Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 397 - Meeting Wei Lanshan on the road

It took Qing Zhixun and his starship more than six hours to reach the next coordinate. When they arrived, they found that there were other small starships parked there.

Xixiu saw the emblem on the starship through the surveillance screen, and she said excitedly: "It's Aunt Lan's starship."

Wei Lanshan's emblem is an easily identifiable wave, which echoes her name "Lan".

This is an important thing Xixiu has written down since she came to Jingsu. There are already several emblems in her space Newli, and she will visit them one by one when she has time in the future.

After confirming that it was Wei Lanshan's starship, Xixiu connected to her video call.

Wei Lanshan also saw Xixiu's starship on her surveillance screen. She was surprised when she received a video message from Xixiu.

"Aunt Lan, we are behind you." Xixiu's tone was unusually cheerful.

The video call was quickly connected, and Wei Lanshan's face appeared in the video call. When she saw her, she seemed to have found her backbone.

Wei Lanshan's influence on her was really profound.

"Xixiu, I didn't expect to meet you here." Wei Lanshan was also happy to see Xixiu.

For Wei Lanshan, Xixiu is both the evil and the good in her life.

Evil because Xixiu should not have been born. She was a life created by her against her own morality and will.

Goodness is because Xixiu has grown into a warrior who can stand in the wind and rain and protect the Jingsu Alliance.

"Hmm, Aunt Lan, why are you here?" Xixiu knew that Wei Lanshan must have tracked down some clues, otherwise she wouldn't be here alone.

"Wait until I get to your starship."

Wei Lanshan sent an entry request to Qing Zhixun's starship, and then she and her assistant drove an independent fighter plane into Qing Zhixun's starship.

Xixiu was waiting for Wei Lanshan at the entrance and saw her and her assistant striding in.

"Major Qing, I am Wei Lanshan."

"Dr. Wei, I have long admired your name."

After the two parties greeted each other, Qing Zhixun invited Wei Lanshan into the conference room.

The data they obtained in the black area was handed over to Wei Lanshan for processing.

This was not the first time Wei Lanshan had seen this scene. She had followed Xihe to a star field before and had seen these scenes through Xihe's mechanical eyes.

"This is the second laboratory I have seen." Qing Zhixun and Xixiu both understood what Wei Lanshan said.

It seems there will be many such laboratories.

Not far in front of them, there was probably a third such laboratory.

Wei Lanshan briefly talked about her trajectory. She came here following Jing Huixing's clues.

She has been investigating in Jinghuixing for more than ten days, and she really found some interesting traces.

She discovered that thirty years ago, Tang Yongyu returned to Jinghuixing while pregnant with Ye Zhenwei. At that time, she often went out for no reason, and came to this star field.

Out of sensitivity, Wei Lanshan also came here. After so many years, she originally had no hope that anyone would still be here, but she still decided to go in and take a look.

She was just looking for a way in, otherwise it would be easy to get lost.

Unexpectedly, Xixiu and the others arrived.

Wei Lanshan explained her purpose of coming here, and also gave Qing Zhixun some information she had obtained, including Ye Zhenwei's birth.

After she arrived at Jinghuixing, she searched in many ways and finally found some of Tang Yongyu's whereabouts.

Although thirty years have passed, some traces will not disappear, otherwise the central brain will become a decoration.

She found out that Tang Yongyu returned to Jinghuixing during her pregnancy. More than once, Ye Zhenwei was born in Jinghuixing.

Moreover, some of Ye Zhenwei's medical files showed signs of forgery, which only Tang Yongyu could do in Jing Huixing.

Xixiu and the others saw Ye Zhenwei's birth information given by Wei Lanshan and thought it was crazy.

"Dr. Wei, was Ye Zhenwei born in one of these laboratories?" Qing Zhixun asked uncertainly.

Wei Lanshan shook her head: "No. Ye Zhenwei was a child born in a normal marriage, but her birth had a few more procedures."

Tang Yongyu and the Tang family went crazy.

They manipulated Ye Zhenwei's body. To be precise, they did crazy and outrageous experiments on Ye Zhenwei when she was still an embryo.

Both Xixiu and A-Xian looked at the information obtained by Wei Lanshan. This evidence was enough to prove that Ye Zhenwei's talent was not innate, but man-made.

"Has the artificially created mental talent passed the test?" Qing Zhixun was a little unbelievable.

But Wei Lanshan nodded.

"How to create?"

"Through a virus."

Qing Zhixun didn't know about Ye Zhenwei's previous illness, so he read her file from beginning to end.

"This virus can instantly enhance a person's mental power. However, it is difficult for a human's physical strength to survive the moment when mental power explodes." Wei Lanshan further explained.

"Where did you get this virus?" Every question Qing Zhixun asked was to the point.

"I haven't found the source of this yet. That's why I chased all the way here to find out where this virus was obtained."

Hearing this, Xixiu's heart tightened a little. She thought of her birth and the pain in her body.

If it weren't for Jing Xin Jue, she might have exploded and died long ago.

She had many questions in her mind, so she had to keep them in mind and look for an opportunity to ask Wei Lanshan later.

Wei Lanshan would definitely not say these things in front of others, but Xixiu was sure that the virus in her body was not obtained from Ye Zhenwei.

As for where it is, Xixiu has a vague guess in her heart, it can only be the mother's body.

Qing Zhixun felt that this matter was too important and he had to ask clearly: "How did they get in touch with this?"

What Qing Zhixun was puzzled about was how did the Tang family learn that someone was doing this experiment, and how dare they do it on their own relatives?

"The head of the Tang family is an extremely headstrong person. He wants the Tang family to rise, but the Tang family has never given birth to a child with excellent talents, so he has been looking for someone to secretly conduct experiments. That person contacted the Tang family in this way. On."

As for why the children of Tang Yongyu and Ye Yunhan were used, it was probably because Ye Yunhan was easier to control.

Although the Ye family is in charge of the Tianning Galaxy, Ye Yunhan's talent is pretty good.

However, because Mr. Ye's partner doted on Sylvia Yunhan too much, he developed a arrogant and arrogant character.

It was Ye Yunhan's temperament that allowed the Tang family to take advantage of this loophole.

Tang Yongyu stayed in Jinghuixing throughout her pregnancy. Ye Yunhan was too busy with official duties, so he never became suspicious.

I don’t know if Tang Yongyu was exceptionally lucky, but after Ye Zhenwei was born, her talent actually reached an astonishing 3S.

The Tang family made the right bet.

However, Ye Zhenwei was infected with a virus for the first time after she was four years old. She couldn't control her mental power and almost died.

Happy May Day to all book friends!

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