Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 5 - Revealing secrets without knowing it

99 looked at the ceiling above his head, feeling hopeless.

The abnormalities in her body, the various pains coming from various organs and parts of her body every day, and the robot that appears three times a day are all refreshing her inherent knowledge.

What kind of world had she come to? The equipment and layout here, as well as the robot, all told her that this place was different from her world.

That robot is very capable and has various tools on it. It has eight hands. This is what 99 has seen with his own eyes. The other six hands are usually put away and are only mobilized when it is working.

There is also the beautiful woman who has been observing her. The robot's conversation with her is completely normal. Although she cannot understand what they are saying, it should be all about her.

What frightened her even more was the conversation between this super vicious robot and the owner of the laboratory. It wasn't any language she knew.

In addition, this robot has its own thinking ability, which is beyond her knowledge.

She found that every day something happened that refreshed her knowledge.

She was so panicked that she didn't dare to move or look around anymore. She ate and slept every day. If she was found to be abnormal, would the robot throw her out?

The more she thought about it, the more terrifying she became. She had to go back and not be reborn. If she died, it would be over. Why would Mao throw her to such a terrible place?

Now, I can't die, I can't live, and I don't know how long I can struggle. I have never felt so tired.

But her ancestors once had a wise saying - it is better to die than live.

In the end, she decided not to think about it anymore. She had already come, so what else could she do? Let’s survive first.

After that, 99 is completely like a baby, eating and drinking when she should. Although the food is not satisfactory, she will try her best to survive!

When the pain in her body becomes unbearable, she would recite the Jingxin Jue and fall asleep, which would make her body feel much better.

She didn't know that all her little moves were seen and remembered.

When she is asleep, her body's various data will stabilize, and the originally somewhat active M virus will become extremely quiet, or even dormant.

This kind of self-regulation of the baby girl was discovered by Wei Lanshan three months after she was born. Wei Lanshan didn't know how a baby could do it, and she couldn't find the answer.

However, Wei Lanshan did not write this abnormality of Experimental Subject 99 into the report.

Wei Lanshan thought in her mind that maybe the M virus in her body was causing trouble, so her mental power was regulating itself to resist the attack of the M virus, and it was her mental power that lured the M virus into a deep sleep.

So when Wei Lanshan was sleeping in 99, she used an instrument to capture her wandering mental power, and secretly conducted a mental test on her, and the results shocked her.

99, who didn't know how to hold back her breath and allowed her mental energy to wander wildly, was jumping happily in the spiritual world. Lying on the small bed and sleeping soundly, she had no idea that she had been exposed.

No. 99's initial mental strength is a rare 3S, and her initial physical fitness is 5A. Moreover, her physical and mental strength levels are extremely solid, and she is also a genius.

Wei Lanshan had doubts in her heart.

The two 3S geniuses both have the M virus, and they are both members of the Ye family.

So could it be because of the M virus, which can quickly enhance a person's mental power, or could it be that the M virus has mutated, and the Ye family's genes are special?

With this question in mind, she decided to take a look at the other four experimental subjects of the same origin in person.

Wei Lanshan packed up the laboratory, asked Wuyuan to stay and guard it, and gave it the order that no one was allowed to enter, otherwise they would be killed, and then went to the East Third District alone.

Lin Zeye was surprised to see Wei Lanshan, because she would not leave the laboratory easily. Could it be that something happened to No. 99 in her hand?

"Dr. Wei, do you want to see them No. 95?"

"Well, I want to personally confirm their status, and then compile the data together to see when it is more appropriate to do a drug test."

Lin Zeye took her to the room of his experimental subject No. 95. It was no different from Wei Lanshan's room, with the same layout and the same environment.

"There has been no abnormality in 95 this month, right? Are all indicators under monitoring?"

"It's very stable, no abnormalities, but there is something slightly wrong. It seems that the intelligence is not too high. It may be that when writing the M virus gene, my operation was not very standardized."

"Can we continue the experiment?"

"It will not affect the progress of the experiment."

Since it doesn't affect the progress, it doesn't matter. After the experiment achieves results, Ye Yunhan will not keep these experimental subjects.

Wei Lanshan went to see 96/97/98 again, and the remaining three experimental subjects were in much better condition than 95.

They have been born for more than three months, their nutritional status is very good in all aspects, and they are indeed beautiful.

During this period, Ye Yunhan sent an airship to deliver many items needed for the babies, and the five experimental subjects received good care and nutritional supplements.

Wei Lanshan called the other five people together: "We will do a mental and physical test on them later to see if their condition can withstand the subsequent injection of drugs."

Almost seventeen Tianning stars and months have passed since Ye Yunhan arrived last time. There are still more than six months left and one year has passed.

They still have to do tens of thousands of drug tests, and it turns out that the experimental subjects must be at least three years old before the results can be produced.

They don't have much time. They only have one week and a few months left, and all tests must be completed before the subject turns four years old.

Although the test results of 95-98 were not what Wei Lanshan expected, except for 95 who was a little lacking in intelligence, the other three had initial physical fitness values ​​of 3A and initial mental strength values ​​of 2S, which were much higher talents than ordinary people.

The initial value level is not lifelong, and it can be cultivated later. How high their level can go depends on their own potential and efforts.

The physical fitness and mental strength of the alliance are divided into several levels, with physical fitness ranging from A to 5A and mental strength from S to 3S.

Different levels can be engaged in different industries. Those with physical fitness below A and mental strength below S are civilians, generally engaged in the service industry; those with physical fitness 2A and mental strength above S can be engaged in the education industry after passing the alliance's education examination, responsible for the education of children under 16 years old.

These two types of people are protected people, and the war will not affect them. There are people stronger than them guarding the front line.

Physical fitness is above 2A, and mental strength is 2S or above. These people will be recruited into the army without any accidents; in the special medical industry, physical fitness must reach 3A and mental strength is 2S to adapt to various high-intensity experiments and learning.

If mental strength cannot be improved before the age of sixteen, there will basically be no miracles in the future, but physical fitness is not limited.

Those who shoulder the heavy responsibility of the entire alliance have outstanding talents without exception.

Compared with the previous 94 group of cultivated bodies, No. 96-98 is much better. The genes of the Ye family are indeed strong.

Wei Lanshan returned to her West District after seeing the results. She was outside the laboratory and did not go in.

She thought about the steps, there was no mistake, but there was such an unexpected result. Is it fortunate or unfortunate?

After learning that the five experimental bodies were in good condition, Ye Yunhan asked the guards to send a few companion robots over.

Let these experimental bodies that are related to his daughter's life and death get more meticulous care.

These are models that have been eliminated by the alliance, but even if they are eliminated, their chips also have the most complete programs on how to take care of infants and young children.

They also come with a variety of soothing videos, music, simulated sounds, etc., and their programs also include playing games with babies.

These companion robots are very sweet in appearance and highly simulated, almost indistinguishable from real people.

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