Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 624 - Xixiu is so skinny

Qing Zhixun raised his eyebrows, "It's very late, why don't you go and rest."

"Come and admit your mistake." Li Yuanting's voice was a little uneasy.

"Go back, I don't care about this. There is no comparison between you and her."

Li Yuanting already knew.

"Oh, I'll go back then."

"Well, remember to have a meeting tomorrow morning."


Changchang was right, Axun wouldn't care about this kind of thing.

Unless Hong Xixiu's life was threatened, he would only put this first.

Looking at Li Yuanting's leaving figure, Qing Zhixun remembered the shock when he recognized Xixiu.

She certainly didn't expect that he would recognize her based on the smell of the food she cooked.

Qing Zhixun did not wash up and rest immediately. He had to prepare for tomorrow's meeting.

Another busy morning.

The night is gentle and the wind is gentle.

That night, they fell asleep.

In the dream, it was relatives in my hometown.

In the dream, there is a lover who is like a flower laughing at the nightmare.

The next day, Xixiu woke up as usual.

As soon as she woke up, a meeting notification popped up on the terminal. Xixiu glanced at it and saw that it was still early. She stretched, kicked the quilt, turned over, and continued to lie down.

Ah Xian heard the noise, but didn't open her eyes. She kept pretending to be asleep, but her breathing still betrayed her.

Xixiu decided to tease her.

So she got out of bed, came to A-Xian's side, stared at her hard, but said nothing.

Even if A Xian closed his eyes, he could still feel Xi Xiu's gaze at this moment.

Mental power is not very friendly in this regard, and external information will be infinitely magnified in the consciousness.

Ah Xian was so stunned by her stare that she opened her eyes instantly, filled with light.

"Good morning, Xixiu." Ah Xian smiled, it was rare for Xixiu to be so naughty.

"Morning, I have a meeting later and I probably have some tasks coming down, so I wanted to wake you up."

Xixiu talked about the arrangements for the morning.

A Xian held back his laughter.

She didn't expect that Xixiu would have such a time when she didn't want to work.

"Oh, does the training plan still need to be adjusted?"

Xixiu has already made an enhanced version of their team's training plan.

Xixiu and A-Xian had speculated that 909 might incorporate more people this time.

So they made two preparations, one for the newly deployed players and the other for the veteran players.

"Don't worry, we can handle it."

I can't bear it, and she's still there.

After Xixiu finished speaking, he sent a message to the team members, informing them that the signals of personal terminals would be temporarily blocked after the meeting, and told them to hurry up if they wanted to contact anyone.

At that time, only the station's communication signal will be turned on, and they can only communicate internally.

This is to ensure that everyone is focused on training, and also to prevent the training situation at the station from being accidentally leaked.

Some soldiers like to share their updates on the Star Network. If they are not careful, they will leak out. Background pictures and weapons during training will always be revealed.

After Xixiu washed up, she went to the meeting room alone and connected to the station's network. There were already other captains waiting inside.

Qiu Shaorong arrived right after her.

The two of them greeted each other and looked at Qiu Shaorong's energetic look. They thought they had a good time last night and slept well.

The conference room was quiet.

Unless the chief arrives, others will not whisper to each other at this time.

Qing Zhixun only connected to the network after seeing that all the signal bits were lit.

He asked Lu Zongan to send the details of the meeting to each captain, and pressed the button that connected the video of all captains' terminals.

He briefly explained the next arrangements for stationing in the East District. Training must be a very important part.

Among them, the joint performance with the West District Resident was the focus of this meeting.

What Xixiu and the others had in hand was the training process before the performance, as well as the team allocation.

Looking at the personnel arrangement above, Xixiu felt a little confused.

Qing Zhixun asked her and another captain Fan Zhengan to lead two hundred teams as forwards.

Or the two hundred teams after reorganization. You know, each team has two thousand people. Two hundred teams means four hundred thousand soldiers.

The total combat strength of the entire Eastern District is 20 million. Other logistics and station daily maintenance personnel are not included. If these are all counted, the entire Eastern District has about 28 million people.

None of these powers count as robot warriors.

The strength of the West District is similar to that of the East District, and the number of people in the North and South Districts is relatively smaller.

She is only familiar with her own team members, and has never even met some of the others.

This performance is to let her get to know more people, and probably also to let more people know her.

This road is really getting farther and farther.

Xixiu was distractedly thinking while listening to the explanation carefully.

The benefits of mental power are revealed at this time, as it can be used for two purposes.

The other captains were a little confused when they got the task list, and they had similar thoughts to Xixiu.

A new team means getting used to each other, and it also means a lot of situations.

And they only have fifteen days of training time. After the training, they will immediately start a five-day performance show.

Qiu Shaorong asked in a low voice: "Captain, there are too many people, and their strength is uneven."

There are also some veteran soldiers in the team who are stronger than those who just left the military academy.

After Qiu Shaorong got the list, he made a ranking list according to everyone's strength.

In order to feel the strength of the entire team more intuitively.

"I know, we will discuss this matter after the meeting is over."

Fan Zheng'an has served in the Yuanri station for fifteen years. Needless to say, he is strong and has rich experience.

With such a veteran leading them, their team still faces a huge challenge if they want to win the mission.

Although the Eastern District has not won in many years.

As long as within these fifteen days, the positions are adjusted according to the situation of the soldiers, and everyone runs in several times, so that they will not mess up during the performance.

Four hundred thousand people seemed too much, but it was only the capacity of a medium-sized warship.

This time the team arrangement is for old warriors to lead new warriors and new warriors.

This is the first time that soldiers who entered the station last year have conducted such an exercise.

Different from their assessment in school, this performance can accumulate contribution points.

It is also important for their future promotions.

After Qing Zhixun finished talking about the precautions, he asked each captain to comment and ask if there was anything he wanted to add.

Xixiu looked carefully and found that Qing Zhixun's consideration was very comprehensive.

Basically can't fault it.

"If you find any problems during the training process, you can also send me a message."


"I hope you will treat it with caution. This exhibition will use new tactics and weapons."

The functions of starships and fighters have also been adjusted, adding many buttons, equipment and functions that were not available before.

After the meeting, Xixiu and Qiu Shaorong took the initiative to find Fan Zhengan.

They need to wait for him to assign tasks.

Fan Zhengan looked at the warrior in front of him who had impressed everyone when he first arrived in Yuanri. His back was straight and his spirit was excellent. There seemed to be no negative information about her.

Based on his experience over the years, the young warrior in front of him was impossible to see through.

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