Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 644 - Resurrection

This is something that neither Fang Jinyu nor Qing Zhixun can understand.

In Jingsu, if your children encounter bad things, once they are discovered, the central brain will deprive them of their alliance benefits.

The hearts of these parents are really too big. These laws and regulations are clearly stated in the pre-job training before becoming parents.

It seems that the parents didn't take it to heart, or maybe they were too obedient to their children.

But something doesn't make sense.

These three children are still underage, and the central intelligence brain can monitor their lives.

As long as they enter the virtual network.

So, how did this family get the eggs?

Except for the Internet, there can't be such a coincidence.

Qing Zhixun guessed that there might be a hidden secret. "Check their social records, as well as the data on medication and mental breakthrough time."

There must be clues hidden here.

"Okay, I'll start filtering this data later." Fang Jinyu is an activist.

"If you have news, please tell me as soon as possible. There is no news here for the time being." Qing Zhixun and Fang Jinyu are teammates who exchange information with each other.

"Okay." Fang Jinyu hung up the video call and turned to see the progress of the biologists.

Leave the data screening to your partner robot.

After spending a few days combing through the data, I thought I would be able to sit back and relax after dealing with all the bugs in Kino Star. However, changes came quickly.

After the alliance guards resolved the sudden crisis and were about to leave, they received news that the same problem had occurred in other galaxies.

We had to dispatch some manpower for reinforcements.

Experienced alliance guards are becoming more and more comfortable dealing with these bugs, and the time it takes is also shortened.

Fang Jinyu decided to temporarily leave some manpower here at Kino Star, fearing that the other party would make a comeback.

Because there are too many people traveling into Kino Star.

The star port has reset the scanning equipment, and the procedures for entering Kino Star have become much more complicated.

Some citizens worried about unexpected situations even canceled their travel plans to Kino Star, which somewhat eased some of the workload of the guards.

For a time, this problem appeared in every galaxy in the alliance.

Fang Jinyu spent a week working tirelessly to trace the source and found that these families had more or less one thing in common.

That is, the child's talent is quite good, but he has been stuck at one level for a long time and cannot break through.

They also knew the dangers of using potions, so they never thought of using potions to force a breakthrough.

What they all have in common is that they have all received anonymous emails telling them that they have a way to break through their mental powers and giving them a demonstration video.

The email mentioned that his method does not require medicine, does not require them to do anything, and does not require them to pay any price. As long as they go to the storage office to pick up a package and then go to the designated location, they can get this method.

Although these families had doubts at first, there was no such thing as pie in the sky.

But their children stubbornly believed that they were chosen by the God of the Starry Sky.

Think that you are the chosen one, otherwise how would the other party know that you are facing this problem.

so. Innocent children must complete this task.

They think it's just a small thing and they have no loss at all.

You can get a breakthrough by taking something with you to the destination without having to pay any price. Even if such an opportunity is a scam, it won't make any difference to you if you try it.

At worst, just treat it as a trip.

In this way, they convinced their parents and other families with the same problem to form a team to complete this task, and the method would be shared with everyone.

After Fang Jinyu found this information, the alliance issued an emergency announcement, and the Star Network broadcast the information 24 hours a day.

Warning messages will be issued to citizens’ terminals through text, audio, video, and even every two hours.

However, the temptation to break through in terms of strength is too great.

Some people know it’s a scam but still want to find out.

I don't think I will be the unlucky person.

Even if the Alliance puts pictures of these people being eaten by bugs on the Star Network, it still cannot make these people take a warning.

More and more people are taking risks.

Within half a month, this bug spread throughout most of the galaxies in the Jingsu Alliance.

Of the twenty galaxies in Jingsu, only five galaxies, Yuanri, Miaorun, Anwer, Shangyuexing, and Aola, were spared.

These galaxies are heavily defended, and few people go there to play.

As long as an emergency occurs, the Anvil system will initiate emergency measures to deny the entry of foreign organisms.

The reason why we are here in Yuanri is because apart from the Yuanri station, there is not much carbon-based life left, and we cannot support the insects even if we come here.

The Ora people do not welcome any intelligent creatures to enter.

There are many oceans in Miao Run, and the insects can only enter the sea area, but they are in the sea water, and the eggs cannot hatch.

Because there are people from Jiuxing stationed at Shang Yuexing, and Xixiu once specially told him that it is best to close the door and thank guests during emergency times.

Moreover, W06 and the others were studying there. In order to prevent Qin Hongjun's people from discovering them, Shang Yuexing took the opportunity to cut off the commercial star's channel after Xu Fengxiang and others went out.

Fang Jinyu was extremely busy, and the situation was likely to spread.

Although protective clothing is available, citizens can only live in temporary shelters built in mid-air, which is very inconvenient.

After the Alliance guards dealt with the insect eggs in the soil, they were determined to return to the ground to live.

The alliance guards' persuasion was ineffective, so they had no choice but to ask biologists to provide medicines to these citizens who returned to the ground. They also taught everyone how to identify them and how to kill these eggs.

Originally they thought there wouldn't be any big problems, but they didn't know which link was improperly operated and some eggs were not completely killed.

After a resurgence, it will be out of control.

These larvae have learned to hide, and they hide in dark, damp forests, waiting for opportunities.

They first eat animals in the forest. After they grow to a certain stage, they come out at night to find intelligent creatures and eat them.

The one that suffered the worst was the Tianning Galaxy.

Because of the internal disputes within the Ye family, the Ye family, which was supposed to be responsible for the defense of a galaxy, has become overwhelmed with care for itself.

It was divided into several factions, competing for the power of the Tianning Galaxy.

No one in the Ye family wants to give up their power and divert their efforts to assist the alliance guards in dealing with the insect problem.

They value power more than the lives of the citizens of the Tinian system.

Without the support of the Ye family, the alliance guards would find it difficult to kill these bugs.

Because of the Ye family's inaction, the bugs in the Tianning galaxy have grown into adults.

It is very energy-consuming to deal with.

Fang Jinyu had no choice but to ask Ying Pingyan, who was stationed at Tian'ao Fortress, for support.

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