Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 414 -Fell into the pit

Just filtering the information takes a long time because there are no shortcuts.

The data needs to be filtered one by one through keywords, and Jingsu’s daily information is calculated in hundreds of millions, which is so much...

Not to mention, what they have to sift through is hundreds of thousands of years of information.

The workload is very, very heavy.

"Well, leave this matter to Qing Sansui and keep it on standby."

It is estimated that it will take more than two months, and it will only consume some energy.

"Ahem, I can also do it together." Qimang opened his mouth at the right time at Xixiu's signal.

"Okay, then Captain Hong, Qimang, please stay in my office for now."

Xixiu has no objection.

It's also a good thing to be able to contribute.

In the Wuyuan system, there are more medical procedures, but Qimang is better at processing these data.

After making the decision, Xixiu thought about what the Central Intelligence Brain said over and over again. The Central Intelligence Brain did not give her Qin Jian's preliminary file.

In the data packet given by the central intelligence brain, there are twists and turns of nepotism among various families in the alliance.

There are also some traces downloaded from its database, belonging to many people, including those suspected of having dealings with Qin Jian, as well as families and galaxies.

But there is no information about Qin Jian.

It is possible that it cannot be given.

There are restrictions in its program.

"Sir, are there any restrictions in Zhinao's program?"

Xixiu decided to ask Qing Zhixun. His knowledge in this area was too much superior to hers.

"There are basically people who look at designs."

Qing Zhixun explained to Xixiu the principles of Jingsu's central brain, its program structure, data, etc.

However, the origin of the central intelligence brain was a mystery, and he could not find accurate information on this point.

"Its origin is a mystery. At the beginning, the Jingsu Alliance did not have a central intelligence brain. Anweir planned to use their intelligence brain in the entire Jingsu Alliance, and it appeared."

Xixiu really didn't pay attention to this before. It seems that no matter what information is in the future, he must pay attention to it. He may come in handy at some point.

"The central brain of Anweil ​​was designed by the Anweil ​​people, and was gradually improved over the course of about two hundred years," Qing Zhixun added.

"Sister A Xian, are you familiar with it?"

A Xian shook his head. That guy couldn't even handle a genius like Wu Jingyang, let alone her. Every time he communicated with it, he felt tired.

Not much better than the one just now.

I don’t know who its character comes from, but it doesn’t please anyone.

Wu Jingyang fought with it several times and was completely defeated.

Later, the cubs of the Wu family no longer wanted to challenge its "authority", and they did whatever it said.

As long as it doesn't violate the original intention of the Anvil people.

"I'm not familiar with it. It rarely appears. Only Wu Jingyang can force it to come out."

Anyone else want to see it?

It's probably better to go to the sea of ​​​​stars to find the location of the "God's Domain".

It takes a very strong heart to talk to it.

Otherwise, if you are attacked by it every minute, you will be willing to lead it.

"The two brains have the same rules, both for easier calculation, storage, and monitoring."

"What's the difference?" Xixiu's voice was crisp.

"The central intelligence brain is made by humans. Its program was originally based on humans and only on intelligent creatures. Later, after Jingsu continued to expand, it was changed to focus on the interests of all intelligent creatures."

Xixiu doesn't understand.

I gained a lot of experience today.

"Judging from its language, expressions and actions just now, the central brain may be closer to human personality than Anweil's."

Indeed, A Xian nodded.

"Okay, thank you sir for clarifying my doubts."

Xixiu was silent for a moment, then continued to look at the data. Then, she discovered that one of the data belonged to Li Xianfeng.

The central brain recorded the strangeness and fluctuations when Li Xianfeng's consciousness appeared. There were six places in total where it appeared.

This is the most helpful to them. They can follow these traces to explore the scope of Li Fengfeng's activities.

Xixiu did not expect that although the central intelligence brain did not provide information about Qin Jian himself, it did provide information about the people who interacted with Qin Jian.

This is also in disguise, it can be regarded as providing another direction.

Thinking of the deliberately vicious look it had just made, Xixiu kept laughing in her heart.

He is a cute child who is firm in his principles.

A Xian looked at this long list of data and kept clicking his tongue.

I was a good boy, and I got so much useful information without saying a word, and there were even some records of Anweil.

"Xixiu, is this what it is willing to give?" Ah Xian swallowed.

"Well, except for Qin Jian's personal information, it gave everything else that should be given."

It definitely hopes to resolve these matters completely and maintain the peace of this star field.

The reason why there has been no action for so long is that she guessed that its program was artificially blocked.

Xixiu shared the data packet with Qing Zhixun. As for the problems between the aristocratic families, let him solve them.

Just let her do the fighting.

Jiuxing still needs her to hold things together.

"These are included in the information about the Qing family that I gave you before. However, the Qing family did not receive any effective information on these matters regarding the Boyuan family."

Things may go beyond previous expectations.

There may be a lot of people in the alliance involved in these things.

Otherwise, from which channel did the other party get Jingsu's most advanced weapons, warships, and various information?

"You said, these people have surrendered to the Qin family?" Ah Xian grabbed the leaves of the ebony and said angrily.

"It's almost certain." Qing Zhixun's expression was also solemn.

"But why?"

"I don't know. If we know, we can find the direction."

"Xi Xiu, tell me." Ah Xian looked at Xi Xiu. Whenever she couldn't figure out a problem, Xi Xiu could have a good idea.

"Sister Ah Xian, they do this for power, money, fame, and profit, plus a little bit of immortality."

Greed is probably human nature.

It may also be that the future that the Qin family described to them is too wonderful, so that these people want to achieve it at all costs.

"But, after the consciousness is immortal and mixed with the machine, it is no longer oneself." This is the conclusion drawn by Wu Jingyang. Ah Xian believes that his level will not be wrong.

"The problem is that the pie that person painted for them is too big, too beautiful, and too filling. They don't know that there are traps in it." Many people were probably excited when they heard about immortality, and they didn't ask how to get it or if there were other costs. In addition to supporting him, there would be any uncontrollable accidents. The Qin family certainly didn't say these things. So, this group of people must have been deceived by the Qin family. Don't think about it, will he let these people be free and powerful immortal? How can he manage them if they are not convinced for a long time? Mother's Day, time, where have you gone?

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