Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 416 - Others breathe fragrance

Bai Yinglong and Feng Yueci were also deeply shocked.

"Lao Gu's spirit is worth learning from Jiuxing. If this day comes, Yinglong and I will definitely wear battle armor again." The three of them looked at each other and smiled.

Bai Yinglong and Feng Yuici left Gu Jinyan's residence when night fell.

Stepping down the steps, Feng Yuici turned around and looked up. The ancient house was hidden among the mountains.

"Gu Jinyan's passion is still there." Feng Yuici sighed after turning around.

"Well, you and I, including everyone, are still here." Bai Yinglong was talking about the people of Jiuxing.

"Go back and tell Xixiu and the others about the whereabouts of these people."


The two people did not use the teleportation device, but went down the mountain step by step.

It’s been a long time since I walked away so slowly.

Feng Yueci was a little distracted.

"Feng Da, Jiuxing can survive this difficulty." Bai Yinglong raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Don't worry, with Xixiu and Wu Jingxian, we should be able to save the day."

This is a test for Jiu Xing, and Jiu Xing will definitely be able to pass it.

"Has the Alliance really forgotten Jiuxing's contribution?" Bai Yinglong was actually very sad.

In the past five hundred years, Jiuxing has used the blood of countless warriors to maintain the peace of Jingsu. They went wherever it was the most painful, and they rushed to the front wherever it was most dangerous.

"Not everyone will forget selectively. At least Xixiu has not forgotten, and we will not forget either."

Feng Yueci is very confident in the future of Jiuxing. When these matters are completely resolved, Jingsu will see a brighter star.

"I don't know if Junge and the others have found any information."

Feng Yuici patted Bai Yinglong and said, "Youxiu will take them with you. I believe they won't get nothing."

After Xixiu and A-Xian returned to the dormitory, they received video messages from Feng Yueci and Bai Yinglong.

I learned that about six of the alliance's grandmasters had behaved in questionable ways.

"Baida, thank you for your hard work, Feng Da." Xixiu and Axian's faces appeared in the video.

"This is the clue we found through Gu Jinyan. The situation may not be optimistic." Bai Yinglong gave the data to Xixiu.

Feng Yueci also talked about some situations of Gu Jinyan's two disciples, "Yoqila and Zhang Jixing are both under observation now. It depends on Xu Shuai when the observation will end."

They really don't know about this.

Qing Zhixun didn't say anything either.

Wei Lanshan has already gone to Tianwei, but she has not sent the news back.

It was obviously a decision that had just been made.

However, in Xixiu's view, observing may not yield results.

If the other party really wants to do it, he will definitely do it very secretly.

Unless the Tianwei station uses a program to check the consciousness of these disappeared warriors to see if there is anything extra that should not exist, this can achieve the effect.

However, this is almost impossible to implement.

The soldiers just disappeared for a while without any memory doubts. Xu Shuai's decision to stay and observe had already made the soldiers resist.

They believed that they did not violate the alliance, but that they had an accident on the way to aid, and the alliance should provide compensation instead of monitoring them.

Xixiu guessed that the observation time may not be too long. In the future, these soldiers can only be stationed and pay attention to their behavior at any time.

Take immediate action if there is any abnormality.

"As for these masters, their behavior is very suspicious." Feng Yueci's words brought Xixiu back from his thoughts.

Xixiu checked their whereabouts in the past few years, including some videos on Xingwang where they denounced Jiuxing. The words were fierce and every word was vicious, as if Jiuxing had really done such an evil thing.

It is really unbelievable that this is the fragrance that the Alliance Grandmaster can exhale.

Ah Xian kept smacking his tongue: "Xi Xiu, your language is really profound and profound. The words of these people can be called a national curse if translated into the language of any galaxy."

"Yeah." Xixiu actually felt very uncomfortable, thinking that she had lived a miserable life as a child in her previous life, and she had never experienced anyone spitting out such sweet things.

Later, when we entered society, everyone was a civilized person, and we would not greet other people's ancestors for eighteen generations.

And these masters, who are respected as elites by the alliance, are hearing the unspeakable words that are many times worse than national curses.

The backbones of the Jiuxing people were said to be worthless by these people. The five hundred years of sacrifice were equivalent to feeding the dogs.

"It's really, really abominable." The more he heard about it, the more A-Xian couldn't help it.

"It seems that when we searched for information on the Star Network, we still missed some information." Xixiu said through gritted teeth.

She clenched her fist again, and the veins on her forehead were looming, obviously she was really angry.

She felt like her lungs were going to explode.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't find these people now, she would have attacked them all on the spot.

What the hell are they!

Holding the offerings of the Alliance, eating the fat of the Alliance people, yet here they have such great malice towards the Nine Stars people who have been coming and going through thick and thin for five hundred years.

This face is really disgusting.

However, Xixiu still endured her anger and watched the video jointly made by these people.

They started from the origin of Jiuxing, including Li Yufeng's origin, and every word they said was unkind.

A Xian's face has changed. She saw the ugliness of people's hearts in this video.

Really, let her down.

"These people violate their conscience and dare to swear to the God of the Starry Sky."

I swear, Jiuxing is full of people like this.

No, they don't dare.

"Sister Axian, people's hearts are greedy. If they do this, they will definitely get benefits."

Xixiu has experienced many experiences in society, and he understands the changeable nature of people's hearts.

We also understand that driven by interests, people will make unusual choices.

However, the more I watch these videos, the more something seems wrong. It is impossible for a high-quality grandmaster to spit out the fragrance so recklessly.

There are still a few people sitting together, and they are so unrestrained because of one thing, swearing at people.

Xixiu slowly realized something was wrong.

There was a slight dissonance between the words of these people and their actions.

She paused the scene where one of the people was talking and looked carefully at his facial expression.

I also went to Xingwang to search for videos of this person giving speeches in some public places, and compared the screenshots.

A-Xian watched quietly from the side, knowing that she had discovered something suspicious, so he did not interrupt her train of thought.

Xixiu made ten comparisons, ranging from facial micro-expressions, habitual movements, to the person's idioms, and found that the person in the curse video was different from his previous behavior.

This difference cannot be seen without looking carefully, "Xixiu, is there something wrong?"

After looking at the model data made by Xixiu, Ah Xian understood that there must be something wrong with these people.

"The consciousness of these people is probably controlled by others." Xixiu's voice was a little low and depressed, because she didn't know whether these people were completely complicit or "forced".

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