Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 415 - Under Observation

Just the word eternal makes these people bend their backs and ignore everything and the overall situation.

"Then what do we do next?"

Axian was a little worried. There was not much time left before the crisis in Anweil. They had to be prepared to return to Anweil.

Get home before a crisis occurs.

"There won't be any big problems for the time being. Even if there is a problem, the frontline will be able to handle it first."

The Jingsu Alliance will definitely give priority to Anvil's issue, and Qing Zhixun is not worried about their departure.

If there is an irreversible crisis in Anweil, the Jingsu Alliance cannot be saved.

Therefore, Qing Zhixun was not worried at all that their vacation would not be approved.

"Sister Ah Xian, after sorting out these issues, we can hand them over to Feng Qi Qi and Bai Junge. If not, we will still have Xu Da and the others."

In this way, even if they return to Anweil, there will still be people here in Jiuxing to deal with these matters.

And she planned to organize all the information before returning to Anville, and then find out the direction of the next investigation.

As for Bai Yinglong and Feng Yuici who were out, they had already sent messages to Xixiu.

After the two quietly left Shang Yuexing, they did not go directly to visit the few remaining masters.

But through Gu Jinyan, he found out the whereabouts of the other party.

Gu Jinyan had kept a low profile in the past few years. After he learned about the goals of Feng Yueci and Bai Yinglong, he helped find out the whereabouts of several other grandmasters without any hesitation.

These old guys are no longer in the alliance long ago, and their whereabouts are a mystery.

After Feng Yueci and Bai Yinglong got their activity tracks, they looked at each other, thinking that it was indeed the case.

These sudden defections are already very suspicious, and the change of attitude towards Jiu Xing is even more suspicious.

Bai Yinglong and Feng Yuici firmly believed that they had become the dog legs of the Qin family. As for why they were willing to surrender, it must be because the other party promised them benefits beyond their imagination.

If they are not in the league, where will they be?

Gu Jinyan only found out that when they left Jingsu, they were on a private starship without any emblem.

After entering the transmission channel, they did not come out from the exit of the channel, but disappeared into the channel.

It was the same fluctuation as when Ye Zhenwei disappeared inexplicably last time.

Gu Jinyan looked a little nervous when she saw this. Yoqila and Zhang Jixing followed Ye Zhenwei and disappeared like this.

Although they have been found and both have recovered, Yokila and Zhang Jixing know nothing about each other's disappearance.

As their master, Gu Jinyan searched for them in many ways when they disappeared, but there was no news.

Finally, the Alliance warriors found their starship, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yokila and Zhang Jixing are his close disciples, and nothing can happen to them.

After Yukila and Zhang Jixing woke up, he sent a video message and found that neither of them had any memory of what happened during this period.

This is not normal.

But the soldiers on a starship are all in this state.

After the starship entered the passage, they fell asleep inexplicably.

I don’t know what happened during this period, who entered the starship, and I don’t even know if anything happened to me.

Therefore, the soldiers on this starship are now in the observation period.

The league has to be cautious.

Since the consciousness can be forcibly loaded, if these warriors are kidnapped by the opponent, there will be something in the consciousness that should not exist without them knowing it, and they will become the opponent's tool in the future. This is very important to Jingsu. Said, there will be big loopholes.

This starship is full of Tianwei warriors, and the warriors will have a chance to be transferred every five years.

When these soldiers go to other stations and their network of relationships expands, it is impossible to predict what will happen.

I hope it won't be what they suspected. Xu Jiusong was also very helpless when he made this decision.

However, they cannot afford to take this risk.

Therefore, Gu Jinyan did not see Yuqi La and Zhang Jixing and could only have a video chat.

He got no useful information from them and instead became more confused.

That's why he seemed nervous after seeing these masters leaving Jingsu in the same way.

But these people obviously boarded the starship voluntarily. Judging from the last information displayed on their terminals, they left on an appointment.

Although the starship does not have an insignia, it is obviously to facilitate anonymity.

Gu Jinyan chatted with Feng Yueci and Bai Yinglong for a long time. They talked about the current situation of the alliance and the purpose of the person behind it.

After hearing that Jiuxing had handed over all its power to Hong Xixiu, Gu Jinyan felt very unhappy. This was not the first time that he had made a mistake.

Back then, he and Wei Lanshan had obviously met earlier, but they still let Wei Lanshan go to Jiuxing.

And this time, he knew Hong Xixiu first, even though he was only close to her because of Wei Lanshan Jiuxing.

But, after all, I am too short-sighted.

"Nine stars of good luck." Gu Jinyan's words were very bitter. Although Yokila was excellent, she was not very convincing.

Hong Xixiu is different. Everyone around her is very convinced of her and has a lifelong friendship with her. She is also easy-going and can put effort into improving the strength of the team.

In terms of mentality, both he and Yokila lose.

"That's right, when Xu Fengxiang said it, we didn't hesitate." Feng Yueci was very proud of the good seedling that he couldn't miss.

Gu Jinyan wanted to hit someone, but there was no reason.

I only hope that after this battle, Yokila can change her character. Ye Zhenwei is afraid that he is not an easy master to follow.

Gu Jinyan is worried about the future of his apprentice, because Yuan Chuhong has been by Ye Zhenwei's side for many years, and now Yuan Chuhong has become a person wanted by the alliance.

When their observation period is over, it's hard to say whether the alliance will reuse Ye Zhenwei.

"You Jiuxing deserve it too." In the past few hundred years, although Jiuxing has declined somewhat, it has still inherited Li Yifeng's character.

They can be found across the league.

In this regard, Gu Jinyan still admires Jiuxing very much. As far as Bai Yinglong and Feng Yuici are concerned, their contribution to the alliance has reached the first level.

Their service period is the longest in the past two hundred years of Jingsu and Suzhou, sixty years, and no one has broken it yet.

The same goes for other people in Jiuxing, who have achievements that cannot be erased.

"Thank you." Bai Yinglong turned to look out the window. They were now in Gu Jinyan's residence, which was very comfortable.

The star is about to go west.

They have been chatting here all day.

They all expressed their views on the future of the alliance, their own path, and the war that is likely to break out.

"If it really breaks out, I will return to the battlefield when the time comes. Grandmaster Jingsu's pride will not be allowed to be trampled on by anyone." Gu Jinyan's words were sonorous and powerful.

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