Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 470 - Traveling in the Starry Sky

All these information were discovered.

"They have no fighting skills, they all rely on their own talents. They have many weaknesses. Our speed can completely circumvent the lack of strength, and I can still wear a mecha." Li Yufeng continued.

"This should be the person who made them. I haven't thought about it. Therefore, their maker is probably not Qin Hongjun."

"Oh, what should I say?" Li Xianfeng didn't understand this.

"I once fought with the creatures created by Qin Hongjun. Its shape and fighting methods have become perfect. In some respects, these starry sky beasts can still evolve, become more refined, and have more powerful talents. However, there is no ”

If it were produced by Qin Hongjun himself, these things would not have such low-level character errors.

It can be seen from the creation of creatures that Qin Hongjun is a perverted perfectionist who strives for perfection in everything and must follow his ideas.

"Indeed, that doesn't make sense."

Qin Hongjun spent all his time on crooked ways, and there was no reason to make such shoddy things.

"You have been here for a long time. Have you ever heard of how to communicate with the creatures behind the Star Gate?" Xixiu wanted to get the answer from Li Xianfeng.

"I've only heard that one's mental power level must reach the highest level of Anvil before it is possible to directly suppress them and make them obey."

"So, that is to say, only the guardians of the Star Gate have the ability to use them for their own use."

Li Xianfeng shook his head: "No, the Anweil ​​people will not subdue these guys and kill every one they see."

The wild nature of these things will not be tamed, and intelligent creatures will always be their food. This will not change no matter what.

After Xixiu knew the reason, he was a little silent: "Then those Anweir consciousnesses that disappeared are in the same state as you?"

"I don't know. It's probably different from me."

These consciousnesses should never appear. Qin Hongjun may not keep useful information after he gets it.

Even if they were kept, the things about Anweil ​​would be deleted from their memories, and then slowly cultivated to make these consciousnesses his warriors.

This process is very slow.

So he hasn't moved for so many years.

It should be taming these consciousnesses.

In the end, he found a way to tame them, so the consciousness of these "ancestors" of Anvil should appear on future battlefields.

"It is said that the consciousness of the Anvil people must return to the place of origin before the memory will completely disappear."

"That's right."

"So, can we find this place he built?"

If he wants to tame the consciousness of the Anvilians, he must build a place similar to the Land of Origin.

"You might have to ask Wu Jingshuang and Jingxi about this." These two people are the ones who have all the secrets of Anweil.

"Well, then, you can ask in private. If possible, we will let Jiuxing's warriors destroy this place, find those consciousnesses, and rescue them."

Although the rescue mission is a foregone conclusion, it can avoid future military encounters.

These consciousnesses do not recognize them, but the Anvilians are naturally sensitive and can sense them.


After Xixiu and Li Xianfeng finished talking, they went to the edge of the silver waterfall together. It seemed like it was yesterday when she remembered the time when she, Xue Fanhui, and Zhen came here to play together.

Zhen, who went to the Sulaina Galaxy, and Xue Fanhui, who had secretly entered the experimental base and had not been in contact for a long time, were their girlhood.

This beautiful galaxy, she wanted it to always, always exist.

Li Xianfeng looked at her back, feeling the same loneliness as him.

Quietly, and inexplicably, sad.

The liquid in the silver waterfall continued to bloom, and small beads lay in Xixiu's palm. She gently blew the beads down and let them return to the waterfall.

"The sadness on your body can hardly be concealed." Li Fengfeng sighed.

"Yes. Senior, our planet is probably gone."

If you rest, it will be very light.

But it was like a heavy drumstick, hitting Li Xianfeng's heart.

"You mean, the place where we were born is already dead?"

The planet is dead...

After Li Xianfeng came here, he never thought about looking for his former hometown because he knew he couldn't find it.

He knew the history of humans coming to Jingsu, but because he had never experienced the era of peaceful life, he didn't know the connection between the humans in Jingsu and his homeland.

However, the news is clear.

She tested the central brain several times, and the answer she got was that their planet had disappeared.

That planet encountered a great disaster, so humans had to set out to the stars to find hope.

And on this journey, there is no return.

They finally went through countless hardships and came to Jingsu, where they were given a new life.

However, these human beings are no longer what they were before.

During the interstellar voyage, the first humans all died, and the humans who came here basically didn’t know their past history, nor their ancestors, nor their birthplace.

They thought they were another intelligent creature from the star field near Jingsu and came here for some special reason.

"Yes, this may be a very sad story."

The central brain did not say anything about the circumstances when they left their home planet, but they probably left under very helpless and helpless circumstances.

The reason why Xixiu guessed that the star was dead was because they never mentioned that they wanted to go back to their home planet.

Humans thrive here, and no one knows the story of that planet.

No one knows how beautiful that planet is.

"You want to go find it?"

"When I grew up, I just wanted to look for the shadow of this planet. Later I found out that there was no shadow of this planet. I thought I came to a world without that galaxy."

It wasn't until the central intelligence brain appeared next to her, and until she heard its various words that were inconsistent with Jingsu's history, that she had doubts and wanted to find the answer.

"The distance is too far..."


In Jingsu, the distance between galaxies is measured in light years. What's more, there is no galaxy around Jingsu that is the same as that galaxy.

"I know that this is just a temporary idea, and I may not do it in the end." Unless Jingsu's technology can develop into a torrent that spans time and space.

Current technology cannot meet the necessary conditions for them to find answers.

Without a star map or coordinates, they would eventually lose their direction and disappear into the vast sea of ​​stars.

Probably, no one would take such a risk with her.

Unless she waits until she retires, and when she gets old, she can drive a starship to travel across the stars, wherever she goes.

With Jiudan, Wumu, Sixi, and five yuan, I wonder if that guy will be willing to go...

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