Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 642 -Kino Hoshi is in emergency

However, after two days of training, some soldiers still couldn't keep up and felt very discouraged.

One of the team members said in frustration: "Captain, are we too stupid?"

They were lucky enough to follow the most powerful warrior in the Eastern District, but they didn't expect that they would be so unlucky.

Xixiu patiently communicated with these warriors: "Don't have such thoughts. It's just that individuals have different abilities to comprehend, and the speed at which they enter the state is also different. You have to believe that you can do it and try it a few more times. Watch how other players train and find the tips that suit you.”

After carefully analyzing the current situation with them, Qiu Shaorong also took turns to go into battle and tell them his thoughts and experiences, which finally gave these soldiers confidence in training again.

Qiu Shaorong and the others have all experienced troughs, and no one's training is smooth sailing.

Even Xixiu himself had times when he was confused.

The important thing is to find your own direction.

Even A-Xian generously told the soldiers about his embarrassing moments during training.

It can be said that in order for the team members to catch up, they have spent a lot of effort.

Because time is really running out.

Every day you can train is a day.

Only by improving our strength can we deal with the next crisis.

At present, they don't know how Qin Hongjun will launch a war, who he has in his hands, and whether there are any more perverted creatures that can destroy Jingsu.

If so, how are they going to fight, how can they save their lives and win the war for the alliance at the same time.

Only rely on your own strength.

The unknown requires more caution because it is unpredictable.

Since entering the station, they have carried out some tasks, and their impressions of the war come from previous videos.

Currently, among the soldiers in Jingsu, only those who have served for more than twenty years have experienced a war.

It was the funeral that was broadcast live on Star Network when Xixiu was still in the nursery.

The Inquilla people attacked Tianweixing, and some soldiers died in that war.

After knowing the mentality of the soldiers, Qing Zhixun played the replay of the funeral to the young soldiers stationed there, deepening their understanding of the cruelty of war.

During training, some fighters who were not very active at first began to face up to their mental problems.

Over the past year, the Jingsu Alliance has been experiencing tension from top to bottom. As soldiers, they have also studied in a military academy for seven years, so they are still somewhat sensitive to this kind of tension.

I guessed the danger that might come next, so I didn’t dare to slack off anymore.

After all, the consequence could be not being able to see future star rises.

The light of the star will no longer shine warmly on the body, and everything will return to nothingness.

Although this is the path that everyone has to take, it is better to be later than to embark on this return journey.

There are more and more beautiful scenery on this road of life, which you have to live to see.

This was a thought Xixiu had expressed to A-Xian, and she shared it with the soldiers.

Obviously, his and her words touched the nerves of the team members, because no one had discussed life and death with them in such a straightforward manner before.

When A Xian heard it again, he would still feel a little shocked.

She found that she had been consciously alive for far longer than her last breath, but she never considered this issue.

Humans are really complex creatures.

After Xixiu discussed the topic of life and death with the team members, everyone no longer felt sorry for themselves, but focused all their energy on training.

Even the venue for dating with my partner was chosen in the training room on the virtual network.

I also play against my partner to find my own shortcomings and make progress together.

After the performance, the 909 team became completely famous in the Eastern District.

Because during the ship training in the Star Virtual Network, many soldiers wanted to challenge the speed of Xixiu and Axian, but they all ended in failure.

They found that even if they exhausted their energy, maximized their horsepower, and exhausted their mental power, they could not reach that speed.

It was even far from the data recorded in the performance. It was not until they experimented on their own that the soldiers were completely convinced by Xixiu and A-Xian.

There is a secret that is not a secret among the soldiers in the East District, that is, as a human, Hong Xixiu's mental power has reached the level of the Anvilians.

This is simply incredible.

After the soldiers concluded this conclusion, they were boiling.

What's more exciting than getting chicken blood is that they may also surpass their current strength level if they train with Hong Xixiu!

The Anvilians will definitely not teach them their methods, but the human beings should be able to.

She is the captain.

The soldiers asked about her leadership style, and she also submitted the training plan before the performance to Fan Zhengan.

The reason why the soldiers are so excited is because the commander-in-chief Qing Zhixun has modified the training plan of the 909 team and distributed it to each team.

Make it clear to them to strictly enforce it.

No slacking off.

If anyone is not convinced, you can skip this training list and train alone.

However, if the subsequent cooperative training fails to meet everyone's requirements, you will be responsible for the consequences.

Most fighters who are eager to improve their strength really want to get a list of training items because they themselves have been stagnant for a long time.

This training plan is like a life-saving straw, giving them a glimmer of hope.

The East District has entered a high-intensity training mode. Seeing this momentum, the North, South and West Districts have also followed the East District's schedule, eliminating the distinction between day and night.

It was at this time that a huge number of bugs appeared on an administrative star in the Kino Galaxy.

These bugs suddenly appeared out of nowhere, as if falling from the sky.

The place where it appeared was the tourist star system with the largest traffic volume in Jingsu. Kino received hundreds of millions of tourists every year, including intelligent creatures from various star systems.

This makes screening extremely difficult.

The Kino people will definitely not bring this bug back by themselves. The alliance has issued countless warnings about the danger of bugs before.

People who take responsibility for themselves, even ordinary citizens, will not do this.

The answer can only be found from the tourists who traveled to Kino Star.

Kino Star has closed commercial shipping lanes. Passengers stranded on Kino Star will be sent back to their own systems by Alliance Guards after a thorough investigation.

Before that, they need to cooperate with various investigations and physical examinations.

To ensure that they do not bring the bugs from Kino Star back to their own galaxy.

This process is long and painful.

Some citizens have witnessed the process of bugs eating with their own eyes. The blood gave them nightmares, and some people couldn't bear to vomit.

When the alliance asked them to buy protective clothing before, they still had a sense of luck, thinking that even if such a thing existed, it would be far away from them.

However, out of love for their family, they still bought it and took it with them on this trip.

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