Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 595 - There is someone in the forest (additional update)

Xixiu could understand Suo Feihua's discomfort at this moment, "Captain Feihua, it's just that these people are more suspicious now, not necessarily everyone has a problem."

Shuofeihua also understands this, but even if only one person has a problem, it will make her feel uncomfortable.

"The partners of your Feihua Group are all matched by the central intelligence brain after submitting the application, right?" A Xian looked at the birthplace of these people, not Su Xida.

"Yes, it's just me and Fei Yue. Vera's partner is from Susita Planet."

"Then how did you safely bring them back to Susita?"

Since the location of Fei Hua Tuan is a secret, it is strange that these people who come from other planets to live with their partners would be completely relieved.

"Also, there are probably people from Susita who go to other galaxies to live with their partners."

These people must also know Susita's location, so the scope of their search will be expanded.

"Those who go out will eliminate their traces of Susita's planet. We will send people to drive them in starships to Mingyun Star, where they can take the starship to their partner's galaxy."

Before doing so, they will eliminate all information about Susita's location from the terminal of the person who left.

After these people go out, they will not come back to Susita, and they will no longer be Susita's people in this life.

On the way out of Susita, their room had no windows and the terminal was disconnected, making it impossible to record the route.

As for their previous records of going out on missions, there will be no problems.

Because children who have just grown up will not be asked to go out to perform tasks.

In other words, children who have not yet been matched will not go out.

Within Susita they called the planet Susina.

Susita is the official name of the planet in the alliance, and Susina is their nickname for the planet, which is not recorded in any information.

"But, wouldn't the address filled in their marriage application show Susita?"

"On this issue, the founder of Feihua once had an agreement with the central intelligence brain. When the marriage application filled out by the Susita people, what they see will definitely be Susina, and what the other party will see will also be Susina."

Susina is on the star map and is also in the database of the central brain, but it is not referring to the planet Susita.

Shuofeihua's explanation was somewhat unreasonable, "Won't the other party ask about their hometown?"

Suo Feihua had also thought about Xixiu's question before, but she didn't contact these people who went out again, so she didn't know the answer.

My partner will definitely ask. After asking, everyone will probably reply that Susina is a mysterious planet.

As for the person who finally chooses to come to Susita with his partner, he must pass their test.

They need to complete at least ten missions on the Flying Flower Group, and each time the completion rate satisfies the members of the Flying Flower Group, then they will be allowed to come to Susita.

This process is still very strict.

Shuofeihua believes that these people who enter Susita are not as suspicious as those who go out.

Xixiu exchanged information with Li Yuanting and sent him a copy of Lin Shuan's information to facilitate his further investigation.

Tian Nolin copied all the communication records of these people who had died, and used the database to screen for doubts.

Qi Mang was assisting from the side.

It is very simple to process this data.

It doesn’t require sleep, you can stare at the screen all the time, and you can sift through a lot of information in a day.

Xixiu took Wuyuan and Axian and followed Feng Shanshan to the homes of those who returned to Su Xida after losing their partners in the name of sending condolences.

Other people from 909 also followed the people from Feihua Tuan and divided into several groups to go to these people's homes to find out what was going on.

After walking around, neither Xixiu nor A-Xian found much of a problem. These families had truly lost their partners.

After they and their children returned to Susita, they have been working hard for the construction of Susita.

These children who have lost their father or mother have just grown up and basically have not yet formed a partner.

Feng Shanshan chatted with these people enthusiastically and told them that Susina's crisis was over for the time being, but they could not relax and asked everyone to stay vigilant at all times.

These families in the central city used to be the main fighting force of the Flying Flower Group, and their children are also very talented.

If a new generation grows up, Feihua Tuan may go to the star sea again.

When going outside the central city, Xixiu decided not to team up with Feng Shanshan and asked Wu Yuan to follow her. She planned to go to the forest there with A Xian.

About two hundred and thirty meters into the forest, Xixiu discovered traces of human habitation.

There are people living here, and they have built their houses on top of trees, which is the style of wooden houses that was very popular in Jingsu many years ago.

Xixiu, who originally planned to see the scenery of Susita, thought that there might be unexpected gains during this trip.

She sent a message to Feng Shanshan and asked her if she knew anyone lived here.

The big trees in the forest are all about the same age, estimated to be four to five hundred years old, but the houses built on them are not Susita's special features.

Because the outside of the house is painted a dark green, it is difficult to spot a house in the tree from a distance.

Dark green is not the main color of Planet Susita.

After these people discovered that someone had entered, they looked wary and even looked at Xixiu and A-Xian with somewhat ferocious expressions.

This surprised both Xixiu and A-Xian. They seemed to have just come here by chance and had not done anything "bad".

Or, what are they guarding against?

One of the girls, about the same age as Xixiu, stood in front of the others with a protective posture.

The expression on his face was as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Xixiu and A-Xian looked at each other, feeling that there was something wrong with these people.

Xixiu opened the terminal and pulled out the database given to her by Shuofeihua.

After scanning, the girl's basic information popped up.

Sang Linwan, Su Xita, who returned home with her mother Lin Zhenzhen and five younger brothers after her father died, seldom showed up after that.

They can hardly be found in public places, and they did not attend even Susita's most lively events.

It feels a bit isolated from the world.

Information shows that none of these six people boarded the ship during the retreat.

When Jiang Fuyu's retreat team was counting their numbers, they received a message from Lin Zhenzhen requesting to be stationed in Su Xita.

Because some Susita citizens are very passionate and vow to coexist and die with the planet.

Some would stay in Susita to fight, and they had no doubts.

If this is the case, there is a high possibility that Xi Xiu and A Xian are not known.

However, even so, there is no need to look at Xixiu and them in this manner.

Xixiu was wearing the uniform combat uniform of the station, and the emblem on it was obvious.

Ah Xian, on the other hand, slightly disguised the color of her hair and eyes to prevent others from discovering that she was from Anweil.

Therefore, it is difficult for Xixiu to avoid doubts.

"Sorry, I saw the beautiful scenery here and walked in unknowingly."

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