Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 626 - Illegal operations

The four of them spent their time doing skits this morning, and in the afternoon they will enter the virtual network for training.

The day here is much shorter than the night. It's still dark at 6:20, and the stars are still hanging in the sky at 9:00.

Therefore, the heat of the star is not very high at this time, and the station has a protective barrier that can absorb part of the light and heat.

After lunch, Xixiu turned on the device connected to the virtual network, debugged it for a while, and confirmed that there was no problem. He woke up Wuyuan and Qimang, added energy to them, and gave instructions.

Let them not go anywhere during this period, and always pay attention to what is going on around them.

After that, Xixiu, Axian and the others lay down and entered the virtual network.

I found their training scene and set up a one-to-one restoration mode.

They spent the first ten days training on physical and mental strength, and the remaining five days were training on fighter planes, mechas, and battleships.

As soon as Xixiu entered the virtual network and set various parameters, several people came towards her.

Judging from their names and IDs, they were the ones Qiu Shaorong circled in the morning.

I can't hold my breath like this.

Can't wait, what are you going to do?

"Do you think her second lieutenant was stolen from her by her partner?" Zhang Xiaoxiang's words were really ugly.

Originally Xixiu didn't intend to pay attention to it, so she just recorded Zhang Xiaoxiang's words.

He wanted to turn around and leave, but Zhang Xiaoxiang then made a gesture towards Xixiu that was considered an insult in the alliance.

He stretched out two fingers, pointed them upward, and then pointed them downward three times.

In Jingsu, this gesture means that the person is despised and has bad moral character.

Xixiu squinted her eyes. This was a virtual network and everything would be recorded. He was so blatant. Did he really think she was just a clay figure?

Before A Xian could see clearly, Xi Xiu quickly moved in front of Zhang Xiaoxiang.

She cleverly let the virtual network record the distance between her and Zhang Xiaoxiang, and without any physical contact, she put the knife in Zhang Xiaoxiang's throat:

"First, you are questioning the station, second, you are saying that the Senate is unfair, and third, you are here, contemptuous of the superior officer."

Xixiu paused and looked at the expressions of these people that changed obviously. It was obvious that they were very aware of what she said.

They also knew that Zhang Xiaoxiang's action just now was too much. With this gesture alone, Hong Xixiu would have killed him.

Making this gesture towards Shangguan is of the same nature as showing contempt for the station and the alliance.

Because Hong Xixiu's title of Second Lieutenant was approved by the Council of Elders and the appointment documents were hung in the Central Intelligence Brain for seven days before anyone could read them, no one raised any questions.

"In addition, since you can come to this conclusion that transcends the central brain, it must be because you have done this before, or someone closely related to you has done illegal operations."

Each piece is enough for them to eat a pot.

The level of the Jingsu station is very strict. Xixiu usually ignores this when getting along with his own team members, and does not use his status to pressure others.

Otherwise, why would the soldiers be so afraid of Qing Zhixun? Just because one level higher can crush people to death.

"As long as we report to the Alliance that your second lieutenant was given to you for personal gain, how long do you think you can stay around?"

Zhang Xiaoxiang's words were simply out of his mind. Who gave him the confidence?

"Do you think you are smarter and more insightful than the adults in the Council of Elders, or do you think your achievements are enough to challenge me?"

Hearing this, I almost wanted to laugh.

Do they really think she has no temper, or do they think she wants to maintain her image, so she doesn't look angry?

I'm sorry, she won't be led around like this.

"Anyone with eyes can see it. Otherwise, why would you two be matched together? There is obviously something fishy going on."

Zhang Xiaoxiang insists on his opinion. As long as he finds evidence, he will definitely report him with his real name, so that the Council of Elders will know the true face of this hypocritical "warrior" in front of him.

A Xian and others surrounded Zhang Xiaoxiang, wondering where this mad dog came from and why it bit people in sight.

"The missions you gave were all given to you by Qing Zhixun in violation of regulations, so you were able to achieve such a record. If it were anyone else, as long as they had this opportunity, their results would definitely be much higher than yours."

Hong Xixiu was asked by Qing Zhixun to lead the team on these several missions. Who believed that there was no secret operation here?

"In this case, for the next mission, I will station you and your team at Bingming Station."

Xixiu no longer wanted to pay attention to people who wanted to fight for honor. She led the 909 soldiers through ups and downs in the past two years, and took great risks before returning safely.

As a result, in the hearts of these people, others are deliberately paving the way for her.

Hearing Xixiu's words, Zhang Xiaoxiang's eyes lit up, "Are you serious?"

"In the virtual network, everything will be recorded." After Xixiu finished speaking, she left with the team. They had to gather for training. She really didn't let go of these few who were blocking the way and were under the orders of others. In the eyes.

The battlefield will teach him to be an individual.

"Captain, why don't you directly challenge?" Flora didn't quite understand.

These people were barking around like this without any evidence, and even said in front of Xixiu that according to the rules of the station, they could directly challenge soldiers by slandering them without any reason.

Moreover, as long as the challenger can win thirty rounds, the other party must publicly apologize on the station's network and broadcast it for twenty-four hours.

"Flora, Zhang Xiaoxiang thinks that Xinghai is easy to get into, so let him go. He thinks that merit is so easy to get, so let him try and see if he has the destiny to get it."

He Yinlei thought that she understood what Xixiu was doing, and she would do the same thing if she were in her place.

There will be no blood without a sword.

Zhang Xiaoxiang has never experienced the dangers in the star sea, and he has never encountered the battle with the immortal robot.

It is impossible to compare the flowers grown in the greenhouse with Xixiu.

Zhang Xiaoxiang also went on several missions during the year he came to the station, but the risks were not that high.

"But, it's so annoying." Flora said bitterly. She didn't expect anyone to say such a thing about Xixiu, who is still an alumnus!

"Okay, adjust your mentality and prepare for the training." Xixiu did not explain to others that this was her private matter.

During these few missions, they knew better than themselves what the situation was.

My subordinates don’t need to say anything.

Qiu Shaorong understood Xixiu's decision. Although it would be more satisfying to have a fight, with Xixiu's current grandmaster's strength, he could defeat Zhang Xiaoxiang not only with thirty moves, but even with five hundred moves.

Because of this, he would be criticized as bullying, so Xi Xiu didn't want to fight him because he felt guilty, he just didn't want to get his hands dirty.

However, after Su Jinbao finished Zhang Xiaoxiang's various unpleasant words, he quickly checked his recently updated information.

In the column of friends, three words suddenly appeared. It was someone they were quite familiar with.

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