Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 641 - The history of nine consecutive defeats (more updates)

Felit didn't understand why Lin Zaiqin changed his mind again, so he asked his doubts.

Lin Zaiqin's reply to him was because he knew whether there would be a peaceful moment for the alliance after this performance.

Therefore, Hong Xixiu's information is no longer important to them in the Western District.

Furthermore, the final results of the performance have come out, and the Eastern District's score is a rare ten points higher than theirs, which is enough to prove that the overall quality of the Eastern District has improved a lot.

In the past, their intelligence personnel ignored some detailed factors, which led to them underestimating the enemy.

You know, in previous years, the highest score the Western Conference could win against the Eastern Conference was only six points.

This time East beat them by ten points.

This gap is huge.

The forwards scored key full points, and scored higher points than the West in other positions.

Taken together, the Eastern District's combat plan this time is very good.

The results of the East-West show not only surprised Lin Zaiqin, but also the South District and North District, who were paying attention to the strength of the two districts this time, were also very surprised.

They are familiar with Qing Zhixun's name.

The Qing family basically does not appear in the circle of Gaia's aristocratic families, but no aristocratic family will ignore this family.

Moreover, their children have achieved outstanding results in various locations over the years.

Qing Shihao, who is currently in Hai'an Fortress, and Qing Zhixun, who was in Yuan Dynasty, are the two most outstanding ones.

There are other disciples scattered everywhere, all of whom are well-known in their respective locations.

Originally, they thought that the reason why Qing Zhixun was able to take charge of the Eastern District was because of the changes in Gaia over the past year.

The head of the Qing family led people to reform the Council of Elders and replaced many people, so these people thought that Qing Zhixun got the position of governor of the Eastern District through Dongfeng.

Although they admit that Qing Zhixun is very strong, the position is not based on strength, but also on seniority.

The performance he directed was obviously very successful.

Judging from his plan and personnel arrangements, he is very mature and thoughtful, and he also makes dangerous moves.

In this way, not only can he get the support of all the young fighters in the East District, but he can also reverse the impression that the East District has left on Yuan Ri over the years.

Next, if he wants to reform and redeploy the Eastern District, it will be much easier.

By winning this show, the enthusiasm and sense of honor of the Eastern District Warriors will be as high as ever.

Neither the South District nor the North District guessed that the strength of the vanguard warriors actually exceeded that of ordinary warriors.

This result surprised them very much, and they all called up the list of forward team members and checked them one by one.

After the performance, Qing Zhixun put his plan on the station's internal system for everyone to review.

A virtual scene was also created so that the soldiers could enter the scene themselves to simulate combat.

From Qing Zhixun's point of view, the result of winning the Western Region was within his expectations.

His previous prediction was that as long as the forwards could win by two points, the entire East Division would win a total of five points against the West Division.

But what he didn't expect was that Xi Xiu and A Xian were so fierce that they directly beat the Western District by five points.

The other teams were also inspired by the forward's bravery, so they cooperated unprecedentedly.

East End erupted when they learned they won by ten points.

They calculated that the time span of the ten performances was twenty years, because some years during this period were not held.

They only won once, at the first East End Combined Show.

In the East District, a soldier who had served for thirty years had tears in his eyes the moment he learned his score.

Their nine-game losing streak ended the moment the score came out, and the cannon fodder hat of the forward was also taken off.

This time, it was the result of the joint efforts of all the soldiers, and it was also because the station had made adjustments from top to bottom.

The veterans saw hope.

This new chief does have a strategy and is tolerant of others, and he will not be nepotistic.

Not only the strength of the warrior is valued, but also the character.

The East District, which won the West District, did not hold a grand celebration banquet as expected by the North and South Districts. Instead, they entered into more intense training on the second day after the performance.

This left the soldiers in the other three districts a little confused. Only the officers in the third district knew that Qing Zhixun was seizing the time to train for the battle that would definitely follow.

They must also follow Qing Zhixun's footsteps and raise the strength of the warriors to another level.

There are also the latest weapons and starships of the alliance, which you must be familiar with.

Next, their battlefield will be the real starry sky, and they will face an enemy who wants to subvert the alliance, or a cunning and vicious butcher.

The closed training at the Yuanri station started from east to west with unprecedented intensity before the stars rose every day, and it did not end even when the satellite reached mid-heaven.

On the fifth day after the end of the two-zone showdown, Gaia distributed talented warriors from previous families and other families to various stations and fortresses in the alliance.

Yuanri Station welcomed 650 talented warriors from four families.

The Eastern Division has reached two hundred, and their mental strength has reached the peak of 3S.

Although this level is not enough for Qing Zhixun, it is indeed something to be thankful for for the current alliance.

Because these warriors are only one step away from the 3S that makes the league crazy.

Qing Zhixun looked at these lists and discussed with other management personnel at the site to see where it would be better to place them.

He knows better than anyone else how to make the most of everything.

As long as they don't make any mistakes, fight wholeheartedly, think about the safety of the alliance wholeheartedly, and fight for it as their own career, he won't say much.

Everyone has selfish motives.

He has too.

So he can understand the purpose in the "blood" of these warriors.

As long as you don't take the safety of the alliance seriously, and as long as you don't take the lives of other soldiers for granted, how far you can go depends on your ability.

His heart is not that small, as long as he cannot touch his people.

If these people couldn't carry it as clearly as Zhang Xiaoxiang, he really wouldn't mind giving these people a few more pairs of shoes.

His Qing Zhixun was not a kind person to begin with, nor was he a philanthropist.

Xixiu and the others were not affected by this incident and focused on training.

909 Five hundred new people have joined, and the strength of these people is somewhat uneven.

Several training plans that Xixiu and Axian had made before needed to be changed.

Their original idea was for everyone to train together and improve together.

But after the first day of training, Xixiu found that some of them were of low strength and it was currently impossible to keep up with the intensity.

So I spent time reading the information of these fighters at night, divided them into several groups according to their strength, and then each person led a group to train.

909 The original five hundred people will continue to work hard according to the training plan before Xixiu.

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