Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 625 - Turns out to be an alumnus

Fan Zhengan glanced at Xixiu and Qiu Shaorong. At first glance, these two people seemed to be strict and responsible people.

The temperament is also very unique.

The expression is respectful, without any arrogance.

Fan Zhengan was very satisfied at first sight.

"Second Lieutenant Hong, Deputy Captain Qiu, do you have any opinions on the division of labor for this training?"

This division of labor is system ranking, and they will not comment on changes, because in war, it is also system ranking.

This is what they have to adapt to. Only when they are severely damaged and are short of personnel will they artificially change their positions.

Unless there are special circumstances, obeying orders is a bounden duty for Rain Warriors.

Xi Xiu and Qiu Shaorong replied to Fan Zheng'an with clear voices: "Sir, I have no objections. Everything will follow the arrangements."

With a correct attitude and no small thoughts of his own, he can remain calm on the battlefield.

Fan Zhengan's impression of these two people became better again, and he was very pleased.

Looking at the expressions of other captains, it seems a little inappropriate.

But Fan Zhengan didn't say anything.

I have also been in the position of a warrior and know what they are thinking.

Qing Zhixun asked Hong Xixiu and Qiu Shaorong to assist him in training, which made some other senior captains unconvinced.

However, Fan Zhengan believes that these old captains will know their shortcomings during this training.

Fan Zheng'an had information on Hong Xixiu's latest mission. This was thrown to him by Qing Zhixun when he was arranging people. He didn't really want a soldier with only two years of experience.

After watching the complete video of their mission, Fan Zhengan actually felt that he might be a little old, and he was glad that the Yuanri station finally had capable soldiers.

Judging from the current situation at Yuanri Station, Hong Xixiu's group and Qing Zhixun's group of soldiers are remarkable.

The other batches are really getting worse year by year. Although these old warriors are not that outstanding in strength, they are still much stronger than the new warriors when they first enter the station.

"In this case, then we will train according to this ranking. The start time is set at 6:10 every day. You are responsible for checking the soldiers who have not arrived and making records."


I start at 6:10 every day, log off at 12 noon and take a break for an hour. I also have an hour for dinner, until I log off and go to bed at 11 o'clock at night.

This time is acceptable, after all, they usually have this kind of schedule.

It may be a bit miserable for the new fighters. Their previous training was three hours in the morning, two hours in the afternoon, and extra time at night was their own arrangement.

After all, no captain is as "crazy" as Xixiu.

Fan Zhengan and Xixiu also talked about the issues that should be paid attention to during the performance, and they must remember to correct these issues during training.

Xixiu remembered the key points mentioned by Fan Zhengan and found that this was indeed a mistake they would make during the starry sky battle.

She felt that Fan Zhengan had a unique vision. These positions seemed really inconspicuous, but they were very prone to problems.

She had noticed it before, but she didn't pay attention to it.

Xixiu sent the confirmed training time and precautions to the team members, and the system completed the sending within thirty seconds.

On the way back to the dormitory, Qiu Shaorong frowned a little.

Xi Xiu was puzzled. Qiu Shaorong was a very steady person and would not show his emotions easily.

"What's wrong?"

"Among our new players, there are several thorny ones who formed a team and were very uncooperative in training."

"Who are they?"

Qiu Shaorong embroidered a circle for Xi.

There's something special about these people's files.

"He's actually an alumnus." Xixiu's words were extremely meaningful.

These new warriors must know them, and if they do not cooperate in this training exercise, it is deliberately targeting them.

After entering the station, everything is based on obedience.

They did not become warriors on their first day.

This kind of performance is arranged by the system. If you are not satisfied with the location, you can go to the local system to complain.

It's no use telling her.

If she is passive and slows down, she will truthfully issue an evaluation report when the time comes.

As long as you still have some brains, you should know that you shouldn't show your personality by making things difficult for Shangguan at this time.

"Yes, these people used to have a good relationship with Yukila, Zhang Jixing and the others."

Could it be that you want to fight against injustice for them?

But they won the top spot in their grade solely based on their strength.

If they wanted to find fault, she would not show mercy.

"If they really have no brains, let them make trouble. It will be their own future that will be delayed."

There are few soldiers who enter the garrison who don't want to make meritorious deeds.

Xixiu just wanted to save her life, and her merits were not important to her.

Wherever you go, let nature take its course.

After all, she wanted to retire as soon as possible so that she could travel among the stars.

Her original intention was always the one after coming to Jingsu.

Saving one's life is the most important thing.

Qiu Shaorong also understood what Xixiu said, "Then just ignore them?"

"It depends on the situation. If someone really points their finger at you and scolds you, then of course you have to return it. We are not afraid of fighting for our strength."

She Hong Xixiu is not a good person, but I will not offend others unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will never come back.

Qiu Shaorong lowered his head and smiled.

He actually likes this.

I just hope these people won't be so brainless.

Otherwise, you may not know what the consequences will be.

The rules of the station are not laid out in a nice way, and Qing Zhixun is not the kind to be easy-going. If these people want to step on the thunder, let them step on it.

"Okay, I know what to do, captain." Qiu Shaorong smiled so hard that his white teeth were exposed.

"Restrain the people of 909, and do whatever you want with the others, as long as they stay within the radius."


Back in the dormitory, Axian, Flora and He Yinlei were watching a short play.

It was an entertainment project that Flora downloaded before and used to kill time during training.

These short plays are all from Mingyun Galaxy, and each short play is about twenty minutes.

Some are really sobering.

Xixiu's terminal also downloaded a few of her favorites, mainly because the imagination of these dramas is really big.

If you ask her to make it up, she will definitely not be able to make it up.

Xi Xiu also joined their formation and watched with great interest with A Xian.

While eating snacks and drinking juice, I was enjoying myself.

Ah Xian didn't forget that she went to the meeting, "What's up, is there something big going on?"

She is just worried about the world being in chaos, and she is not afraid of the coming of war.

"The show with the West End will start in fifteen days. We only have fifteen days to adjust."

"Oh, don't be afraid. If you are dissatisfied, I will beat him until he is convinced."

"No, we won't step on thunder."

"Yeah, that's right. I forgot that Xixiu is a good baby." He abides by the law and never crosses the line.

"No, it's just that some rules are better not to be broken. The consequences will not be good."

She also plays on the sidelines.

However, I won't do it blatantly and will make choices based on the situation.

I won't do this unless I have to.

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