Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 433 - 100 Years After Death

"Yes, but our technology is not as powerful as Jingsu's. According to the time given by the central intelligence brain, it will take a hundred years after my death for my hometown to successfully cross the galaxy where we are."

As for the reason why they left their hometown, it did not say this.

Xixiu guessed that there might have been some devastating disaster, otherwise, it shouldn't have felt such loneliness and pain.

Xixiu said nothing more. She kept looking at these strange and familiar pictures.

This planet looked like it was her former hometown.

People have returned to the eve of the rapid development of science and technology, and judging from the demeanor of these people, they do not know that there are more galaxies beyond this planet.

Judging from their means of transportation, the technological level here is probably stuck in the 1980s when Xixiu was there.

The style of clothing is from around the 1920s of the century that Xixiu lived in, which is the time before Xixiu was born.

It seems that this person combined these things and transformed the planet.

Xi Xiu and A Xian were discussing various unusual things in a low voice, while Qing Zhixun was waiting for news from Qing Heming. According to his analysis speed, three hours should be enough.

While looking at the time, he listened carefully to the conversation between Xixiu and A-Xian.

A sense of satisfaction arises in my heart.

He didn't expect that Xixiu knew so much about the era before she was born.

How much time did she spend studying?

I haven’t seen her work too hard...

Qing Zhixun was meditating there by himself, while Xixiu and A-Xian ignored him completely.

After a while, Sixi was brought over by Qimang, followed by Wuyuan.

Sixi's expression was a little uneasy, wondering if Xixiu was looking for it and would let that guy take its body again.

After arriving at the place, Sixi held Wuyuan's hand tightly. Firstly, it was afraid of Qingzhixun, and secondly, Qing was really good at chatting at the age of three...

It has been lured away by it many times about Xixiu, making it feel like it is useless.

Seeing its expression, Xixiu shook her head fondly. She waved for Sixi to come to her side and patted the seat next to her: "Sixi, come here and sit."

"Yeah." Sixi moved over.

"Don't be afraid, we Sixi are strong and good children."

Xixiu's comfort made Sixi feel a little better, "Xixiu, can you upgrade the program for me?"

Sixi raised her head and decided to tell her the answer she came up with after comprehensive calculations.

"Well, sure, what kind of program does Sixi want?"

"I want that kind of aura that is strong, cool and sassy, ​​just like you, Xixiu." After Sixi finished speaking, his mechanical eyes looked at Xixiu calmly.

It wants to be more explosive than five yuan, so that when that guy comes, it shouldn't be in a situation that no program can control.

According to the data it has obtained so far, although Five Yuan is powerful, Xixiu is even more powerful.

Xixiu was still surprised. Where did he hear this word? It's so cute and sassy. Is this her?

She asked herself if she could not reach this level!

"Where did you learn this word?" She didn't even get it right.

Si Xi secretly glanced at Qing San Sui, and Xi Xiu noticed its gaze and knew it was the adjective Qing San Sui gave Si Xi.

"Among my programs, Xiu Xiu is the most powerful. I will use this character program like yours." I can definitely suppress that guy.

It wants to negotiate terms with it!

"This, I need to study the code, it may take a while." Xixiu decided to be satisfied with its calculation results.

"Okay, I'll wait for as long as you want. Please do it slowly, and don't get tired." It's Xixiu's thoughtful little cotton-padded jacket, and everything must be focused on Xixiu.

When Xixiu heard Sixi's words, a smile appeared on her lips. This robot gave her the warmest time. The reason why she kept it with her was because of her nostalgia for warmth.

Without thinking for too long, she set her gaze on the light screen again, and Sixi followed her gaze.

It was instantly struck by the image that was printed in its eyes. It was a scene that was not in its database.

Its mechanical eyes were surprised, and before it could recover, it was switched...

Xixiu felt the changes and bent her head, "These are all in your database."

It made no sound.

Xixiu found that every time he saw these pictures related to the old times, he would be very silent.

Probably, just like her.

Qing Zhixun noticed the change in Sixi, so he got closer. He planned to have a good communication with this guy.

The picture on the light screen has been updating in real time. The humans on that planet work tirelessly from nine to five, and they all seem to be working hard to live.

They lived a very "real" life.

At least that's how it seems to Xixiu.

The smiles on these people’s faces cannot be faked.

It was the environment that made them who they are today.

Or, this was an illusion deliberately created by that person.

"Is it possible that the other party obtained the information from the central intelligence brain's database and transformed the planet based on the information?"

A Xian doesn't think that the memory of a cloned person can be lost at all during the copying process.

To some extent, replicants are already reborn.

He will not inherit the original memory.

Because all memories are formed the day after tomorrow, even those with powerful talents such as those from Anvil will not inherit their original memories after rebirth.

"This is not absolute. He backed up his memory a long time ago, and he not only has one clone, but he personally educated all his clones, who are radical and stubborn."

It is rare that the central intelligent brain said a long string of words, it paused, and then continued: "There will always be one who will synchronize with his thoughts, and then destroy those clones with reactionary consciousness, and what he gets is always what he wants."

He is very sure that this planet is the work of Qin Jian, and no one will persist in this stubbornness for nearly ten thousand years.

But he did it.

After ten thousand years of accumulation, how terrifying is his current strength, it can be calculated through data.

The Jingsu Alliance will face Qin Jian, unless it unites all its forces, eliminates internal hidden dangers first, and then fights Qin Jian to barely win.

"He has been dormant for so long, improving his strength and transforming his body, so, what level has his current single-soldier combat strength reached, can you calculate it?"

Qing Zhixun hit the nail on the head.

Xi Xiu had been guessing Qin Jian's strength before. Judging from the strength that the Anville people could accumulate, Qin Jian's strength was probably terrifying.

He could also transform his body, integrate the genes of other intelligent creatures, and select excellent genes for transformation. His biological legion was already terrifying.

Ah Xian also had a serious expression.

She knew better how to accumulate strength.

Besides, there were the consciousnesses of the Anville people who disappeared.

520, if you have someone you like, be brave enough to confess~

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