sister Axian, humans are different from you. You have natural advantages. Not many people in the alliance know this secret of yours."

Axian immediately understood the meaning of Xixiu's words. Anweil's secret must have been leaked.

The Anvilians, their consciousness can last forever, but they forget all the past before they get a new body.

Their consciousness will grow carefree in the place of origin until the Anwil companion has a life inheritance.

These consciousnesses will choose the pair of partners they are willing to be close to and become their children.

What they have accumulated over time is only their strength, and everything else will be forgotten naturally. Whether it is family members or partners, the moment they die, they all return to nothingness, leaving nothing behind.

For them, every death is real, and every time they get a body, it is a new life, reincarnation, without any memory.

"It's a headache. We ourselves never tell these secrets to the outside world, and very few people have access to Anvil. The only two times Anvil combined with humans, there were no big mistakes."

How did it leak out?

I can't find the reason, which is really frustrating.

"You said before that the nobleman of the Qin family who once pursued Anweil ​​at all costs, did he really like that Anweil ​​man sincerely?"

A Xian suddenly realized.

How come humans who have been injected with blockers suddenly become attracted to the Anvilians?

"I asked Wu Jingya to pay attention before, but I don't know if she paid attention to it."

"When Long Xingxue and Ming Weiman come over, leave these to them. By the way, let Long Da and Sister Jing Ya contact them." Xixiu looked at the information and found that he had been frowning more and more recently.

I don’t know how long it will take for this matter to come to light. This matter has always been on my mind. When she is stationed in Yuanri, she will have more worries.

"Well, there should be news about Wu Jingya soon." Axian just received the message from her sister yesterday, and her investigation there is nearing completion.

"It's pretty much what we guessed before."

"Well, the suspicion of the Qin family is getting bigger and bigger. If we find out that he has another purpose for chasing the Anweil ​​people, it will prove that he has an intention against Anweil."

Their family disappeared when Wu Jingya got some key information about the Qin family member and set foot on the Foxtail Galaxy again.

The Alliance guards who stayed here to monitor did not notice how they disappeared.

This has also become a mystery.

Long Xingxue arrived at Yuanri two days later and went to the planet where Feng Qiqi and the others were.

Xixiu transmitted the data and images sent back by Wei Lanshan to Long Xingxue through the terminal.

Long Xingxue, Feng Qiqi, and Bai Junge and Jiuxing all saw this information.

Ming Weiman originally made an appointment with Long Xingxue to come to Yuanri, but something needed to be dealt with temporarily, so Long Xingxue asked him to do other things.

"Long Da, what did Xixiu say?"

"She asked us to carefully compare it with the information you collected before and put it together."

Long Xingxue threw the key points drawn by Xi Xiu to Feng Qiqi and others.

The people from Jiuxing dispersed to look for clues before, and they gained something. Coupled with the information Wei Lanshan brought back this time, they should be able to analyze some clues.

Long Xingxue went to see Xu Fengxiang and Feng Yueci before he came. Xu Fengxiang even entered Li Xianfeng's cemetery and personally inspected Li Xianfeng's body. Genetic testing showed that it was him.

He also issued a report and asked Long Xingxue to bring it to Xixiu.

As for the picture stored by the robot, they didn't know who the person was.

After Xixiu got this picture, he asked Wu Jingyang to help filter the search. Fortunately, the central brain's storage capacity was large enough.

Wu Jingyang found the trajectory of this "person" five days later.

He marked the place where this "person" first appeared, where he boarded the starship, and who he met after he appeared. After finding out this information, he also simulated the scene.

Xixiu and A-Xian entered the virtual network and followed his trajectory.

Every place he stayed was interesting.

These galaxies were the paths that Li Xianfeng and that member of the Qin family walked together before he became famous.

He also went to meet some people who had worked with Li Xianfeng before. None of them knew what this person's purpose was. How could he be so familiar with Li Xianfeng's life trajectory?

The scenario display in the virtual network is short, but sufficient.

Xixiu and A-Xian were unable to leave the station and could only contact Long Xingxue through the Internet at a fixed time.

When the Internet was opened to the outside world again, Xixiu gave the information and scenes searched by Wu Jingyang to Long Xingxue.

"Xixiu, we have compared and analyzed all the information we have and will send you a copy." Feng Qiqi on the other end of the video chat spoke as he moved.

Kawen is so stuck that he has no manuscript saved...

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