Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 6 - Beautiful Miss

99 woke up very late that day. When she opened her eyes, she found a young lady with a cute smile standing next to her crib. She was gentle and beautiful. She liked her very much when she first met her.

"Wake up 99, sister is hugging you~"

Wow, the voice sounded nice, so she stretched out her short hands, and the young lady picked her up and went to the window.

It has just been decorated there and has made a beautiful amusement park with beautiful colors, which is very suitable for babies of this age to play.

99 didn't think deeply about why there was such a gentle and lovely young lady to accompany her. She thought it was because the owner of the laboratory didn't want to take care of a baby eating, drinking and defecating, so he hired someone to come.

So I was very happy to play with the little sister. With the little sister's company, 99 felt that life was much easier.

Wei Lanshan often watches the interaction between 99 and the companion robot in videos.

Because 99 playing with the companion robot is particularly cute.

The time they spend together is a happy time of one person and one machine.

Another month has passed. Wei Lanshan wanted to measure 99's physical data. Wei Lanshan stopped at the door.

In the laboratory, the companion robot is playing music to 99, and 99, who is lying on the small bed, is listening to the music with her eyes closed. Maybe because she thinks the music sounds good, she can't help but wave her little hands to the beat of the music.

99 felt very comfortable. The music was inexplicably good. While the woman and the cold big shell were away, she decided to relax. After listening for a while, she felt sleepy, with a smile on her lips.

At this time, the little baby 99 had not realized that the ridiculously beautiful beauty in front of her was a machine. She thought she had been favored by God, but when she came here, God actually gave her a beautiful young lady.

The young lady is also willing to take care of her baby, which is perfect, so I especially enjoy the time with the beautiful young lady.

Wei Lanshan looked at her comfortable and sleepy look and felt very interesting in her heart. This little baby's eyes were bright and her expressions were full of drama.

When the little girl was picked up by the robot for the first time, she was very happy and even reached out to touch the robot's face. There was an incredible expression and wonder on her little face. Wei Lanshan thought she had seen it wrong.

Because she knew that babies over four months old couldn't make many expressions, but the expression on 99's face was clearly incredible, so she had doubts in her heart.

99 has been under her control since she was an embryo, and nothing went wrong along the way. The only difference between her and other babies is that the M virus gene was written into her during the embryonic stage.

Is it because of this reason that 99 is smarter than other babies?

However, the other four experimental subjects had the same origin as her, but were no different from ordinary babies. Why did Dudu 99 look so unique, with mental and physical abilities that exceeded ordinary people, and was also very smart? This made Wei Lanshan very unclear.

Although she has never been a mother, she also knows that for a baby who is only a few months old, 99 at that time and now is too smart.

Wei Lanshan did not delve into this further because she did not want to focus on 99 and avoid unnecessary emotional collisions due to too much contact.

Her fate with her will not last long. She will leave after the experiment is successful. The Ye family should handle the babies 95-99 on their own.

As for her talent, Wei Lanshan had no intention of telling Ye Yunhan about this anomaly.

If Ye Yunhan knew about it, he would definitely bring 99 back to the Ye family at all costs. With her current baby body, she would not survive more than half a month under the hands of Ye Yunhan's wife Tang Yongyu.

Ye Yunhan could not protect this baby all the time. Even if it was given to other Ye family members to raise, someone would always find a chance.

In a family like the Ye family, it is difficult for a child without a mother to survive to adulthood.

This world is far crueler than imagined. There are many secret disputes between galaxies, and there are no less internal fights within galactic families.

Regarding Ye Yunhan's wife Tang Yongyu, Wei Lanshan knows her character very well.

Tang Yongyu would not allow Ye Yunhan to have a daughter who might surpass her daughter's talent.

What's more, that daughter didn't come out of her belly, she was a stranger who had nothing to do with her Tang family, even if this extremely talented child was just an experimental subject.

Wei Lanshan had met Tang Yongyu and knew that she was a domineering and somewhat unreasonable person with ruthless methods. The Tang family was famous for her methods in the Jinghui Galaxy.

The marriage between Tang Yongyu and Ye Yunhan was a union between two galaxies. They couldn't be more stable allies. Since they were allies, how could they allow the Ye family to produce a genius who did not have the blood of the Tang family.

Tang Yongyu will only consider her own interests and will not look at this issue from the Ye family's perspective.

Having one more talented child will help the family go further, but the resources of the Ye family will inevitably be divided into two. How could Tang Yongyu let this happen?

But this does not hinder the healthy growth of 99 now. In Wei Lanshan's opinion, she is too lively to be ridiculous.

99 After hearing Wei Lanshan's footsteps, he opened his eyes and met Wei Lanshan's black eyes.

No matter how many times he saw Wei Lanshan, 99 was still surprised.

Wei Lanshan is different from the little sister who takes care of her. She looks very aggressive. Her beauty is flamboyant and wanton. You will be attracted to her at first sight, but you also know that this beauty is not easy to mess with.

After getting the data she wanted, Wei Lanshan returned to her workshop.

She called Wu Yuan and began to prepare for a comprehensive experiment. 99 was in good health, so they had to speed up the progress.

The days underground were very peaceful. Wei Lanshan observed data, conducted experiments, and prepared drugs every day. After a few Tianning months, 99 was more than eight months old and began to babble.

In eight months, 99 had calmed down from the initial weirdness of opening her eyes, and had understood her situation.

This was a laboratory, not a hospital. She should be healthy, but she had never left this room. Only a sweet young woman (nanny?) was taking care of her.

As for the older woman who was called "Lan Lord" by Da Kezi, 99 was reluctant to mention it.

She would only come in here when doing experiments. Once she came, it would be an inhuman torture for 99.

She turned out to be a baby who was used for experiments as soon as she was born. To be more precise, she was born because of the experiment.

99 sighed in her heart that it was difficult to be born.

Gradually, No. 99 grew up a lot. Like any other child, she liked to laugh and listen to stories.

Wei Lanshan found that No. 99 had a strong desire for knowledge. When she was five or six months old, she would let the robot hold her to learn about various things in the laboratory.

As for how No. 99 commanded the robot, she had not started to learn language at that time. Wei Lanshan estimated that she used mental power, and there was no other reason.

She also found that the data system of the companion robot would bypass the central system and automatically download some knowledge that was not within the scope of its chip and program.

Wei Lanshan was surprised.

Because the robot's instructions are fixed, unless the owner upgrades the robot's chip and adds programs, others cannot change it through external forces.

She didn't expect that this little child would be so talented.

99 didn't know that what the little sister had taught her recently was beyond the scope of its program. She just communicated with the gentle and lovely little sister and wanted to know more, but she didn't know that she had issued instructions to it invisibly.

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