Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 643 - A family of six

The family who saw the bug asked everyone to put on protective clothing before going to the scenic spot. Unexpectedly, it saved the whole family's lives.

And those young people who were not wearing protective clothing were reduced to bones in an instant.

It's really terrible.

The scene is bloody and brutal.

They had never seen such a scene since they were born, and their faces turned pale with fright.

Soon, Kinohoshi's accident was filmed as a video and posted on the Star Network.

Citizens who had previously dismissed protective clothing were horrified after seeing it, and quickly placed an order for protective clothing on Xingwang.

Moreover, I decided not to go out recently.

The Council of Elders also issued a warning notice, asking everyone not to travel to Kino Star for the time being.

It is best to stay at home and wait for the alliance to deal with these bugs and receive a safety notice before going out.

The Alliance promises to restore order to Kino Star as soon as possible.

Alliance guards nearby quickly took over Kino Hoshi's security.

We conducted a blanket search on the administrative planet where the bug was found, only to find that not only did this kind of thing reproduce at a faster rate, it was also very difficult to find.

The targeting equipment previously developed by the alliance did not work. Although they could find the adult worms, the eggs they laid were missing.

It seems to have evaporated.

However, larvae are still hatching, which proves that these bugs have evolved again.

They disguise their genetic information so well that they even evade instruments.

In the end, the guards spent two days and biologists found lifeless eggs from the soil of Kino Star.

These look like ordinary fine gravel and are visible to the naked eye.

So small that it can be ignored.

Biologists felt that the texture of these sandstones was too smooth and strange, and they suspected that they were not sandstones.

So they crushed all these fine irregular sands, otherwise they would miss the message and eventually cause a disaster.

These finely divided objects like sand and gravel were picked out, piled together, and crushed with a machine, after which a thick protein liquid flowed out.

Biologists extracted the genetic information in the liquid and compared it with the genes of the insects, and then confirmed that these were the eggs laid by these things.

If they were only in the soil, no one would doubt that they were not sand and gravel.

At rest, these bugs' shells are as hard as gravel.

There were no signs of life, so they couldn't find where the eggs were hidden.

What’s weirder is how do these eggs get into the soil and how do they get dispersed everywhere?

This problem was left to the biologists, and the Alliance defenders were only responsible for fighting.

They moved quickly, and after discovering these things, they moved the citizens of the administrative star to a temporary settlement in mid-air.

Other Alliance guards turned the soil thoroughly with machines and sprayed it all.

Where there are buildings, holes are dug and inhibitors and drugs that can kill insect eggs are thrown in.

All areas where insect eggs appeared were sealed off and anti-leakage barriers were set up.

The barrier is filled with atomized chemicals to prevent the eggs that have not been completely killed from surviving even after the larvae hatch.

Fortunately, the cleaning was carried out in a timely manner, and the administrative star has not been overrun by insects for the time being.

Xixiu and the others were disconnected from the Internet during training, but Qing Zhixun could receive messages from various galaxies at any time. He sorted out the messages and sent them out through the station's intranet.

So that everyone can have a deeper understanding of this insect.

A Xian and the others got goosebumps when they looked at the dense insect eggs in the soil.

"How did this thing improve its survivability?" Ah Xian remembered that Xixiu said that this thing was quite easy to handle.

"Maybe he made adjustments to the bug after we discovered it?" Xixiu also discovered this change. The bug's eating speed has accelerated and the time it takes to become an adult is shortening.

This is very detrimental to the warrior.

And those citizens who were careless and did not wear protective clothing were turned into bones in just a few seconds.

I didn't expect the teeth of this kind of bug to be so powerful. Xi Xiu had only seen them gnawing at the same kind, but the speed was slower than this.

"Insects have learned to disguise themselves, my God!" Flora said in horror.

Ah Xian did not agree that this was the insect's self-evolution, "No, it was its owner who gave it the ability to disguise itself."

Even if organisms evolve again, some rules will still remain unchanged.

They will also have mental power, but it is basically only mammalian carbon-based life forms.

The bug's psychic powers apparently come from genes of another creature.

"Only if we find this person and kill him can the alliance return to peace." He Yinlei looked at the problem more clearly.

Xixiu replied to her: "Yes."

Only by solving Qin Hongjun will these strange things disappear completely, and the alliance will be able to solve the five star systems in the vast sea.

"Will these things be everywhere?" Flora was a little nervous.

She didn't want to fight against this kind of thing, and it would be difficult to overcome this fear psychologically.

Xixiu shook his head: "I don't know yet."

The alliance guards have not yet found out how these bugs entered Kino Star. Once they find the source, they may be able to stop the spread of these bugs across the alliance.

Qing Zhixun contacted Fang Jinyu and got first-hand information about bugs from him.

The alliance guards used the central intelligence brain to screen many passengers entering the Kino galaxy.

Starting from the monitoring and scanning information when they entered the star port, we screened the information in the past six months.

In the end, insect eggs similar to sand and gravel were found in the suitcases of two families traveling from the Mingzhen Galaxy.

When Fang Jinyu found the two families based on the information, he found that they had all turned into withered bones.

These two families used their bodies as carriers to feed newly hatched bugs into adult bugs...

The bugs then lay eggs and soon become overrun.

When he got the data, Qing Zhixun's brows jumped a few times.

Why does this method of sacrifice feel a bit like a cult?

Or are these people's minds being controlled?

Fang Jinyu gave him a negative reply because he had checked the family's files and they couldn't be more clean.

"Have you checked the gene database compiled by the central intelligence brain before?" Qing Zhixun reminded Fang Jinyu.

What if he is Qin Hongjun's heir?

Fang Jinyu rolled his eyes at Qing Zhixun: "Boss, why didn't I check? I checked several times, but I couldn't find a match."

In other words, these people are not Qin Hongjun's children, nor are they his genetic descendants.

They were ordinary citizens. Among them, three withered bones were obviously children.

"No other findings?"

"Not yet. The source of the bug is a mystery."

It is not clear where the family got the insect eggs and why they came to Kino Hoshi.

What kind of parents can bear to let their children suffer such pain?

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