Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 469 -Too underestimate him

Li Xianfeng really wanted to tell these children, don't worry, even if his old man is missing an arm or a leg, he will still be like a tree in the wind!

Humph, you underestimate him too much!

Li Xianfeng's calmness made Jiuxing's warriors envious.

"Okay, I've recorded everything you said in the database." Li Fengfeng did not brush off the kindness of the juniors.

After that, he quietly watched Jiudan fight with these guys.

He sighed inwardly at Jingsu's technological development. If his era had had these technologies, no, even one thousandth of these technologies, or if human beings could possess spiritual power, his homeland would not have been invaded by the enemy. Bar.

Then he thought that these things were tantamount to directly depriving the ordinary people of their lives.

Everything has two sides.

Li Fengfeng withdrew his thoughts, and he understood that his world was incomparable with Jingsu's.

During the hundreds of years he was in chaos, Jingsu developed even more rapidly, many technologies he had never seen appeared, and there were more things in the sky and the earth.

Jingsu, who was already beyond comparison in his world, actually had the Immortal Sun Alliance next to him.

Ting Xixiu said that the mechas currently used by Jingsu warriors are the technology of the Xianri Alliance.

These techniques, which he thought were no different from magic in the past, can really be realized.

The sound of Jiu Dan clapping his hands drew Li Xianfeng's attention back. The big mecha Jiu Dan looked a bit unfinished.

"Xixiu, where do you plan to transport these things?" Jiudan supported his chin with his big hand, as if he was thinking.

"Send it to Gaia."

After freezing these guys, after finishing Anwel's matter, send someone to use a starship to pull Wei Lanshan over.

"These big guys, some of them in my database are very similar to them."

Li Xianfeng and the others saw Jiudan tilting his head, as if he was asking, and his expression was very vivid, just like a real person.

"Yes, their prototypes are the creatures behind the Star Gate."

"No wonder it's so easy to beat." Jiudan thought thoughtfully. Anweil's intelligent system contained all the information on the Starry Sky Beast.

It was obtained with the lives of so many generations of star guardians in Anweil, and these things are powerful and bloody.

"Jiudan is great!"

Xixiu touched the phantom of Jiudan and said, "That's true, regardless of who I am."

"Hmm, it seems that Jiudan will be allowed to participate in more battles in the future." The smile on Xixiu's lips was gentle.

"Okay, we must knock down all the enemies." Jiudan waved his hand.

Her phantom looks like a petite version of Xixiu, and her facial features are more delicate than Xixiu's.

It is the result of data optimization.

She recognized herself as queen, integrated the data herself, and then made this phantom for herself according to Xixiu's appearance.

"Let's work together!"

Hearing what Xixiu said, Wu Mu proudly wrapped her vine around Xixiu, and the two emerald green leaves at the tip rubbed against Xixiu's cheek.

Jiudan was dumbfounded...

Still, still, still like this?

Otherwise, would he try it too?

However, she has no entity now!

He could only stare and scold Wu Mu several times for being shameless.

Ebony doesn't pay attention to her, though!

Xixiu didn't notice the turmoil between Jiudan and Wumu. She returned to the ground, leaving Jiudan standing in the air. She would go to sleep when she was tired from playing, so she didn't have to worry about it at all.

"Xixiu, she's great!" Other warriors stepped forward one after another.

"Yes, how can you be so flexible?"

"Train more. By the way, my mecha teacher once asked us to sew in a mecha..."

Speaking of this, I remembered the scene of being drilled by Li Shuqi when I was training mechas in school. It’s better not to look back on the past!

After hearing this, the soldiers all looked shocked. Is there such a perverted project?

They had also learned about mechas before, but they had never heard of such a trick.

Seeing everyone's confusion, Xixiu recounted the lessons he had studied at school.

I heard everyone say: "Oh, that's it."

No wonder, with such a ruthless teacher, it is inevitable for students to be excellent.

What's more, Xixiu is a diligent person.

She must have done well in the studies assigned by the teacher.

It seems that they will do the same in future trainings after the Anvil matter is resolved.

The sensitivity is simply too high.

Everyone's words to each other diluted the tense atmosphere during the battle.

This victory was relatively easy, and they didn't know whether there would be a bigger crisis next.

Now, the battlefield in the Origin Land can be cleaned, the damage to buildings is not great, and no one has died.

There must be injuries, Wu Yuan has already taken care of them, and the injured warrior is already resting.

The rest of them cleared the battlefield very quickly.

The body of the starry sky beast was put into a large bag for preservation, and then compression technology was used. Two hours later, there was no trace of a battle taking place here, and there was no trace at all.

Xixiu informed Wu Jingshuo and Liujia about the situation here, and told them that it was safe for the time being, and asked if reinforcements were needed elsewhere.

Wu Jing suddenly asked her to guard her where she was, and there was no need to go anywhere else for the time being.

The battle between Wu Jingya, Wu Jingmu, and Youlian was a bit difficult.

Xixiu could see the situation of each battlefield from the real-time screen. Except for Jingxi and Qing Heming who were stable, other battlefields in Anweil ​​were more or less suppressed.

"Don't worry, they can still hold on." Li Xianfeng was not worried about the Anweil ​​people at all.

"Well, the smell of corruption is still very strong this time."

I don't know whether it was because Qin Hongjun's bugs were destroyed, so he replaced it with a starry sky beast, or because the starry sky beasts originally had bugs as well.

I really can’t imagine what would happen if bugs with higher purity were also released in the star field of Anvil...

"These star beasts don't have enough stamina, so Anvil still has room to deal with them."

"Indeed, I'm a little glad now that I accidentally fell into that artificial star, learned about the existence of those bugs, and destroyed it."

Although it is certainly not completely destroyed, those things cannot come to Anweil ​​now and cannot achieve the goal of comprehensively suppressing the power of the Anweil ​​people. It will not be so easy for Qin Hongjun to capture Anweil.

"It's Anvil's luck. Star Territory will not let their family die."

Li Fengfeng knows the rules of this star field better than Xixiu. Anvil people are the children of this star field, and star field will not let their children die like this.

"Well, by the way, what did you find out about the battle just now?"

"not much."

"Can you tell me? Let's exchange." Xixiu very much hopes to get the guidance of Li Xianfeng, this martial arts master who comes from the real ancient martial arts era.

"They are not as scary as the real creatures behind the Star Gate. In addition, you must be fast when fighting. Also, they are very easy to go crazy and have unstable things in their bodies."

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