Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 48 -The Cruelty of Star Wars

Xixiu lived in a country without war in his previous life. Although wars in other countries can often be seen on the news, and the pictures are cruel, the level of cruelty is really incomparable to what it is now.

Because those Alliance warships disappeared into the starry sky and became fragments the moment they were hit by the Inquilla people's atomic light cannons.

After the warship fell apart, the Inquilla people seemed not to be relieved, and actually fired another wave of light cannons, bombing the remaining pieces into powder.

Those soldiers who took the rescue capsule and prepared to retreat were wiped out and could never be found again.

The scene that just appeared in the video made Xixiu so painful that he could hardly breathe. She really couldn't imagine such a cruel war before.

Behind the beauty of this world are countless crises.

That's why all citizens of the alliance learn physical skills, and all serve in the army. That's why their schoolwork is so heavy. These are all in order to survive smoothly.

No one knows when the war will suddenly come. Last night, Xixiu and the three of them were still looking at the Ningkui Star Guard in the tree, and pointed at the capital star in the sky, looking forward to the life there.

They saw such a shocking and sad scene this morning. This kind of impact made it impossible for the three of them to recover for a while.

The essence of all wars in the history of the alliance is the same, for plunder.

Until the end of this scene, Xixiu had not come out of the video, and her expression was a little dull.

During these few hours of live broadcast of the war, she had suffered many shocks, and she also understood that her future path would be no different from those of the soldiers on the front line who lost their lives.

Xue Fanhui swore in his heart that he must design a more powerful weapon to blow away all the Inquilla people and make these arrogant creatures completely disappear from this star field.

Zhen is a little worried whether Xi Xiu and Xue Fanhui will be afraid of these. If they go to the military academy in the future, these shadows will always follow them, which will be detrimental to their future.

Zhen stretched out her hands to hold Xixiu and Xue Fanhui. She felt the warmth coming from her hands, and Xixiu finally recovered from the video just now.

Xue Fanhui pursed her lips: "Xixiu, this is the path you and I will take in the future."

"Yes, Fan Hui, I understand." I already know everything and don't dare to slack off any more.

When good news comes from the front line, after the ban is lifted, she will work harder to improve her strength and other knowledge that must be mastered.

"Do you have any ideas?"

"You must be very strong to survive the war." This is Xixiu's most intuitive feeling.

"Yes. Then, let's work together. I will design the most powerful weapon so that these intruders will never come back." The sonorous words were an oath made by a twelve-year-old girl.

"Okay, fight for the alliance." Fight for yourself, Xi Xiu said to herself in her heart.

One day later, the three of them reunited and recalled this afternoon, feeling at peace in their hearts.

They actually did it and completed the vow they made in the afternoon. Only the past knows about the hardships.

"I will be behind, silently praying for you and supporting you." Zhen felt that she was weak and could only do what she could.

"Okay, you are safe, Xixiu and I can fight with peace of mind. Do you remember?" Xue Fanhui said sincerely.

In this battle, they grew up overnight.

After watching this shocking video, Xixiu and the others logged off the StarNet. They needed some buffering time.

Robot 08 was silently guarding outside the dormitory, and Vivian activated the protection fighting mode. At this time, 08 was unreasonable and had eliminated the only emotional mode of the machine. Once they wanted to go out, 08 would take tough measures.

Xixiu and the others had no intention of disobeying Vivian's order. They were just in the dormitory, quietly waiting for good news from the alliance.

During the waiting days, Xixiu opened the virtual network and silently started training.

She has already practiced one of the martial arts skills Wei Lanshan gave her, and now she feels that she needs to practice a few more, because compared to those thermal weapons, the human body is really too weak.

Even with the blessing of spiritual power, it is still no match for an atomic light cannon.

The same goes for Xue Fanhui. When Zhen saw the two of them working hard, she also accompanied them. Just like Xixiu said, many skills are not overwhelming.

When Vivian was on regular patrol, she came to Xixiu's dormitory and felt bitter in her heart when she saw that the three little girls were not only very self-conscious, but also training hard in the face of a formidable enemy.

If possible, they all hope that their children can spend their childhood in a carefree manner without having to face such cruelty and danger.

But this star field has never been truly peaceful, and the flowers raised in the greenhouse cannot bear the weight and move forward.

The experience of five hundred years ago has told them that the alliance paid the largest price in history for that tragedy.

Children are actually far stronger than they think, and they are the hope of the alliance.

"Xi Xiu, Fan Hui, if you need my help or have any questions, you can send me a message. I will reply to you after seeing it. Don't worry, it's not the worst yet."

Vivian's tone was very gentle. These comforts were insignificant, but they were better than nothing and could give the soul temporary peace of mind.

"Okay, Vivian, we are fine, we will take care of ourselves, don't work too hard on yourself."

Vivian sighed in her heart. The cruel war made the children grow up overnight. Only in this way can they grow up and know how dangerous the road ahead is.

Vivian patrolled all the way and comforted these half-grown girls. There was fear in each of their eyes. This was the first time they had seen such a bloody scene since they were born.

After the patrol, Vivian gave instructions to the robots to play some soothing music for all the children to relax.

They spent fifteen Ningkui days like this. Until the sixteenth Ningkui day, when the star rose, Vivian sent a message to everyone that martial law was over.

The Inquila people had been repelled by the elite warships sent by the Alliance. Their five thousand warships had never returned, and only some senior generals escaped.

The Alliance cheered.

But the price was also huge.

The Alliance sacrificed more than five million soldiers in this expedition, and the original guard force of Tianwei Star suffered heavy losses. Although more than nine million Inquila people were killed, the casualties were still huge.

There were countless destroyed warships, and many damaged warships were transported back to the repair shop. After being repaired, they would serve on the front line again.

Vivian gathered the children and reported the news of the Alliance's victory and the casualties.

"I believe you have seen the cruelty of war in the video. I won't say much about the rest. You can only protect yourself and the alliance by working hard and improving your strength. Remember?"

"Yes, don't dare to slack off for a moment." The faces of these children are still a little immature, but no one backs down.

Post-war comfort is a must-do course. Ning Kuixing has also begun to re-arrange defenses. The nursery will also change the original settings after the new defense plan arrives.

Re-defense requires time and manpower. Compared with history, Tianweixing's losses this time are not heavy.

However, war always brings pain.

The alliance will hold a funeral for these dead soldiers, a unified state funeral, and live broadcast throughout the alliance.

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