Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 49 - Confederate Funeral

The funeral of the fallen warriors was scheduled for October 20th in the Alliance calendar, and flags in all Alliance systems were flown at half-mast in mourning.

Star Network broadcast the entire mourning funeral ceremony live. Citizens of the entire alliance stopped what they were doing, those who were working, those who were studying, and those who were training, including those who were performing tasks in the secret base.

In the depths of the Star Sea, underground, people who went to his alliance all went to the Star Network live broadcast platform to send off the soldiers who guarded this star field on their last journey.

Vivian called everyone in the nursery to the conference room, and together they watched the live broadcast of the state funeral on the conference room's light screen.

The living people transported back all the body parts that the soldiers could still find, because it took some time for genetic identification to confirm the names of these soldiers, and then packed the bodies and transported them to the souls of the dead ten light years away from the Alliance frontier. sea.

Funerals will be held here, and this is the final resting place for all soldiers who died for the Alliance.

At three o'clock in the afternoon on Ning Kuixing's day, the live broadcast of the state funeral began.

The powerful military music played. This was the music that welcomed the soldiers when they first entered the army. After they left, they were also allowed to listen to this military music on their way to the Sea of ​​Souls.

What followed was heavy and depressing sadness. When the music came out, the corners of everyone's eyes flickered.

These soldiers who died fought for the entire Alliance and they will not be forgotten.

The central brain records the names of all the sacrificed soldiers into the database, and history will remember them forever.

Surrounding the nebula in the Sea of ​​Dead Souls, coffins containing the remains of soldiers were floating, covered with flowers, which reflected the dim light of the nebula, creating a scene that Xixiu would never forget.

With the order of Xu Jiucong, the supreme commander of the alliance, the fuse connected to the coffin was ignited, and the remains of the soldiers were reduced to ashes in the Sea of ​​Souls. They will sleep in this nebula forever.

Become a speck of dust in the universe.

Hundreds of millions of years from now, perhaps a star or planet will be born deep in this sea of ​​stars.

No matter how time passes, they are with the universe.

My breasts are full of tears.

The raging fire is the fire that destroys the soul.

Determination is written on the children's still immature faces. No matter how scared they are, this is the path some of them must take.

Their peace at the moment was earned by these people with their lives.

When watching the live broadcast, the audience was silent. Vivian had not seen such a scene for many years. This was the second state funeral in her lifetime, but it made her even more sad.

Because Charlie and Colleen are relatively young, this is the first time they have seen this heart-stopping scene.

Neat pace, solemn and solemn.

The sorrow on the faces of the soldiers escorting the coffins could not be concealed. Lying in these coffins were their former schoolmates and roommates, later comrades-in-arms, brothers and sisters in life and death.

How can I not be sad.

Xue Fanhui and Zhen also understood the true meaning of peace at this moment, because someone stood at the forefront of this endless starry sky with their flesh and blood.

After the live broadcast of the funeral ended, no one in the conference room left immediately. They kept silent for a quarter of an hour for the soldiers who left. In their way, although it was insignificant, it could at least give their hearts a moment of respite. .

After the silence ended, Vivian slowly spoke: "Children, I won't say much today. I believe you can feel the pain of the funeral just now.

None of us want to see such a heart-stopping scene, it's so uncomfortable.

However, the arrival of war is never decided by us, so I hope that no matter where you are, you will never forget your original intention and never forget to improve your strength.

In the future, our alliance may encounter greater crises. At that time, the important task of protecting the alliance will depend on you. Work hard, girls, and remember to return safely. "

Everyone's eyes were fixed. Yes, there is no need to be afraid. The road ahead is destined, so let's go through the thorns and thorns, and then, just like Vivian's expectation, return safely.

"Yes!" The voice was loud and childish but penetrated the heart.

Powerful is the belief in everyone's heart at this moment.

On the way back to the dormitory, Xixiu and the other three were all unusually silent. Xue Fanhui usually talked the most among the three, and he didn't have the courage to speak at this moment.

The live broadcast on Star Network just now was really shocking. This is the highest honor of fighting for the alliance.

Is it a worthy death?

She doesn't know, she only knows that if a person is going to die eventually, this is the best destination.

Xue Fanhui breathed a long sigh of relief in her heart. She must work hard to make all the weapons she imagined in her mind, so that the alliance can become a stronger alliance.

Xixiu felt a little sluggish, and she suddenly felt that her thoughts were too dreamy and naive.

After entering the army and her service period expires, whether she can survive or not is still one thing. If she dies on the battlefield, the idea of ​​traveling among the stars will be in vain.

How to balance this mentality and how to be full of fighting spirit for the future life, she couldn't find the direction.

The person who could guide her has now disappeared into the sea of ​​stars, without a trace.

After returning to the dormitory, Xixiu covered her head with the quilt. She had forced herself to become stronger and trained so that one day her identity would be revealed and she would have the strength to fight against the Tang family and the Ye family.

As for the military service, she thought very easily. She would serve at the frontier for ten years and then retire to live her own life.

She forgot that there would be wars everywhere here, and there was no distinction between men and women on the battlefield.

Once a war breaks out, if she receives a military order, she will rush to the front line and truly participate in an interstellar war. This is not a virtual game, but an extremely real battle with physical fists.

Her current mentality is not as stable as Xue Fanhui's. She knows that she is wrong, but her heart is really not made of steel...

The whole atmosphere of the nursery changed a lot after the funeral. Everyone works harder and has high morale.

Vivian noticed Xixiu's depression. She called Xixiu to the office and poured Xixiu a cup of slightly sweet honey water.

Then he sat next to Xixiu and said, "Tell me, what happened to me these days? I'm still unhappy. It makes you even less happy to eat mashed potatoes and snow beef."

Vivian used an affirmative sentence, and Xixiu said her thoughts dullly: "Dean An, I never thought that the war would be so cruel. Ten years later, I might die on the battlefield and not be able to come back."

Xixiu's answer was beyond Vivian's expectation: "Why do you think so? Although the war is horrific, the dead soldiers are only a very small part of the alliance's population."

"I don't know. I just feel that I don't have the consciousness to sacrifice everything for the alliance. Isn't it selfish?" Xixiu spoke with difficulty.

Vivian sighed: "Xi Xiu, no one is born with such awareness. Many people died because war is inevitable and we are not strong enough."

Xixiu looked up at Vivian, her brown eyes filled with gentle kindness.

"Don't you think it's selfish and wrong for me to think this way?" Xixiu felt guilty and had a look of shame on her face.

Vivian shook her head: "No, Xixiu, this is human nature."

Vivian then told Xixiu a long story. In the story, there were three girls who also grew up in a nursery, and their current situation was the same as that of Xixiu.

They have also been frightened and even flinched in the face of war.

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