Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 396 - Probably fun

They are all for a common purpose, to control these consciousnesses and achieve their own goals.

The part these people forget is occupied by code.

But are these blanks randomly selected?

Xixiu did not analyze more from these data. He only saw that the consciousness space occupied by these people was more or less without specific rules.

Qing Zhixun's view is the same as Xixiu's. The field of consciousness has always been a subject that cannot be thoroughly studied, otherwise the mental power of today's Alliance people would not be expanded.

"I'll pass these data to Aunt Lan and ask her for her opinion." Wei Lanshan knows many people and has many other channels. She has a broad vision and often has better breakthrough points.

"These data also explain everything. The people behind it are the same person." Qing Zhixun twisted his beautiful eyebrows and expressed what Xixiu and Axian were thinking.

These things, including the artificial star that Xixiu and Qing Zhixun accidentally entered, were all the work of the same person.

Qing Zhixun found the fire-like small machine model that he and Xi Xiu got on the artificial star on Huwei's island.

Qing Zhixun compared the production process of the two Huoli robots and found that they were made in the same year and loaded with the same programs.

It is a pet robot whose function is to please its owner.

"But what's the purpose?"

Xixiu cannot see through.

Although she had some thoughts in her mind, there was no evidence to support them.

"Have you ever thought that maybe his original purpose was just for fun?" Qing Zhixun's statement was a bit unreasonable.

"Is this possible?" A Xian scratched his head.

"Yes, not everything must have a purpose."

This person probably just wanted to make this immortal robot at first.

He also worked hard to design and create biological creatures. The original intention was to solve the problem of the combat effectiveness of alliance warriors.

It's just that the ability to create creatures was too terrifying, so Li Xianfeng had no choice but to stop him.

But this man was unwilling to let his research results go to waste, so he moved from the light to the dark.

These later events may also be derivatives of the lonely years.

Xixiu was surprised by Qing Zhixun's opinion. She didn't expect that his mind surpassed that of many people. If it were her, she would not think like this.

In the long years, if you do something bad, why do you do something that subverts other people's lives?

Qing Zhixun once had a very dark time. At that time, he had not avenged her and brought those who had harmed her to justice. His mentality was so explosive that he wanted to bury everyone with her.

Therefore, he can probably understand a little bit of the thoughts of the person behind it.

This person's persistence may not necessarily be because of a certain person, it may just be loneliness or too much time.

"Can humans really be so crazy?" A Xian's eyebrows were squeezed together tightly.

"Humans who have not undergone genetic modification can." Xixiu gave her a definite answer.

Ah Xian has never experienced her era and doesn't understand how terrifying the human heart can be.

The humans of the Jingsu Alliance have modified their genes and become more perfect in terms of character. Of course, some inferior genes must be eliminated.

Therefore, the persistence of humans in the Alliance towards certain things is not as convoluted as the humans in Xixiu's impression, which is why they fail to connect the humans in their hometown with the humans in Jingsu.

She thought that this universe was so borderless that it was not impossible for intelligent creatures like humans to be born.

She didn't become suspicious until the robot terracotta warriors and the city buildings copied one by one.

Hearing Xixiu's affirmative reply, A-Xian opened his mouth slightly and didn't know how to continue speaking.

"We should be close to catching him by the tail, and then it will be clear."

There was news not long ago from the owner of the artificial star he and Xixiu visited.

Someone drove a starship and went to the artificial star to load cargo, but returned disappointed.

His personal bodyguards had already followed him. They were warriors trained by the Qing family and only served for the Qing family.

Judging from the footage they sent back, that person actually went there in person.

Qing Zhixun showed the video to Xixiu and A-Xian, "This is the artificial star." A-Xian was very sure.

"Well, someone went there and saw the razed underground swamp. He got so angry that he almost destroyed the artificial star."

"Did you see what he looked like?"

"Here." Qing Zhixun pointed at a robot on the screen.

“He was giving the orders the whole time.”

This robot is actually the same as the one Yi Mingda and the others saw on Miao Run's escape from the fish-man starship.

Qing Zhixun had already reached the video that Yi Mingda handed over to Tianwei Station earlier, and compared it with his video.

"It is also the one who provides weapons to Miao Run's enemies."

Xixiu looked at the screen again. The robot looked a bit dull. She wondered if it was her imagination.

Ah Xian felt that it was impossible for such a robot to be the mastermind behind everything.

"Could it be that it's just a chess piece?" A Xian was unsure.

"Sister Axian, don't make preconceptions. Maybe this is just its disguise. You forgot that it can freely travel through every machine."

But this machine, maybe it likes it the most?

"Still, I can't believe it." Ah Xian felt that Xi Xiu's reasons did not completely convince her.

"If you compare the expression of the clone who went to see Li Xianfeng, you can see the similarities. The expression of this robot is exactly the same as that of the clone."

Xixiu opened the previous video. Axian watched it several times and finally confirmed what Xixiu said.

"This... does it like this kind of devilish expression?"

"Maybe it's because of its bad taste." It's hard to explain human quirks.

Even if Xixiu said it, Ah Xian couldn't understand it with his thinking.

"Is this video from Jiuxing?" Qing Zhixun was more interested in this clone.

"Yes, sir, do you want to make a copy of the research?" Xixiu remembered that he had not exchanged this information with Qing Zhixun.

"May I?"


This is nothing that shouldn't be spread. Li Yongfeng is already suspected to be the mastermind behind this. Is there anything else Jiuxing can't let the world know about?

"I'll also check the information from Qing's family and let you know the results." After speaking, he showed his white teeth.

Obviously he was very happy, but Xixiu felt a little baffled.


The three people synthesized their respective analysis results and finally came to a conclusion that was not yet a conclusion.

This man wanted to lure Li Xianfeng into a big deal, but after being rejected by Li Xianfeng, he decided to go it alone.

But for some unknown reason, before Li Xianfeng passed away, he went to find him again and showed him another appearance.

And the babies they found in the black area, used for experiments, obviously had a greater effect.

As for what purpose it was for, Wei Lanshan happened to be at the next location where Xixiu and the others were going.

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