Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 616 - Feeling very comfortable (more updates)

This dinner was the first time Xixiu and Qing Zhixun felt comfortable since they met.

Qing Zhixun no longer had the aloofness he had when they first met. It seemed that after they came back from the artificial star, everything Qing Zhixun did was centered around her.

Xixiu pondered.

She couldn't understand this.

Could it be that brief time together that made him completely set his sights on her?

She didn't do anything exciting, it was just normal fighting and survival in the wild.

Maybe it's because he sees things from a different perspective than ordinary people?

If you don’t understand it, don’t think about it.

Qing Zhixun looked at her face thoughtfully for a while, a little confused for a while, and smiled in his heart.

I had never noticed that she would be so entangled before.

At that time, she was cold to people.

It's like wearing a layer of armor.

His enthusiasm for him is not too high. He is very sensible and humble. He sticks to his own principles when it comes to people and things.

She believed that their family was kind to her, so she did everything she could to repay them.

Even if grandpa's request to her is at the cost of marriage.

At that time, he firmly disagreed, but grandpa decided the matter without saying a word.

He even asked her in front of him.

He thought she wouldn't agree, but he didn't know that she looked at him calmly and said "ok".

Later, when the two of them got along, it would be no exaggeration to say that they respected each other like ice.

It's just that we had a lot of contact with each other because of family matters, and because of his health problems, he basically came up with strategies and she helped solve the problems.

For a long time after their grandfather passed away, their relationship with each other did not change.

Until he noticed that his health seemed to be getting worse and worse, and wanted to arrange the rest of his life for her.

Who knew those people couldn't wait so much.

In order to save him, she died in that man-made disaster.

Later, when he was sorting out her belongings, he realized the pain she had buried in her heart.

Only then did she know that he had only had an in-depth conversation with her, and what she said was true.

In her world, if you like something, you just like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it.

But at that time, he was already at the end of his strength.

After avenging her, he dispersed his huge family fortune and used it all to support national construction, and those people didn't even get a scrap.

When you wake up again, it is already a new life.

However, an impossible miracle happened.

Xixiu was eating the food in front of him, unaware of the waves in Qing Zhixun's heart...

After dinner, Qing Zhixun invited Xixiu to watch the night view.

There is a star observatory next to the sentry not far away. The sentry is usually used to monitor the starry sky. Xixiu and his team will take turns to watch it every three months.

The environment there is still familiar.

However, she rarely went to the observatory.

Just seen it.

The way she and A-Xian looked at the stars was by sitting on the trunk of a big tree, lying on the grass, or going to the highest sentry post among all the buildings.

No house in the Jingsu Alliance will exceed six floors, with the exception of sentry posts.

The tallest buildings on each planet are reserved for sentries, which are the first line of defense to protect the planet and are very important.

Qing Zhixun drove his own private hover car, and the one Xixiu drove had already been driven back to the warehouse by Qing Sansui.

When the hover vehicle took off, other soldiers at the station looked at the vehicle with envy as it flew steadily towards the sentry post.

It’s so beautiful to have your matching partner by your side. From time to time, you can have a romantic date to enhance your relationship.

Xixiu knew this would happen, but there was nothing he could do about it. Everyone in Jingsu had been like this since they grew up.

"Puchi, don't have so many mental activities, just look at the night view."

This guy probably scolded him in his mind for being so hated and didn't know how to restrain himself.

However, love should appear at this time.

Otherwise, who would know that she was his partner, and then someone who didn't know her level would be interested in her. Although he was confident that he would definitely win, this kind of experience was something he didn't want to have.

Xixiu looked at Qing Zhixun, wondering why he looked so happy.

However, she could probably guess it.

Such a declaration.

Although she is not attracted to any man now, her powers of observation and understanding are still there, and she is not stupid.

If you are not afraid of causing "crowd outrage", just let him go.

Although the soldiers at the station envied this fate, they understood the eagerness to be with their partner every minute.

After all, some soldiers have already experienced it, and some are also enjoying it with their friends on the virtual network.

The feeling of being with your partner is really different, because you will clearly know that the person in front of you will be your responsibility in this life.

I will experience the rest of my life with you, have children together, educate them, see the scenery of the alliance together, make choices together, and fight side by side.

Therefore, the soldiers understood Qing Zhixun's "showing off" very tolerantly, and deliberately left room for them to get along with each other.

Except for the soldiers on guard duty, everyone else returned to their dormitories and did not go to their destination to join in the fun.

Qing Zhixun detailed some of the changes he made after coming to the station, including the construction of dormitories, greening, and the design of the new building, all of which have his influence.

Xixiu listened to it and felt that although some of the things he did seemed small, their impact was far-reaching.

"The environment here was not as comfortable as it is now."

"You can see that."

Qing Zhixun came here more than five years before her. In more than five years, she can do a lot of things in the Jingsu Alliance.

With an army of robot builders, the construction time of the project is greatly shortened, and construction can be started at the same time, as long as the materials are available.

"This place can actually be built more beautifully, but I may not have the time recently."

Everyone will focus on training, regardless of new or old fighters.

The season in Gaia is now early summer, and the military school students will leave for various stations in the early autumn of Gaia.

The number of people assigned to Yuan Ri this year is still quite large, and Qing Zhixun will be very busy by then.

The arrangement of personnel, the coordination of the warrior team, and the training plan all have to be done by him.

Li Yuanting and the others can at best give him some help. In Jingsu's station, the bigger the position, the more work there is.

So I took advantage of the time and did what I could do first.

By then, Xixiu and Ah Xian might have to lead separate teams, if there was no war in Yuanri before then.

It was the first time that the two of them had been alone together for such a long time. Qing Zhixun was always talking and Xixiu was listening, so there was no disharmony.

This allows Xixiu to understand him better, rather than just having a superficial impression.

So Qing Zhixun told a lot about his past, probably to attract Xixiu's attention.

"Anvil has found the Star Gate. Jingxi went in to check it and gave the data to Wu Jingyang, but the results have not been released yet."

"Hopefully it won't be the worst outcome."

Xixiu didn't want it to happen that the Anvilians used their bodies and consciousness to fill the star gate. That would be too tragic.

Although it was unavoidable in critical circumstances, she prayed that it would not happen in her lifetime.

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