Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 619 - Like a big kid

But he couldn't let her discover too many details. He had to think about this carefully.

Having worn the vest for so long, he was ready to fall off his horse at any time.

After sending Xixiu to the dormitory, Qing Zhixun did not stay, but rushed back to the office.

Although the news Jingxi and Qing Heming received was not too urgent, Gaia needed time to mobilize its forces for defense.

He won't be too relaxed for a while.

Lin Zaiqin from the West District plans to have a performance in the East and West Districts in half a month.

He still has to make plans and then call the team leader for a meeting.

Xixiu's military exploits report also needs to be approved and submitted.

They completed the mission in Belka very well, and also saved the planet Susita on the way, so the report Qing Zhixun sent to Gaia this time was for Xixiu to apply for promotion.

The report should be approved.

You will get a reply from Gaia within the fifteenth day.

At that time, she will be on the same level as Li Yuanting and become a captain. If Gaia surprises her, she may be directly promoted to a major.

The soldiers who went out this time all contributed, and he would have to ask Qing Sansui to record the system later.

Lu Zongan and others went out for fun, so Qing Sansui could only leave this job to him.

Qing Zhixun was busy, but Li Yuanting did not forget his brother. He knew that he would still be busy after the date, so he sent photos to entertain him.

The seafood in the West District is quite big, and the soldiers who went out were very happy to play with it.

Especially Wu Jingxian.

Play like a big kid.

Together with her big mecha, she almost wiped out all the big guys in the West District.

If Xixiu hadn't said that some species were inedible, she would have brought back all the largest fish in the sea to Xixiu.

Flora and He Yinlei also had so much fun that they almost didn't want to go back to the East District.

Su Jinbao and Tarasha were both bold enough to fish. Anyway, the soldiers in the Western District wouldn't eat it, so it would be a waste to leave it in the sea.

The beaches here are almost full of seafood, especially shellfish.

This kind of soft-bodied shellfish was originally frowned upon by everyone, but Xixiu actually said that it can be used for barbecue, and it is very delicious when paired with her new toppings!

So, Su Jinbao and Qiu Shaorong swept away these shells.

They had been live streaming Xixiu so she could see the shells they had ignored.

Those shells are very similar to the oysters Xixiu had eaten in his previous life. In Beijing, their name is Yulida, which means soft things.

No one uses it to make food, even people who live in the sea, don't eat it, and nutritional supplement developers don't look down on it.

Most of Jingsu's nutritional supplements have a bland taste. The heavy-tasting ones refer to the origins of the nutritious raw ingredients, rather than the strong taste.

Some soldiers in the West District were watching, not knowing why. These people in the East District had never even seen seafood. They were pitiful.

Su Jinbao and the others didn't care. They came here as a group just to satisfy their appetite.

The nutritional supplements are nutritious, but the taste is really different. After eating the food made by their captain, they discovered that their previous understanding of food was biased.

They have been eating nutritious meals, nutritional supplements, nutritional pastes, various juices and supplements since childhood. In their concept, food is to provide energy.

What is delicious?

No one will care about this.

Until Xixiu opened their eyes.

The door to the new world opened with a bang.

Only then did they discover that those plants that they had never paid any attention to actually had magical fragrances.

It's perfect for making ingredients.

Su Jinbao also paid for Tarasha to plant a large area for him on his family's farm, specifically for barbecue in the future.

Not only him, but Flora and Xixiu also asked his family to help plant the crops. They paid some commission to Tarasha's farm every year and asked them to help send it over.

They have several different varieties, and they all work together perfectly.

This time, Xixiu also got a spicy plant in Suxi.

The Susita people have the same love for ingredients as Xixiu, so they have traditional dinners.

Breakfast and lunch are nutritional supplements or other energy meal replacements, but in the evening, the family will definitely sit around the dinner table to eat.

That kind of atmosphere allowed Xixiu to find a bit of the past.

Qiu Shaorong also showed a rare smile. He and Su Jinbao had been picking out big shells.

Yang Jiuqing and Hu Yingyi also gained a lot. They had researched the edible seafood before coming here, and downloaded the introduction to the creatures in the Western District and compared them carefully.

Their goal is quite clear. They only catch a fish with rich meat and delicious taste. If it is used for barbecue, the rich oil will definitely be very fragrant...

With their amount of training, this little bit of fat will not be taken seriously at all, and the body can excrete it even if it cannot absorb it.

A balancer will do the trick.

A-Xian kept laughing. She found that catching seafood like this was really fun.

When I have time in the future, I will go back to Anweil ​​to take Liu Jia and Wu Jing suddenly. They probably haven’t relaxed like this in many years.

Thinking of this, A Xian recorded everyone's lively scene on the sea and sent it to Liu Jia.

The lights are brightly lit on the sea late at night.

The soldiers wore mechas and sank to the bottom of the sea in a short while. After a few minutes, they would return to the sea with their target seafood and throw the seafood into the crisper for storage.

The fresh-keeping cabinet is set up according to the characteristics of seafood. Tomorrow these things will be alive and fresh.

Su Jinbao and Qiu Shaorong were on the beach in Qianhai. He seemed to have seen tomorrow's delicious food, his eyes were shining, and he didn't feel tired at all.

The soldiers said they were satisfied.

"Deputy team, we will come to the West District to rob when we have time, hehe."

"You have to ask the captain about this."

Qiu Shaorong was in a particularly good mood tonight. This kind of life was much more beautiful than killing star beasts.

"Hehe, I'll leave it to Deputy Qiu." The team members kept snickering.


Qiu Shaorong's attention had been on the shells just now. He found a super big one digging into the sand, so he replied this word without thinking.

By the time they reacted, the team members had already run away...

Su Jinbao smiled so much that he showed eight teeth. He had the same expression as you did today, and he was a bit unworthy of a beating.

Have fun tonight.

On normal days, Su Jinbao would definitely be beaten.

A Xian and Flora were in a group, Su Jinbao and Qiu Shaorong, Tara Xia and He Yinlei.

They all thoughtfully created a real-time shared video for Xixiu, so that she could feel the happiness even without coming to the scene.

Looking at his teammates fighting in the sea, Xixiu felt that tonight might be their happiest time in the next few years.

After that, the alliance will enter a long period of war, and there will be fewer and fewer relaxing moments.

I hope they can remember the beauty of tonight.

Himself, so why not.

After processing the data, Xixiu lay on the bed and soon fell asleep.

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