Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 613 - I have good taste

They believe they have a miracle built into their genes, that they are destined to fall in love with each other since they were embryos.

This kind of "romantic" relationship can't be accepted for a long time. It's because of the intervention of external factors that it makes you completely devoted to your partner.

Without genetic engraving, there would be no big difference between the intelligent creatures in Jingsu and the humans in previous societies.

Xixiu, who was lost in thought, looked like he was trying to get into trouble again. Ah Xian sighed, "It's not as bad as you think."

Afterwards, Axian told Xixiu about the process of making friends in Anweil.

It's similar to the love affair in Xixiu's previous life, except that they have one thing: they must be mentally connected and have 100% mental agreement.

Also look at each other.

You cannot force the other party.

This should be a pleasant thing. As long as either party feels tired, the relationship will not reach the final step of contracting.

However, after their mating ceremony, they do not need genetic engraving to be loyal to their partners, and they are not as bloody as humans long ago.

"Sister Axian, are you telling me sideways that once Qing Zhixun identifies his partner, he will never betray or abandon him?"

In fact, this is not the reason for her worry. She is most afraid of letting down other people's affection.

If the people of Anvil really loved each other so purely, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear the other's love.

"Yes, the people of Anvil are the second most infatuated people in Beijing, and no one dares to claim to be the first."

Not bragging.

A-Xian said as she looked for clothes for Xixiu, and found the ones given to her by Charlotte and Liu Jia from her space, specifically for clothing.

Open the panel of the space button, and it will be clear what is inside.

After picking and choosing, A-Xian finally took out a light golden slim-fitting dress.

She thinks this piece will definitely make Xixiu's aura fully open, so that Qing Zhixun won't blink.

Hee hee, she has great eyesight.

When she saw the ultra-low-cut V-neck pale gold dress with a large back exposed on the back, Xixiu's brows jumped a few times.

This guy's eye for choosing a dress is indeed a bit too sharp!

I was still thinking about A-Xian's words just now, but before I could think clearly, I was distracted by the dress she chose.

"Come on, Xixiu, try this one on."

Ah Xian's attitude meant that she must have chosen her clothes before setting off with Flora and the others.

Xixiu had no choice but to pick up her clothes, go to the dressing room, change them, and put her hair up casually.

When he came out, A-Xian was so surprised, "Just tell me I have good taste!"

She has a good figure and fair skin, and this outfit suits her very well.

In fact, Xixiu looks good no matter how you wear it.

Lujia, Charlotte, and Wu Jingya still have a very unique eye for choosing clothes.

These clothes are also designed according to Xixiu's figure data, just for her to wear on different occasions.

"No, change it to another one." Xixiu was also shocked by his own appearance.

Although she admitted that it was indeed, very beautiful.

Even a little happy.

But she was really not used to it. She always felt like there was air leakage in her back and front!

She had attended many dinner parties in her previous life, and her choice of clothing had always been based on being decent and yet still maintaining her identity. She had never worn such an aura and sexy dress before.

"This is really beautiful." Ah Xian really couldn't understand Xi Xiu's stubbornness.

In the end, she chose a dress of her own, which was also light gold, but had no exposed back and was much more conservative.

The dresses that Luca and the others gave her were basically light gold, dark green, or goose yellow.

White is rare.

Because all the intelligent creatures in Jingsu don't seem to like the color white very much.

Black is worn by Jingsu on certain occasions. She was going to eat, so she couldn't choose.

There is also a pendant, which she made with the diamonds Damian gave her before.

It was not popular for Jingsu to have her ears pierced, so she made a bracelet out of broken diamonds.

It was matching, and it looked very energetic. The light reflected by the diamond made A Xian a little surprised.

"Hey, that's not bad." The outfit just now would attract Qing Zhixun's attention even more, she bet.

Ah Xian guessed that the people on Xixiu's planet were very conservative, so Xixiu was the same.

"Well, okay, I'll wear this when I go in the evening. You don't have to worry. Just be careful when you go."

"Yeah, okay, I'm going to catch the biggest deep-sea seafood. When I get back and take care of it, we'll go to the river next to us to have a barbecue."

After saying that, they skipped over to Flora and the others. A few of them went out chatting and laughing, ambitiously planning to bring back all the seafood in the West District.

But not far downstairs from the dormitory, I saw Li Yuanting, Su Jinbao and Qiu Shaorong talking to them.

A Xian and the others walked over and said hello, "Hello, sir." I didn't know what Li Yuanting and the others were doing with this attitude.

"We also want a change of taste, so we plan to go fishing with you."

Lu Zongan smiled, he knew that Axun's partner was super capable.

No one eats the seafood in the West District, so it’s a bit overrun.

Lin Zaiqin was eager for someone to help clean up, so after Qing Zhixun greeted him, he opened the pass without saying a word.

However, he was not at all curious about what they used seafood for. Families like the Qing family must have methods of processing ingredients, and they probably wanted to cook their own food.

He still likes nutritional supplements, which are convenient and nutritionally balanced.

As the team grows, A-Xian welcomes it.

If you catch too much, you can store it. If you want to eat it later, she and Xixiu can open a small stove in private, which is perfect.

Qiu Shaorong led the team. This time everyone was very happy when they heard that the captain was going to cause trouble.

It was obviously not enough last time.

I will definitely eat enough this time.

So they will work extra hard at night to catch the best seafood.

They specially brought tools.

It's his own personal mecha.

You can go to the battlefield in normal times, and you can also fish for seafood in your spare time. It's really great.

Xixiu watched Ah Xian and the others leave, changed out of their clothes and lay back on the bed.

Continue reading the information you just left unfinished.

I received several emails in my mailbox.

There are those from Wu Jingyang, those from Wei Lanshan, and those from Long Xingxue and Ming Weiman.

The latest one was from Zhen.

Xixiu replied one by one.

Wei Lanshan has sent W09 and the others to a safe place.

The secret base where Xu Fengxiang and the others trained was in Shang Yuexing, a place Xixiu had never been to. He also left manpower to teach them and take care of their daily lives.

Only a few children chose to go to Shang Yuexing. Some of the other children went to aristocratic families, and some went to places arranged by the Elders Association.

All traces have been erased, and Jingsu has no trace of the existence of these children.

Even Xixiu doesn't know their current identities. There may be some children who choose ordinary people's lives.

However, what was promised will be accomplished.

Xu Fengxiang arranged for a separate communication channel and connection between Shang Yuexing and Xixiu. These few would give Xixiu training and education. They chose to follow Xixiu and become a member of Jiuxing.

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