Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 615 - Is it such a coincidence?

In that case, it would not be Hong Xixiu.

"If you have anything to say, you can actually tell me and I won't get angry."

Qing Zhixun wants to break the current relationship between two people and get along like other matching couples.

You don't need the relationship to grow rapidly, but at least you need to be able to chat happily and no longer be alienated.

Xixiu's current personality has changed a bit. Even if he makes a hundred steps forward, he will not move forward.

He didn't want to push her too hard.

Therefore, we can only rely on some small means to slowly change this state.

Originally, he wanted to let nature take its course. This was good, but it couldn't last too long.

He still understands the reason why Chi Zesheng changed.

The walk to the restaurant was not long, and the journey the two of them walked hand in hand for the first time was quickly over. Qing Zhixun had to let go of Xixiu's hand first, and he opened the stool for her like a gentleman and let her sit down.

This place was specially built by Qing Zhixun after his mission in Xixiu, and it was specially used for cooking and dining.

The open kitchen looks very neat.

Xixiu scanned the surroundings and found that it had the characteristics of the Jingsu Alliance.

The tableware is all up to date, as are the kitchen utensils.

The styles of these kitchen utensils should be made by the central brain based on past data. Of course, this is just Xixiu's guess.

The food on the table was covered with lids, so you couldn't see the dishes, but there were still bursts of aroma of food in the air. From the smell, it must be pretty good.

Qing Zhixun placed the tableware for Xixiu and opened the lids one by one.

There is a thermostatic device on the bottom of the tableware that holds the food, which will turn on and let out steam.

Full marks for the presentation.

The aesthetic taste of Jingsu people is still very high.

Although they don't eat like this very often, the sense of ritual when eating in a family of aristocratic families is probably stronger than that of Susita people.

"These are based on hundreds of recipes I have received. I hope they will taste like yours."

Xixiu raised his eyebrows.

If she remembered correctly, she once sold hundreds of recipes to a young man from an aristocratic family in an unknown galaxy, and received a large sum of star coins for this.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Qing Zhixun smiled happily.

He already knew that the original recipe came from Xixiu's hand.

And the opponent he fought against in the virtual training ground was also Xixiu.

He knew that their fate was a miracle.

"I may not get the essence of the person who originally sold me the recipe, but it should still be edible."

After he got the recipe, he asked the chef hired by his family to make it. He wasted a lot of ingredients and managed to make the taste he wanted, but it was still lacking.

Jingsu doesn’t have that many condiments, and even if they did, they wouldn’t use them.

Xixiu pretended not to know and couldn't let Qing Zhixun find out, otherwise he would have to go to heaven.

"I've never tried eating it this way. Let me give it a try." Xixiu picked up a chopstick and tasted it carefully. He found that the taste was indeed a little worse. Without the accompanying condiments, the food was always lacking in soul.

"Not bad, you can give this chef a salary increase."

Judging from the level of the alliance, this chef's skills are indeed very good.

"Really? Then I'll add it to him tomorrow." Qing Zhixun smiled softly.

He knew that Xixiu would not admit that he was the one selling the recipe.

It doesn't matter, she will tell you later.

He also had secrets that he wasn't telling her, didn't he.

The colors of the dishes on the table already look great. Just in terms of appearance, this chef is already at the top of the league. As for the lack of taste, it is because the people in Jingsu use condiments very poorly.

There are grilled snow steaks, steamed seafood, whole edible birds, assorted vegetables and salad-like vegetables made with milky white juice, and some other meats, all of which are rare ingredients.

Except for the lack of dessert, it was already a hearty dinner.

During the dinner, Qing Zhixun was talking and Xixiu was listening. From time to time, she would ask a few questions.

Neither of them talked about official business, and the atmosphere seemed harmonious.

Qing Zhixun, who was opposite, had affection in his eyebrows and eyes, which made Xixiu feel a little at a loss.

She understands that sincerity from a match should not be let down, even if she doesn't have this idea yet.

"Are you used to eating?" Qing Zhixun's voice sounded cold, but at this moment, Xixiu felt there was some warmth in his voice.

"It's delicious. This is the best food I've ever eaten in my life." Xixiu decided to tell this person half the truth.

This was indeed the most food-like meal she had eaten since coming to Jingsu. At this point, there was no need for her to lie to him.

"Little liar, your skills are much better than this. You can tell lies without blinking an eye."

Qing Zhixun smiled and shook his head. His cold eyebrows melted like ice and snow in an instant, becoming the most beautiful scenery in early spring.

"Ahem, I was joking."

No matter what, there is a difference between barbecue and dinner, and you won’t eat them at every meal.

"Why are you so humble? If it were me, I would confidently say that I am the best in Beijing."

It was rare for Qing Zhixun to say something so disrespectful to his identity, which almost made Xixiu want to laugh.

However, Xixiu just shook his head.

This is too childish.

She has long passed the age of competing with others, and she no longer cares about these false reputations.

As long as she is happy and going well, others can do whatever they want, as long as it does not affect her peaceful life.

"I heard from A-Xian that after you retire, you want to open a food store?"

"Well, I do have this idea."

"I have the best shop in Gaia, but the people in Gaia are picky and difficult to serve. Although there are many star coins, there are also many troubles. You can choose Mingyun Galaxy, which likes to eat and is also wealthy."

Xixiu didn't expect that Qing Zhixun was actually giving her advice, and in a decent way.

The Mingyun Galaxy has the most everything, the most celebrities, they make more money, and they also like to spend money.

There are also intelligent creatures from other galaxies who go to see the show, and they are also willing to do so.

"I've never been there, so when I have time, I'll let people go there and then evaluate."

As for who to ask, there is no other choice except Ming Weiman.

He is a business genius with a very sharp eye for projects.

She asked herself why she was not full.

The business knowledge she came into contact with in her previous life was probably nothing more than child's play when she was here in Ming Weiman.

"If you don't worry, you can leave it to me. I have my subordinates over there."

Qing Zhixun looked at Xixiu with expectant and stubborn eyes, which obviously meant that Xixiu could only agree.

"Okay, I will give him a commission when the time comes, so that his hard work will not be in vain." Thinking of how many times Qing Zhixun had extended a helping hand, she seemed unable to repay him.

If the time comes, give him some shares.

Although he may not like it.

"Okay, I'll tell you the results later."

The two of them ate this meal for more than an hour, starting from when the stars had just set and the night was a bit blue-grey, until the neon lights of the station flashed.

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