Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 618 - Wearing the vest for a long time

Qing Heming and Jing Xi didn't know about this when they left Anweier, so they were still a little confused when they heard Qing Zhixun talk about it.

Xi Xiu briefly explained the relationship between Qin Jian and Qin Hongjun. She knew this best.

Jing Xi was surprised. How could a human split out a consciousness that was not his own?

In Jingsu, it should have been a long time since such a case was heard.

Since the practice of mental power became popular, intelligent creatures have learned to control their own consciousness.

They put more energy on training and fighting, but they didn't have so much free time to think about other things.

If you want to be a strong warrior, you must restrain your mental power well and protect it well. Once there is a mistake, your life will be in danger.

Splitting out another consciousness, the consciousness storage area of ​​the brain cannot accommodate it at all, and it is estimated that it will explode directly.

When Jing Xi heard Xi Xiu say that Qin Hongjun's consciousness is likely to have been following Qin Jian, he understood why the two can coexist.

The humans who just came to Jingsu had no mental power, and the Anwei people once helped them practice.

After humans mastered the practice method and became powerful, they also had a battle with Anville.

Therefore, early humans would have this problem, but they did not expect that it would remain until now and harm the entire alliance.

Qing Zhixun has submitted this question to the Elders Council. Currently, no psychiatrist can explain the reason for the split consciousness.

Medical scientists cannot know why Qin Jian has a consciousness called Qin Hongjun, and it is very powerful.

Xi Xiu only heard of the existence of people with split personalities in her previous life, but she had never seen one.

No one knows the reason, so no one can answer Jing Xi's question.

"In this case, the consciousness of Qin Hongjun must be completely destroyed." Jing Xi showed the murderous aura of Princess Anville.

This is also what Xi Xiu thought.

"Maybe we have to find his original body to solve this problem."

Qing Zhixun and Xi Xiu both felt that all problems would be clear if they found Qin Jian.

"Have they sent back any news?" Jing Xi asked Qing Zhixun.

Obviously he made a deal with the central intelligent brain, otherwise how could he really match Xi Xiu.

He also gave his guard to the central intelligent computer and asked it to go out to search.

"No, but we have found traces of his existence. It's only a matter of time to find him."

Qing Zhixun had asked the central intelligent computer to change its thinking before, and it might have found something now.

The four people talked about something else through the video, until Jingxi noticed the position of the satellite reflected by the transparent window behind Xixiu, and knew that it was already late at night in the base.

"Okay, I feel relieved to see that you two are getting along well. That's it, we will go back to Anville, and you should pay attention to safety in the base."

Jingxi was very tactful and let the two young people spend a beautiful night.

After hanging up the video, Jingxi and his partner expressed their feelings several times, "Heming, Axun has finally grown up."

"Yes, now I don't have to worry anymore. I thought he would spend his long life alone before."

The lifespan of Anville bloodline is much longer than that of other intelligent creatures. Although it is not as good as the orthodox bloodline, it is also a long period of time.

"Children have their own lives. Jingsu is so old, and there are endless star fields outside. He will not lose the fun of life." Although Qing Heming has been staying with Qing Zhixun, he does not know Qing Zhixun as well as Jingxi. After all, the mother and son once had a very profound conversation. "Well, that's right. We just need to take care of ourselves. Let him take care of Ah Xun's affairs. I will give all the property to my daughter-in-law at most." Then he and Jingxi lived in Anweier for their retirement, and occasionally went out for a stroll. Life should be comfortable. As long as Jingxi is there, his world is there. Qing Zhixun started the hovercraft again. He did not choose the automatic mode, but drove it seriously, at a very slow speed. He wanted to drive for Xixiu like this before, but his body did not allow it. It was his pain. But he did not expect that Xixiu never cared about this. He was not as brave as her. Xixiu was still a little uncomfortable when she saw that he suddenly stopped talking. The space of the hover car is not very large. Qing Zhixun is driving a single-person patrol car in the base, which can only seat four people.

When the surroundings become quiet, hearing and smell will be particularly sensitive.

Xi Xiu felt that she could smell the breath of Qing Zhixun, which is a clear smell without the body odor of other intelligent creatures.

Clean, comfortable, and a little nice.

Qing Zhixun also noticed the quietness in the space at this moment. The fragrance of Xi Xiu was vague, making his heart feel like being scratched by a cat.

In order to cut off the charming feelings that will come next, Qing Zhixun had to find another topic, "Xi Xiu, which direction do you choose when simulating the scene?"

Why did this name change? This progress seems to be a bit fast!

"What do you think?"

"How about choosing to have children together?"

I, go...

The reason why Qing Zhixun chose this is because Xi Xiu liked children before and now, and he wanted to experience these processes with her, even if it was just a simulation.

Experience it once in advance, and then experience it again after getting married. This simulation will be regarded as a compensation for the previous life.

"..." Xi Xiu couldn't continue the topic. She thought that a cold person like Qing Zhixun would not like the liveliness of children.

"I also like children." I only like you and my children. If you like other people's children, I will reluctantly like them too.

"There are other things in life, and they cannot stand the test." Xixiu felt that Qing Zhixun's idea of ​​a family life for two people was too beautiful.

"Oh, what is it?"

"Human nature, the choices we make when encountering difficulties, and the differences in life."

Although there is no mother-in-law and daughter-in-law problem in Jingsu, and genetic engraving can also increase each other's filtering effect, there are still situations where the work is divided.

"No, you have the final say in everything. As long as you want to do it, I will support you unconditionally."

Even if you want to be the supreme commander in this life, I will work hard to pave the way for you.

"Then let's see the results in a simulation scenario."

In the scenario where Qing Zhixun chooses to give birth to children, she can add many tests and other experiences on this basis.

She didn't believe that their match was 100% perfect.

If she makes any mistakes, the central brain will be waiting for her thunderous strike.

She will beat it until it reveals the reason for the match. If it still wants her to help with things in the future, it will depend on whether it is sincere enough.

Hong Xixiu also has a temper.

Through simulated scenes, Xixiu can discover many unknown sides of Qing Zhixun.

Similarly, Qing Zhixun can also find her.

The concepts of two people will collide for the first time here.

Others are there to get along.

Xixiu is purely for fault finding.

Qing Zhixun saw through Xixiu's thoughts at a glance. He remained calm and decided to give her a perfect surprise.

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