Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 639 - Movements are smoother

If he loses at the hands of the East District, as long as he is still stationed in Yuanri, he will have to be like Uriah in every performance. He will stay in that position where he lost until he wins.

He didn't want to follow Uriah's path.

So Sisese quickly calmed down and couldn't be confused. This was just a performance, not a war.

If the performance itself is a mess, on the real battlefield, wouldn't it be an opportunity for the enemy to take advantage of it?

The opponent hasn't shown their face yet, and it's not even the last moment yet. They still have a chance to make a comeback.

He quickly adjusted the plan. One of the starships changed the caliber parameters of the gun muzzle. He planned to shoot all the fighters in the east area.

Make it impossible for these fighters to intercept subsequent weapons, so that their hit rate will be greater.

As long as they persist for 3 minutes, the other forward teams can cover the East Zone from six sides.

"Xi Xiu, the other party may come more ruthlessly." A Xian watched as the other party's starship changed its formation.

Qiu Shaorong has been updating the data and reported to Xixiu.

After hearing A Xian's words, Xi Xiu also made the same judgment.

So she replied to A Xian: "Ulia and the others should have already set up a trap. The other teams from the West Zone Striker are also on the way. Our mission is considered completed. Let's retreat while fighting."

"Okay." Axian quickly adjusted the course of the starship.

After a while, the two starships turned in the opposite direction to Siseth, turning very quickly.

The fighter planes in the east area teleported through the coordinates and retreated back to the starship in an instant.

This operation made Sisese a little dumbfounded.

I don’t understand why they stopped fighting.

Shouldn't we take advantage of the victory and pursue it?

How could Sisese lose the meat in his mouth? What's more, he hasn't come back in this round.

After discussing with the deputy team and others, and contacting other forward teams that came over, they finally decided to pursue while changing calibers.

At that time, they can join up with the incoming team and defeat all the forwards in the east area.

They would not let the two starships leave the range, so he discussed with the arriving team and planned to find a way to intercept the two starships.

Xixiu and the others were very fast, and Sisese also adjusted the power to the limit.

It didn't take long for the starship in the West District to appear on Uriah's star map.

Uriah discovered that there were starships from the West District in all directions, but he was not in a hurry this time.

Because of the trap he had just set, he was absolutely confident that he would not be discovered by anyone in the West District.

In this case, as long as they pass the location of the trap and he presses the launch button, those weapons will hit their starship.

It couldn't be more perfect.

Uriah grinned happily. After three years, he was finally able to get back on his feet.

From now on, probably no one will dare to say that he is cannon fodder anymore.

Let’s see who dares.

Things are different now.

No matter how I think about it, I feel excited.

However, the people in the West District are not fools. They must prepare bait so that the people in the West District can enter the trap without any precautions.

He felt that it was better to go alone.

After all, if you don’t use the name you created before, you won’t be able to get back your money.

Just as the six teams from the West District were outflanking them, Uriah pretended to have discovered them and entered the trap area they had set.

Cleverly avoiding the positions of traps, but just enough to keep the opponent's starships closest to these positions.

And Xixiu and A-Xian’s starships have also arrived at this place.

Sisese's team followed closely behind, but they never caught up.

He found that the two teams in the east area had merged, but they did not leave in one direction.

The two starships that attacked them stayed for a while, and then quickly rushed towards the team third from the left in the west area without hesitation.

Sisese had already discovered that it was Uriah who entered the meteorite belt, because the starship had Uriah's logo on it, and his starship was still the same one as before, which was very easy to identify.

Sisese's deputy team member was a little confused: "Captain, do you want to turn around and go to Uriah's position?"

"No, it's not us he's attacking this time, it's the two ships just ahead."


Sisese had now regained his senses, and Uriah had someone else to deal with him.

Seeing the two starships in front of him nimbly evading attacks from his own people, Sisese calculated the speed of the two starships and found that they exceeded the maximum speed.

"This is incredible." Sisese was so surprised that he couldn't help but smile.

If they could reach this speed and flip quickly and freely in the starry sky, they would basically be able to dodge most attacks.

The intelligent system of the starship can obtain calculation results very quickly, but it often cannot reach the flip speed.

It can't be that agile either.

The body of the starship is really too huge.

Even a small starship is large in size.

Because there are a lot of things to pack.

In recent years, the materials of starships have become lighter and lighter, but there are some things that cannot be said to be agile and agile.

Sissei's deputy team also saw the speed calculated by the system.

"Captain, the mental power of these two East Area warriors who control the starship are already at the top of the league."

"Well, much higher than us."

Sissei had to admit that the other party was powerful. If he was asked to pilot a starship to perform these difficult flipping and evading maneuvers, he would be able to avoid the first few smoothly, but he would become more and more confused as he got to the back.

As a result, you may bump into the weapons launched by the enemy, and the opponent can win without losing any blood.

"One of them must be a member of Qing Zhixun's mother's clan. Who is the other one?" The deputy team member could not think of anyone else in the East District.

"Maybe it's the one we ignored, Hong Xixiu who came to Yuanri with the Anweil ​​people."

"Is this possible?" The deputy team leader's surprise was written on his face.

"It's impossible. We'll find out later." Sisese had already determined that the other starship was Hong Xixiu.

Because there is no other choice.

The other teams in the West District were shocked when they saw the two starships flying in the starry sky.

Having been active in the sea of ​​​​stars all year round, they know that their proficiency in starship piloting technology is far from the opponent's ability to advance or retreat.

The deputy team member looked at the display screen, and the system was calculating the shooting distance: "We are already very close to them. If we move forward, we will not be able to reach the optimal shooting range."

If it is fired too close or too far, it will be prone to deviation. If it is too far, it will be easier to be captured by the opponent. If it is too close, the weapon will not be able to exert its own power.

Lin Zaiqin saw that the forward team followed the starships in the East District and entered the meteorite belt, and he knew something was wrong.

He wanted Xi Seth to retreat to a safe area, but found that other teams from the East District were already on their way.

If they withdraw, they will encounter a greater number of opponents.

From the current point of view, the chances of winning against the Eastern District's forwards are higher.

I have to let Sisese judge for himself.

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