Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 638 - Can’t afford to be the leader (additional update, please vote)

Although this is possible, if Qing Zhixun comes as a forward, then who will be in charge of the East District garrison now?

He is heading straight to the East District now. What is the success rate of a sneak attack on their base camp?

Lin Zaiqin thought carefully in his heart, and finally felt that Qing Zhixun could not be so brainless.

Qing Zhixun is not that stupid.

The Qing family are all famously foxes.

There will be no mediocrity.

Moreover, he knew that Qing Zhixun was a resourceful person that no one could see through.

Could it be that the Eastern District has another trump card?

However, he didn't get the information immediately.

The East District must have concealed the promotion strength of some fighters, just so that they can show it in this performance and win the performance.

Although the Eastern District has obtained chiefs who graduated from the First Military Academy in the past two years, in Lin Zaiqin's view, still immature soldiers cannot shoulder this important task.

Therefore, he does not think that the forwards this time will be fighters who have just arrived in the area.

In his opinion, even if Hong Xixiu and Wu Jingxian have reached the master level, the accumulation of experience and tactics cannot be achieved overnight, and the growth of warriors also requires time and opportunities for training.

I think back when he came to the station, he went out on missions all the time and endured a lot of hardships before he achieved his current achievements and strength.

As for Qing Zhixun, his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people. His achievements have been destined for him since he was born.

Lin Zaiqin didn't think that ordinary warriors would have such strength unless there was some chance encounter.

"Sissei, send the data back."

He needs to study the opponent's tactics and determine who the forward is.

Sisese took advantage of Xixiu and the others before they got close, and sent back the scene of being hit and the scene before being hit.

The reason why they didn't notice the other side's approach was because both of the other side's starships were hidden.

Both ships actually have strange plants.

And they are the kind of exotic plants that can grow rampant in the starry sky. They are omnivorous plants, eating plants on the ground, and in the starry sky, they can feed on radiation.

They can also fluctuate in line with the radiation in the stars.

That's why Sisese didn't notice the approach of the two starships and was completely hit.

Who are these two people?

There was no mention in the file of who had the transplant.

There was a man from Anvil.

In the opinion of other intelligent creatures in the alliance, will the Anvilians, the least belligerent, be the vanguard in the show?

Lin Zaiqin looked at Ah Xian's information. It was written very simply, with only his name, race, and his current strength being at the Grandmaster level.

Hong Xixiu next to her also has simple strength. He was born in Mingzheng Galaxy, his family column is blank, he grew up in a nursery, and his strength is also at the master level.

The initial talent level on the data is average.

After entering the First Military Academy, the training intensity was very intense, and the current mental level may have reached the peak of 3S.

There are still many such fighters in the Jingsu Alliance, but Lin Zaiqin feels that they are not ace.

He thought of Qing Zhixun's currently revealed identity. It might have been his arrangement for the Anvilians to play forward, otherwise the Anvilians would not listen to other people's orders.

Lin Zaiqin still ignored Xixiu's information and made a wrong assessment of the young man's strength.

Because the overall strength of Jingsu's young fighters has declined, this is already a generally accepted conclusion.

After seeing the alien plant, he felt that although losing the first game was not unexpected, it was reasonable. This kind of plant was rare.

After Sissei was hit, he tried to evacuate but found that it was too late.

In the front was Uriah, whom they had always despised, and in the rear were two starships. If they wanted to leave, they could only choose to break out from the back, where there were fewer people, in the direction of Xixiu and Axian.

In Sisese's view, a small number of people means that the starship has fewer gun ports. If they rush out, they will have an advantage in numbers.

Xi Xiu and A Xian did not let him get what he wanted.

The two starships ejected thousands of fighters, blocking their way.

Sisese will not let these two starships get any more points on the way back. They were careless when they were attacked by surprise before, but it is not because they have no strength.

"Feed all the firepower to them. Even if the two starships each have ten more gun ports than us, they will not be able to intercept such a large number of shells."

Sissei has discovered that these two starships are the latest models. Based on his understanding of the structure of starships, the small starships have less than 900 gun ports, including various calibers.

The starship that attacked them just now had only 1,800 muzzle-changing functions in total.

And they have one medium-sized starship and two small starships. They have a numerical advantage, so they will definitely not lose points when they evacuate.

The remaining forward troops in the Western District have been divided into six groups and rushed over, intending to attack the Eastern District forces from different directions.

Xixiu had calculated the opponent's attack, so he didn't force it. He let the warrior piloting the fighter plane accurately calculate the data and be responsible for intercepting it.

The opponent's main target is the active area of ​​​​their starships, intending to destroy them, so that the score can be evened.

Just when Sissei thought he was sure to hit, he saw on the display screen that the two starships had dodged their weapons at very strange angles.

Sissei cursed and hammered the control panel, narrowly missing the East Starship.

However, the weapon's trajectory calculation is still not accurate enough, and they cannot use tracking weapons.

The other party saw through it and avoided it.

Those fighter planes were deliberately released by the other side to intercept their weapons.

As a last resort, Sisese had to send out their fighter team.

The weapons of the starship are too large for the fighter planes, and the fighter planes are too flexible, and the weapons cannot fire accurately at all.

If they waste too much firepower on fighter planes, not only will they not get points, but they will also be deducted.

Because of the battle in the starry sky, the supply of weapons is very slow.

The weapons they carry, even if they have space bonds, cannot be unlimited.

At critical moments, conserving weapon energy can save the lives of starship warriors.

"Vice-Team, calm down and tell the others to make the weapon trajectory more accurate."

If they cannot hit the opponent before the team arrives and regain the score, they will most likely be captured by the opponent.

The score will become a negative score, and the other team will have to work hard to tie it.

This is not a result that Lin Zaiqin would like to see. If the record that the Western District has maintained for so many years is broken by Xi Seth, his career as an officer may be over in front of Lin Zaiqin.

This was Sissei's intuition.

Lin Zaiqin is an outstanding commander and has very strict requirements for his subordinates.

When honor is not involved, Lin Zaiqin is a very easy-to-talk person.

But when it comes to the honor of the resident, he becomes less talkative.

Before setting off this time, he made it clear that he must do his best to maintain his previous record.

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