Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 637 -Who is the prisoner?

When Uriya and the others set up the trap, Xixiu and Axian took advantage of the energy leakage to leave quickly, so that even if the other party noticed the energy fluctuation, they would not doubt their actions.

The changes in the starry sky will not be too big within a certain period of time.

It is precisely because of this that after Uriah set up the trap, he cleared away the traces. The other party would only think that the energy information left behind was left behind when they traveled before.

There's no way to tell.

Sisese, the captain of Lin Zaiqin's vanguard, burst into laughter after seeing Uriah.

Sissei almost burst into tears with laughter: "Why are you still such an unlucky guy? Are you planning to break the record again?"

"Maybe he wants to avenge his embarrassment, hahahaha." The warrior behind Sisese also laughed sarcastically, feeling that Uriah was overestimating his abilities.

No one was more cannon fodder than Uriah.

He may have to hang on to the title of cannon fodder for the Eastern District forward for decades.

After these warriors saw Uriah, their vigilance dropped a lot.

Some were discussing Uriah's three-year defeat. His history had its own characteristics, and he could probably talk about it for three to five days.

Sisese decided to speed up, go to their ideal location, and set a trap. It would be best to "capture" Uriah this time.

It will definitely be very fun.

Thinking of Uriah's annoyed expression, Sisese felt very, very excited.

Unbeknownst to Xi Seth, Xixiu and Axian each commanded a starship and came over from the other side at a speed they could not calculate.

Very close to their ideal position.

This was the first time that Xixiu used her mental power to command a starship to move at the fastest speed. She found that such a limit made her feel like she had something under control. It was like being in the boundless sea, chasing the waves. .

Flora and Su Jinbao followed her, looking at her somewhat crazy look, and became excited.

Can mental power be used in this way?

Xixiu attached his spiritual power to the starship and manually operated it to sail. With the blessing of his spiritual power, he achieved the fastest speed, which was faster than originally expected.

The two starships disappeared within the capture range of Uriah and the others in the blink of an eye. Uriah and the others were stunned for a moment.

I'll be a good boy.

What a devilish operation this is.

The Anweil ​​people actually fell behind Hong Xixiu!

Uriah's team members opened their mouths wide and said several times in succession, "F*ck, f*ck, f*ck..."

Uriah came to his senses and kicked his deputy, "Why are you still standing there? We are also moving forward at full speed. Look at this, we can capture Sisese alive this time!"

After hearing Uriah's words, the deputy team immediately took action.

All the members of their team have been dreaming about this, so when they saw Xixiu's operation, they knew that their dream would definitely come true.

"Yes, I promise to complete the task and never delay."

The deputy team member and other team members followed the arrangements made before Xixiu left, and everything was carried out in an orderly manner.

In the past three years, after every failure, they would go back and practice again, becoming more courageous with each setback. However, the overall strength improved slowly, but they were still working hard.

Stupid people have their own ways. Anyway, even if you hit the wall, you won't look back.

A signal came from Uriah's terminal, which meant that Xixiu and Axian arrived at the predetermined location safely and prepared an ambush.

Next, let’s watch his performance.

Sisese and the others had just laid out the trap when they discovered Uriah's starship.

"Oh, the big mistake has changed its style this time. So many people have been added. Unfortunately, they are still cannon fodder." Sissei looked at the number of starships on the screen. Compared with before, this time it was significantly increased.

"Besides Qing Zhixun, there is no opponent worthy of your attention, Captain Xi Seth, in the Eastern District." The deputy captain complimented.

Humph, it’s better for you to know your own identity.

Although he admired Uriah's spirit of becoming more courageous with every setback, strength determined everything.

"Get ready, they are about to enter our range." Sissei said, putting the mission first.


The forward team in the West District is busy.

Uriah stopped outside the opponent's range.

He was waiting for the signal from Xixiu.

After seeing a "yes" from the terminal, Uriah led the starship into the trap range of the West District.

However, they did not choose an open place.

Instead, as Xixiu had arranged, they all flew close to the meteorite, only exposing the areas where they could not score points even if they hit them. They protected the active areas well.

Even if you get hit, it's okay.

This is what Xixiu said. The opponent will be anxious if they can't see the scoring area. Once they become anxious, Xixiu and the others will have a chance.

All the starships in the East District were moving forward, and Sisese didn't expect Uriah to make this move.

"Captain, we can't see their active area." The deputy team leader was a little anxious, because Uriah was getting closer and closer to them.

Sisese was also a little confused as to who Uriah learned this from.

With his IQ, he shouldn't have thought of such a "cunning" trick.

"Hit, hit until they are in chaos, hit the meteorite directly, leaving them nowhere to hide."


When the meteorite hit, the starship had protective equipment, so Uriah and the others only had a near miss.

When the West District increased their firepower, their back active area was hit by the sudden appearance of Xixiu and A Xian.

Sisese, who had been focusing on Uriah, ignored the two bright spots that suddenly flashed on the screen, and the deputy team did not notice either.

The weapons of Xixiu and Axian were quietly launched from different angles, at a speed 1.2 times that of Sisese and the others when they attacked Uriah.

Each starship fired fifty capture cannonballs, and when the light exploded on Sissei's starship, he was still a little confused.

It wasn't until a smiling face popped up on the screen, and then a big "X" was marked on the smiling face, that Sisese realized that they were being attacked by someone, and the other party succeeded.

"Vice team, didn't you pay attention to the screen just now?" Sisese gritted his teeth.

"Team, captain, just now my attention was on Uriah's starship, and the other party used a shielding device..."

Xixiu and Axian used their mental power to temporarily hide the starship. It was not until the weapons reached two-thirds of their starship that their heat maps appeared on the other side's screen.

Even if they wanted to intercept at this time, they couldn't.

Sissei couldn't figure it out.

How did the starships in the East District get here? Calculating the distance, they were traveling normally, even at the fastest speed, they should still be on their way here.

Lin Zaiqin was surprised when he received that his forward had been hit by the East District and that the East District's forward team had scored full points in the first game.

Based on his control over the power of the Eastern District, could it be that Qing Zhixun personally fights this time?

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