Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 640 - No one accepts anyone

His energy should be focused on dealing with the rest of Qing Zhixun's forces.

The forwards may be wiped out, and in the competition at other positions, the West needs to score more points.

Xixiu and Axian commanded the starship to avoid each other's attacks until the other side became impatient.

At this time, the team led by Fan Zhengan had also arrived in this star field, and they found the opportunity and launched the first wave of attacks.

Xixiu chose the same weapons as West District, but their firing speed was a little faster than West District's, and their bursts were smoother.

Therefore, the first wave of starships that attacked the Western District were a little too busy to care about themselves, and they didn't even pay attention to their formation.

If you get hit, you will lose points, and they don’t want to experience what Uriah experienced.

Fan Zhengan did not give them a chance to counterattack, because after seeing them coming, Xixiu and Axian had been attracting the firepower of the West District, providing them with a great opportunity.

The starships in the east district aligned their muzzles according to the previous three-dimensional herringbone formation and fired fiercely at the starships in the west district.

The six teams in the west area, plus the pursuing Xi Seth, were all hit by the team led by Fan Zhengan.

Seeing the crossed-out smiley face pop up again in the system, the veins on Sisese's forehead had popped out.

Sisese's deputy team and others looked at the crossed-out smiling face on the screen with mixed feelings.

Because they have never lost in the East, West, Southwest, and Northwest districts in the past three years.

This time, they felt they felt Uriah's frustration and shame.

Failure is indeed a terrible thing.

"Team, captain, the system shows that our active system was defeated by this cannon, so we were forced to withdraw from the battlefield." The deputy team member said with difficulty.

"I got it, let's just stay on the starship and see how the other teams fight." Sissei rubbed his brows.

Although I don’t want to believe this result, it is a foregone conclusion.

It is estimated that only Uriah can understand how Sisese feels in his heart at this moment.

He knew that he had underestimated the enemy.

Maybe the entire Western District has ignored the strength of the new fighters in the Eastern District this time.

It may also be that Qing Zhixun deliberately concealed it. He knew that there would be a performance in the East and West Districts next, and made plans and layouts in advance.

Qing Zhixun knew Lin Zaiqin too well.

Also get to know these fighters in the West End.

Lin Zaiqin, on the other hand, didn't understand Wu Jingxian or Hong Xixiu.

Sisese had no choice but to stop and withdraw from the battle. Xixiu and the others successfully captured Sisese and the others.

The progress on Uriah's side was also very smooth. The Western District team chasing him fell into his trap and entered the meteorite belt, but was hit by the trap he had set before.

He was also judged by the system to have lost all his points, so he could only go to Xi Seth's location and return to the West District station with him later.

When Lin Zaiqin saw Fan Zhengan's formation, he knew that the forward would lose, so he gave up the rescue and could not save him.

He had to use all his energy to deal with Qing Zhixun and get back the lost points.

He was confident that he knew Qing Zhixun fairly well, but Qing Zhixun knew him better.

Therefore, Lin Zaiqin did not get much benefit from the subsequent battle.

I gained some points here, but lost points in other places.

What surprised him was when the starship technology and speed in the East District improved so much.

It's incredible.

Lin Zaiqin knew that the East District had received two of the latest starships in advance, and that the West District would also receive a large starship and nine medium-sized starships after the show.

However, even if he is allowed to pilot the new starship himself, he may not be able to reach this level.

When did the strength of the Eastern District improve so much? It was still under his nose.

"Felit, is there a delay in the data from the East District?" Lin Zaiqin asked his subordinates.

Felit, whose name was called, opened the station's system and retrieved the strength distribution map of the Eastern District fighters.

It only shows that there have been some frequent personnel changes in the Eastern District after Qing Zhixun took over as chief.

He has replaced some decision-making positions with new faces who have been in the area for fifteen to twenty years.

Lin Zaiqin had previously evaluated the strength of these people and believed that compared with the overall strength of the Western District, they were slightly inferior to the Western District.

This is also a phenomenon that has always existed in the east and west districts.

After the previous governor of the Western District was dismissed due to inaccurate judgment, Lin Zaiqin was appointed as the Western District Governor on the spot.

After he took over, he made drastic reforms. These new generals were all warriors with strength, strategy and ability.

Relatively speaking, the East District is not united enough, and no one is convinced by anyone.

Therefore, in the past few years of performances, everyone wanted to get ahead, but the result was obvious, no one could get ahead, and they were always defeated by their own selfishness.

But this time, the Eastern District changed its previous style, and the cooperation of each team was much higher than that of the Western District.

Lin Zaiqin looked at the information coming back from all sides. It can be seen from the data that every team in the East District performs its duties and is in order.

The previous feeling of trying so hard to stand out disappeared.

Some teams are even willing to be green leaves and serve as foils for other teams.

"Sir, the captains responsible for commanding each team in the East District this time are different from those leaked from the East District before. Qing Zhixun may have deliberately given an uncertain version."

Fan Zhengan, who will lead the forward this time, is not the one originally chosen. There are other teams, such as Wang Zichun, who were not well-known before.

However, during the performance, they all appeared in very important positions, which shows that Qing Zhixun trusts these people very much.

Lin Zaiqin pressed hard on the tiger's mouth of his left hand with his right thumb, feeling a little irritable.

He predicted many outcomes, but he didn't expect Qing Zhixun to abandon the old plan and use all new soldiers as captains, leaving them confused.

The surprise was so complete.

Lin Zaiqin rubbed his eyebrows again, "Isn't Qing Zhixun worried that these young people will not be able to hold up the scene?"

If it were him, he might not dare to take such a risk.

"Sir, the East District has lost several times in a row. I guess they can handle it even if they lose again." Felit whispered.

Lin Zaiqin immediately figured out that Qing Zhixun had seized on this disadvantage of the Eastern District, but it could also be said to be an advantage.

It would be normal if we lose this performance, but what if we win?

After winning, Qing Zhixun can naturally let the people he likes take over higher positions.

And these people will be grateful for his promotion.

I will work harder in the future.

Qing Zhixun really played a good card.

Lin Zaiqin told Felit: "Check Hong Xixiu's information again. I think we might have really missed something before."

After a pause, he waved to Felit again: "Forget it, no need."

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