Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 417 - The Greedy Nature

Ah Xian looked at the dozens of different places that Xi Xiu pointed at. The last videos of these people were indeed different from those that had been made public before.

However, this does not mean that they are not maliciously attacking Jiuxing.

"Control can be divided into being controlled and actively letting others control."

Xixiu's words suddenly enlightened Axian. She thought thoughtfully. These people might have been held hostage, or they might have sold their souls.

"But how can we tell whether they are forced or active." The problem still remains.

"It's hard for me to think of a solution to this problem. Let's classify them as active first, and then find a way to verify it."

The words these people received were really harsh. Xixiu didn't think they were being coerced. You know, there are not many people in the alliance who can shake the grandmaster.

These people are probably doing it for profit, and perhaps, they also want to live forever.

In the future, even if something happens, they can just say that they were forced to do it and have no idea how they got into it.

No need to take any risks.

Xixiu hopes they will be forced to do so soon.

However, with their strength, they can still partially suppress other programs that are mainly anti-customers. At least they can warn those close to them.

But, they didn't do this at all.

"This is the most unpleasant thing I have ever heard since I was a child. It makes me want to punch someone."

"Okay, we'll be together then."

If he still encounters these people, Xixiu decides to fight them first regardless of the situation.

"They have such a high status. It's unclear whether the Qin family will succeed. They don't have such a vision."

"The oldest among them is over 300 years old this year. The new technology brought back by Aunt Lan allows us to extend our life span by more than a hundred years. They shouldn't be so anxious to live forever."

Even if you want "immortality", you should take it slow. They are obviously acting too hastily.

What is the reason?

"Sister A-Xian, tell me, could it be that their bodies cannot withstand the strength due to their increased mental strength, so they want to find another way?"

Ah Xian's golden eyebrows frowned.

This possibility mentioned by Xixiu is probably the root cause.

The current limit of mental power that the human body can bear, and the current highest record of the central brain is Li Xianfeng.

As for Ye Zhenwei, her mental power has surpassed that of Li Xianfeng, but because the central brain has not evaluated it, it is not recorded in the book.

After the mental power reaches 3S, if the physical quality cannot keep up, a lot of irreversible damage will occur.

For example, damage to organs.

Some may even experience a collapse of consciousness.

If the mental strength of these people has really been improved, it will have reached the level of 3S.

Even if their bodies, which are more than three hundred years old, are strengthened, they may not be able to withstand this kind of mental power.

"Their bodies are in irreversible condition, but can't the alliance solve it through medical means?" A Xian did not think of the key point.

"Yes, it is possible, but medical treatment is not a long-term solution. The organs are constantly worn out, which will not help them improve their strength at all, but will become a drag."

Performing a medical operation is not as easy as imagined, not to mention it is an operation to replace an organ.

It requires making an appointment, filing, and medical scientists also need to evaluate why such an operation must be performed, what causes organ damage, etc.

The secret of their sudden improvement in mental power can no longer be hidden.

"But, is it worth it?" Anvil people would not make such a choice, and would rather die and return to nothingness.

"Sister Axian, human beings are probably the most complex intelligent creatures. Because people's hearts are greedy."

This is nature.

Some people go to the extreme and believe that living is more important than anything else, even if they have no dignity, even if they become someone else's lackey.

"Okay." Anvil has not been able to understand the human mind for so long, probably because humans are too complex and extreme.

"Then, how do we know that their mental power has improved?"

"Didn't the central intelligence brain ask us to check those people whose mental power suddenly increased? Qing Zhixun has agreed to use the Qing family's channels to check. I believe we will get accurate information soon."

Although there are records directly in the central brain, as long as you have entered the virtual network, there will be a copy of the data there.

Unless, these people have learned how to restrain their mental power.

But it shouldn't be possible.

No human in the Alliance knows this skill.

Anweil's secret skills were never revealed.

The Qing family will soon be able to obtain a large amount of data, and they estimate that they will have answers as long as they wait a few days.

"It's really sad." A-Xian pursed his lips. Even if he wanted to get a new body, or eternal life, no matter what, he shouldn't step on others to get it.

This is a matter of basic courtesy.

"Yes, indeed." Xixiu had seen enough in his previous life that it was no longer strange.

"Xixiu, tell me about humans." Axian was very curious, "By the way, what on earth did the central brain talk to you about?"

"It asked me the year I was born, and also, how old I was when I died."

"Why are you asking this?" Why is this guy exposing people's wounds? It's so abominable.

"Confirm something." It also allowed her to indirectly confirm something.

It really comes from my hometown.

This made Xixiu very excited.

After so long, she finally got the news about the past. Although the guy didn't say anything, Xixiu was confident that he would let go and tell her personally in the future.

Maybe it wouldn't be a very good history, but at least it could bring an end to her worries.

"Oh. What did you want to tell me?"

"Sister Axian, do you believe in miracles?"


"The miracle is that it comes from the same place and the same planet as me."

"you sure?"

"Pretty sure."

This is indeed amazing.

"But, do you know what this means?" Ah Xian was very worried about Xi Xiu when he heard this, fearing that she would be sad.

Because, since they come from the same place, why did the central brain come to Jingsu and go through the long interstellar voyage.

Obviously, their journey will not be smooth, and the reason why they left their home planet must be because it is no longer habitable.

Or, some devastating disaster happened there and they had to go to the universe to find a way out.

"I know. No matter what the situation is there now, at least, I can know the ending."

Beautiful, with everything she cares about, her hometown, where is her end and the starting point of this life.

"Xixiu, you can find the answer to this matter after Jingsu calms down. Then, I will go with you."

"Okay, thank you sister A-Xian." He smiled, Wu Jingxian's heart was really soft.

"I also want to see how beautiful the planet that raised Xixiu is."

There is one more chapter that needs to be posted later. I worked overtime until early in the morning last night and had no time to type. I am such a hard worker!

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