Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 614 - First Date

Xixiu felt that the burden on her body had become heavier.

They regard themselves as Xixiu's juniors and work hard in her direction.

This road has beautiful scenery, but most of the time it is lonely and lonely.

Moreover, her initial wish was just to save her life, and she had no lofty ideals.

He reworked a training plan and mental training methods for the children and sent them to Feng Yuici, who was left behind.

After replying to the email, Xixiu sent the compiled files to Li Fengzhuan.

He is currently training Wan Youlin on a planet near his station, and the progress is good.

Wan Youlin withstood his devilish training plan and gained a new understanding of tactics and strategy.

As for Ming Weiman, he is busy refining energy stones on the star of the Ningkui galaxy. The factory was built on site. The energy stone refining technology is the method left by the previous Jiuxing. The progress is very smooth.

After he has processed these batches of energy stones, Wan Youlin and Li Yifeng will bring them back and pack them for storage.

When the time comes, Long Xingxue will hide his traces and follow behind to prevent them from being targeted.

Jiuxing is doing all this in secret.

Xu Fengxiang and others have received the dispatch orders from the central intelligence brain and headed to various stations and fortresses.

After Wei Lanshan took care of the children's affairs, she went to meet up with Xu Jiusong and headed to the cruiser headquarters deep in the star sea, waiting for the darkness to fall in the starry sky.

Feng Yueci was the strongest among the few, so he stayed behind at Shang Yuexing. After the energy stones were transported back tomorrow, he would also return to Shang Yuexing to garrison.

The business of Industrial Star can be suspended for a period of time, or he can also handle official business in Shang Yuexing. After these years of operation, even if he is not around, his subordinates can still run well, and he does not need to keep an eye on it.

Basically, everyone will be in their respective positions within a month and prepare for the war.

Hopefully they have another month left.

After everyone has finished relaxing, Xixiu plans to have all 909 team members practice in seclusion.

The kind who only sleeps and eats on the training ground.

They should have become accustomed to this training intensity in the past two years. This time's training is mainly confrontation training in the starry sky, and the rest is specifically for immortal robots and biological creation projects.

After this period of sorting out, the Council of Elders has summed up ways to deal with these things, which will be useful in battles.

Xixiu planned to let them do some special training based on their combat experience from this mission.

Not feeling relaxed without any tasks, Xi Xiu turned on the projector in the dormitory and took a look at the recent major events in various galaxies.

Now that we have embarked on this road, we have to go all the way to the dark side.

At least when you are in this position, you have to take care of yourself.

There are so many team members under her, and everyone's life is important. She can't be careless.

She saved all the information that she thought was interesting and strange, and left it to Qimang for analysis. It was already evening.

I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while, then finally got up to wash up and change clothes.

The makeup of the women in the alliance is mostly light makeup, not too heavy or colorful, so she simply dressed up according to the makeup she would normally wear for such an occasion.

After confirming that there would be no problem, Xixiu got on the station's hover car and went directly to the location Qing Zhixun gave her.

When her hover car rose, through the transparent car window, she saw a rich cloud of sunset glow in the western sky, dyeing the sky a beautiful rose color.

The beauty of this planet is at its peak in early autumn.

When all the leaves of the green grass turn into a beautiful and dazzling golden color, the east area where Yuan Ri is stationed will be set off by the golden grass and become a beautiful golden color, forming a golden ocean.

This kind of beauty is worth protecting.

When Xixiu was sighing at the beauty of this place, the autonomous navigation system of the floating car's intelligent system had already brought her to the "date" location.

Viewed from a low altitude, the environment here was even more beautiful than the place where Qing Zhixun had an appointment with her last time.

Qing had already tidied up this place when she was three years old and turned into a nanny robot for the Gu family.

It received Qing Zhixun's order to park the hover car for Xixiu at the door, and then go back to the rest area and give it instructions when needed.

When he saw his future mistress, Qing Sansui raised a polite smile.

Qing Zhixun was worried that Qing Sansui's original personality was too noisy and Xixiu wouldn't like it, so he forcibly changed its personality.

Xixiu watched Qing Sansui doing his job as a waiter in an orderly manner, decently and gracefully, and gained a new understanding of its owner.

After coming to Jingsu, Xixiu only had normal dining experiences at Anweil ​​and Suxita, and the rest of the time he only had nutrient supplements.

So she thought this was the unique dining etiquette of aristocratic families, so she expressed her gratitude to Qing Sansui.

Qing Sansui smiled back at her, said "Enjoy your meal", and drove the hover car away.

Not far away, Qing Zhixun was walking towards Xixiu, his steps were elegant, he looked really pleasing to the eye, and he was a very high-quality man.

Qing Zhixun stretched out his hand and motioned for Xixiu to hold him. At this moment, Xixiu's heart suddenly surged with complicated emotions.

She turned her head slightly and glanced at Qing Zhixun's eyebrows. The emotion in his eyes was something she couldn't ignore.

He seemed to have practiced this action hundreds or thousands of times just to be able to use it this time.

Xixiu hesitated for a moment, but finally reached out and held Qing Zhixun's arm.

The moment Xixiu's hand came into contact with his arm, Qing Zhixun felt that his life was finally complete.

It was his greatest helplessness and regret that he could not accompany her to experience such an occasion before.

In this life, I can slowly do all this for her, which is great.

There are many flowers, plants and trees planted on the way to the restaurant. In the evening, the flowers are covered with a layer of rosy red. When you look at the end, you can feel the fullness of a girl's heart.

Xixiu thinks it's not bad.

This is a master who can coax people.

Qing Zhixun saw that Xixiu didn't make much noise, so he introduced her to the names of flowers along the way, starting with their star systems and various matters that should be paid attention to when transplanting.

He knew Xixiu liked these.

Listening to his introduction, Xixiu found that these plants were species that were difficult to obtain in Beijing.

Some varieties are delicate, extremely difficult to raise, and have strict environmental requirements, and are very popular among alliance families.

"Sir, your flowers are well cultivated." Xixiu could only praise, since the Alliance people like to hear compliments anyway.

"I have planted these in Gaia, and I have asked Charlotte and Luca to do it in Anweil. When we go back, we will see many beautiful plants."

It doesn’t matter if you really accept this, or if you don’t accept it.

So Xixiu remained silent for the time being.

Qing Zhixun knew that she would not give him a definite answer so quickly.

These chapters may be a bit off-topic. I originally wanted to give out some sweets, but the author’s writing power is limited, and junk candy is also candy ()

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