Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 594 -Talent becomes worse

Ye Zhenwei's physical and mental talents are very high, but her usual training neglects to polish her body. Therefore, while her mental power continues to stretch, her physical fitness cannot keep up, which ultimately causes her body to be unable to bear it. Such majestic mental power collapsed.

Shuo Feihua and the others had also heard about this matter, and there were some sporadic reports on the Star Network about Ye Zhenwei returning to Gaia for treatment.

Shuofeihua and the others were thoughtful and had a new view on the relationship between mental power and body.

When training the next generation, they follow their own previous training memories.

It is also based on the experience of the older generation.

They all said that physical and mental strength must be practiced at the same time, otherwise the mental strength will not be able to keep up.

So they all train like this.

Their childhood training would not have produced this stagnation in today's children, so they chalked it up to the new generation becoming less talented.

The difference did get a little worse, but not as much as they imagined.

However, just this little bit is enough to prevent their mental strength from synchronizing with their physical strength.

Xixiu told them about this problem that exists in all galaxies in the alliance, but no solution has been found so far.

"In other words, the younger generation does not have very good talents."

It seems it's not just Susita.

Vera breathed a sigh of relief.

They thought it was because the children had a genetic mutation and did not inherit their parents' talents.

It turns out that's not the problem.

The baby is still his own baby, and his genes are still inherited from him, and there are no mutations.

"Yes, and what you can't imagine is that the new generation's genes are more perfect than yours."

Ah Xian threw the silver beads in his hand and said this.

Biomedical scientists and mental power research experts all believe that if genes are more perfect, both physical and mental talents should be stronger. However, a paradox occurs.

"There's no answer, that's the conclusion."

After hearing Xixiu's words, Shuo Feihua and the others stopped asking what they were going to ask.

"I still want to thank you." Vera and Suo Feiyue took turns hugging Xixiu.

"You're welcome. This is what you did for me back then." I was just reciprocating the favor.

These words floated in the air, making both Soo Feihua and Vera feel lucky.

Flora and the others stopped and looked at the children with tense and serious faces.

This look reminded them of the days when they were still in school, and they were so ignorant of day and night and hard work.

In the training room, the children are sweating, and physical training is not a day's work.

They will have to live through such days for a long time. I hope they have the perseverance and then they will become a completely new version of themselves.

During the few days they stayed in Suxida, Xixiu and Axian were not idle. In addition to spending two hours a day watching the children train, they also walked around Suxida.

I also asked for a copy of the residents' data here, and combined it with the data given by Qing Zhixun before to see if there was anything wrong.

Basically, the older generation of Feihua Tuan have left, some died in the sea of ​​stars, and some went to other places to spend the rest of their lives.

So the remaining people are young and middle-aged people who are still strong, children, and some women and children who don't want to leave their homes again.

Relationships seem simple.

Nothing suspicious.

After sifting through it, Xixiu focused on the people who left Susita.

Li Yuanting agreed with her.

The two people cross-checked the data collected by each other. Xixiu frowned and looked at the two lists. "Some people did not leave Susita with their partners. This is intriguing."

Whatever the reason for not leaving together, it seemed abnormal.

"Yes, so I am responsible for part of the investigation, and the rest is left to Second Lieutenant Hong." Li Yuanting intercepted the data.


They will stay here for three more days, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to complete this task in these three days.

So Xixiu took the data and documents to Lin Shuan's office, and Shuo Feihua and the others happened to be there.

"Xixiu, do you need our help?" Shuo Feihua knew that Xixiu had been checking Su Xida's internal staff in the past two days, and they happened to be sorting them out, and they made some discoveries.

"I have some data here. I need Captain Feihua and Star Master Lin to take a look at it and help us take a look at the previous situation of these people."

Xixiu opened his terminal, and the light screen projected the information they had filtered out in the past few days, mainly the interpersonal relationships of those who left Susita.

"Some people left before, after passing the application and signing a confidentiality agreement. Later, due to some sad reasons, some people's partners returned to Susita with their children after leaving."

Lin Shuan had some impressions of these people, because there was a small wave of applications he received after taking over as Star Master, and they were also the release orders he signed.

"They didn't say where their partners went?" Axian wondered why they would "abandon" their partners.

"Only a few looked sad, saying that their partners died unexpectedly, and they also showed their partners' death certificates reported to the central brain."

They asked a few more questions, but they couldn't bear to ask anymore for this reason.

So, being psychologically caught by these people?

"That means there are still some people who you didn't check carefully." A Xian took a deep breath.


Lin Shuan's answer was a bit difficult.

These people, Shuo Feihua, had an impression, "After they came back, they didn't do anything beyond Susita's boundaries. They were considered to be law-abiding."

Not all were checked because the starships these people went out to were damaged and they were sent back by the cruiser.

When the cruiser encountered them, their starship hit a large meteorite that suddenly appeared in the star map. The starship was seriously damaged and many people died.

But because in the starry sky, the remains of many people could no longer be recovered, and these people were directly deemed dead.

Xixiu looked at the information given by Lin Shuan, and found that several of them were similar. Not long after leaving Susita, the starship hit a meteorite or encountered a star thief.

Some people died, but their partners and children were fine and were rescued by cruisers.

This is really a coincidence.

Too many coincidences are problematic.

"Nolin, immediately check their communication records and all traces of their return."

"Okay, I'll check it right away. There are too many. It may take about a day."

"It's okay, we can investigate with you." Qimang and Wuyuan can both help.

As long as they are connected to Susita's network, these two can freely search for information.

No matter how fine the traces are, they can be picked out for you.

"Okay, thank you very much."

Neither Shuo Feihua nor Lin Shuan had thought about this issue before. After all, these people were members of the Feihua Group.

No one should betray Feihua's veteran. They had been together through thick and thin, and were comrades who had experienced mountains of corpses and seas of blood together.

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