Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 434 - Normal range values

If these consciousnesses were captured by Qin Jian, and he obtained the Anweir people's martial arts and spiritual power improvement methods from the consciousness of his tribe, he would become the top warrior in Jingsu.

It can be said that he is invincible.

"Your guess is correct. His current strength has reached a very terrifying level. However, he does not believe in individual combat. He is keen on high-end and destructive weapons."

The central brain projected its calculation results onto the light screen, and Qing Heming's real-time data was obscured.

"This is his current strength. It's just a data simulation. In reality, it should be stronger than this."

The three people, including Wuyuan Qimang and Qing Sansui, all looked at the light screen.

This combat data is truly unprecedented.

Xixiu compared this data with her own strength and found that if she really faced off head-on, she wouldn't be able to win.

Qing Zhixun and Axian both made comparisons silently, feeling a sense of urgency that they needed to improve.

"That is, if we meet him, we will only be tortured?" Ah Xian curled her lips. She was really sad. She tried so hard and couldn't do it. Not to mention that even people from ten thousand years ago came out to dance.

"Not necessarily. He is very arrogant. This is a flaw in his character. If you can seize the opportunity, you can still knock him out."

The central brain made a rare joke.

Xixiu stored this data and planned to modify her training plan based on this data. Even if she returned to Anweil, she could not relax.

What's more, on the way back to Anweil, they may run into Qin Jian's people, or himself.

Wei Lanshan has determined that Tang Yongyu has released the information about her existence.

Originally, Xixiu thought that the confidentiality level of her files was already secure. However, Qin Jian knew the loopholes in the central brain and could easily access her files.

"Oh, are you sure I can do it?" A Xian pointed at himself.

"Well, the talents of the people of Anvil are not low. When your IQ is online, you should be able to observe carefully and understand psychological tactics. What's more, you have hidden a large part of your strength."

Can intelligence see through her strength?


"Then, where is Xixiu?"

"Better than you."

Xixiu raised her eyebrows fiercely.

This guy must have spied on their training before.

"You observed us."

The central brain didn't take it seriously: "I noticed it as soon as you entered the virtual network. The next observation is by the way."

After saying that, it actually grinned...

Xixiu was choked by its expression. She didn't expect it to have skin.

"Well, since I can beat him, I won't worry about it." A Xian let out a long breath.

"I mean, you can grasp his psychology, but for now, your observation skills are not enough."

Depend on!

Are you going to expose someone’s shortcomings so quickly?

What an unpleasant character.

A Xian let out a loud "hum".

"The battle is left to these two. Together they can take him down completely."

Zhongxin Zhinao pointed at Xixiu and Qing Zhixun. Xixiu wanted to say "Thank you for your attention," but in the end he held back.

"Do you have a way to find his whereabouts?" Qing Zhixun considered the plan of Xixiu and Wei Lanshan. They planned to catch the turtle in the jar, but the other party was an old fox who was ten thousand years old, so they couldn't be careless.

"Judging from the coordinates where you got the emblem before, he should have built a lot of artificial stars secretly. There must be a correlation between these coordinates. Hasn't Anvil already calculated it?"


Wu Jingxu destroyed six artificial stars based on Wu Jingyang's calculations.

He must have other artificial stars. These are not calculated in the same way as these few, so Wu Jingyang has not found them all.

"But, do you believe that he only has these seven artificial stars?" Ah Xian didn't believe it anyway.

After thousands of years, he had so much free time, how could he only build these few.

"You have forgotten that he still has followers. These families also have artificial stars."

That's really what they missed.

When Qing Sansui received the look from his master, he and Qimang immediately started searching.

Qing Zhixun took advantage of the silence between Xixiu and Axian to talk directly to the central intelligence brain: "Wei Lanshan and Hong Xixiu made a plan to invite you into the urn before, and the other party will definitely follow their plan. You are familiar with Qin Jian's character. What will he do?"

It is necessary to nip it in the bud, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

"Use the trick and go directly into your urn, and then defeat them one by one, working together inside and outside."

In this case, they are planning to set up another bureau, no, they have to set up a few more.

There are several places along the waterway leading to Anvil that are very suitable for ambushes.

However, with Qin Jian's arrogant character, he would definitely not wait in these places.

So, every place is possible on the way back to Anville.

He can also establish short-term large-scale transmission channels. This kind of channel can be established quickly and disappear quickly. No matter how you look at it, it seems that he has a great chance of winning.

Qing Zhixun had a wide range of considerations: "His fast transmission channel, Jingsu has not been able to restrain it."

Although this is the technology first developed by Jingsu, they only used it at special times and did not study reverse truncation.

The central brain took his problem seriously.

"When they did their research, they used a lot of data. I still have storage here. I will calculate and model again to see if there is a way to reverse truncate."

There is not much time left for them.

Qing Zhixun was worried that accurate data would not be obtained before they returned to Anweil.

The central brain noticed his expression, and this mixed race seemed very interesting.

His attention to Hong Xixiu was beyond the normal range.

What is the reason?

Don't take it for a fool.

Qing Zhixun found that it had been looking at him, and raised his head to meet its eyes: "Someone has proposed the hypothesis before that when entering the transmission channel, tracking the latest weapons after them can completely destroy the channel."

However, the energy of the weapon must reach planetary level.

"Theoretically, it's possible, but if it's destroyed every time, what if something goes wrong?"

"You mean, the weapon was counterattacked by the opponent."

The central brain nodded.

Qing Zhixun has considered this issue before, but if they encounter such a transmission channel on the way back to Anweil, it would be difficult to directly activate the weapons without knowing whether the other party is friend or foe.

"Then, can we first pull the other party into our fast lane when the other party appears?" Xixiu thinks this should be feasible.

Neither the opponent nor they can use weapons in the channel, so they can have time to relax.

Let them consider their next steps.

"Okay, but you have to go out anyway. Isn't the problem still unresolved?"

"The moment we left the channel, there was a point where we had about five seconds to fire at each other."

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