Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 646 - Genes have changed again

Otherwise, even if he takes back all the power of the Ye family, no one will support him then.

The families of the soldiers were waiting for them to rescue them. Everyone was so anxious that they wanted to form a private team to join the alliance guards.

Once he reaches this point, Ye Yunhan will not only lose his previous power, but also leave an impression of irresponsibility in the hearts of the soldiers.

Things are going to be very serious.

Finally, Ye Yunhan weighed the consequences and found that if he insisted on going his own way this time, he might lose the remaining power in his hands.

Therefore, Ye Yunhan sent soldiers from Tianning Star to strangle the bugs with the alliance guards.

He himself guarded the main star of Tianning and started fighting, which was able to regain a little bit of impression points for himself.

The other Ye family members also thought of this at this time, and the fight was temporarily put in the dark.

Because Tianning Galaxy failed to seize the defensive opportunity at the first time, it caused a large number of insects to spread.

Because, there are always some people who want to challenge the limits. They form a team privately to kill the bugs, but in the end they become the delicacies of the bugs.

People in the Tianning Galaxy lost their lives every day, and the pressure on the soldiers reached the limit.

Fang Jinyu discussed with Ying Pingyan of Tian'ao Fortress for several hours, and finally decided to transfer a group of Tianning citizens to temporarily live on a safer planet.

Wait until the bugs in the Tinian system are completely extinct before coming back, otherwise the soldiers will have to take care of the citizens and fight, and some of them will not be able to perform their best.

And because the eggs are laid underground, those underground residents who did not have time to evacuate and did not wear protective clothing became food for the insects.

The scene was very tragic.

The flesh and blood of these people provide energy sources for the insects, allowing them to grow and evolve.

When entering the underground, Fang Jinyu and the other soldiers felt really uncomfortable.

They dare not imagine what they would do now if their own family members suffered from this.


Just cry, how can you vent the pain of losing your loved ones like this.

They had never experienced the pain of being eaten alive by insects, but from the posture of the bones at the scene, they could feel the helplessness of these people before they died.

They came too late.

Fang Jinyu felt heavy.

He led his people to rescue some citizens who were well hidden and wearing protective clothing, but the rest could not be found.

They missed the best opportunity to rescue.

The matter of Tinian Star affects the hearts of every ordinary citizen of the Alliance. They cannot imagine how desperate the people of Tinian Galaxy are.

How desperate they would be if they knew that the leader of their own galaxy did not rescue them immediately just because they wanted to take back their own power.

In their opinion, whether Tianning is controlled by Ye Yunhan or ruled by Ye Yunxuan, it belongs to the Ye family.

Only the Ye family can tell the difference so clearly and clearly.

After seeing the tragic situation on Tinian, the Alliance urgently ordered the closure of the underground city facilities and asked some people who like to live underground to move out.

The training venue for the soldiers has also been moved from underground to above ground. When it will be restored, we have to wait for confirmation from the alliance.

It's the same here on Yuanri.

The commander of the fourth district discussed it and finally decided that all training would be conducted on the virtual network.

The instability underground is so terrifying that if bugs appear in the underground training room, their chances of escape will be reduced by half.

You can quickly reach the ground through teleportation, but you still don't have a wide field of vision on the ground.

For safety reasons, all the underground places in Yuanri Station were closed.

The situation in the Tianning Galaxy has been brought under certain control after closing the dungeon, but the strength of these bugs has increased too quickly.

When Xixiu and Qing Zhixun first discovered them, these things advanced by eating the same kind of food. This time, they used the flesh and blood of intelligent creatures, so they advanced very quickly.

The strength is also two levels more powerful than the two king insects that Xixiu and the others fought.

Fang Jinyu led his men and combined with the soldiers of Tian'ao Fortress, it can be said that it took a lot of effort to kill one.

The regeneration speed of this thing was so fast that Fang Jinyu felt his scalp numb.

They can only use heavy mechas to fight these bugs. With the power of the heavy mecha arms, they can't beat these bugs into pulp.

You can imagine how hard the shell of this insect is.

"Xixiu, I remember that this insect's body was soft and limp. Why is this one different?"

Ah Xian still remembered the battle with Xi Xiu. Xi Xiu's knife could penetrate into the insect's body. The abdomen seemed to be full of fat, so it was quite easy to get in.

However, no matter where they are, there is no soft spot for these bugs in the Tianning Galaxy.

Xixiu returned: "Their genes have been modified again and new trait genes have been incorporated."

This is the latest data from Gaia, and Qing Zhixun immediately shared it with the station’s internal network.

Therefore, their eggs look like sand and gravel, hard and very difficult to distinguish.

Giving these bugs a chance to reproduce, the strength of those adult bugs cannot be solved by human power alone.

In this battle, the loss of combat power may be difficult to estimate.

Qing Zhixun was in contact with Fang Jinyu at this time. Because he had combat experience with this kind of thing, Fang Jinyu wanted to ask him something.

"When you fought against these things, they didn't have such a hard shell?" Fang Jinyu asked after hearing Qing Zhixun's description.

"There is a shell, but not so much. The abdomen is soft and can be broken by weapons." Qing Zhixun played the video Fang Jinyu gave him, swiped left and right, and circled the abdomen of the insect. "How can we break its shell in such a short time?" Fang Jinyu frowned. We must break their shells and let the weapons enter the body of the insect to completely kill this thing. It takes a very large space to catch all these things and destroy them uniformly. These insects have been genetically modified again. After mutation, they are huge in size, as big as two heavy mechas, and it is difficult to kill them. It is easy to get hurt, but it recovers faster. Fang Jinyu has no other choice at the moment. If weapons of mass destruction are used, with such a large number, the entire Tianning Star main star is estimated to be half destroyed. As for the method of taking these insects to the starry sky to kill them, the alliance has not made a final decision. Because no one can guarantee the safety of this process, the reason why the starry sky destruction was not agreed to is to prevent the insect eggs from entering the starry sky and going to more distant galaxies. Biologists have concluded that the eggs of this insect will not be killed by star radiation, and the Elders Council cannot make this decision.

Unlike parasites, they seem to be born for this attack.

The whole meaning of their existence is to reduce the population of Jingsu.

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