Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 647 - Become a meal (fourth update)

If they lay eggs in the starry sky and these eggs are swept into other galaxies, then there will be such bugs all over Beijing.

Therefore, the Senate does not dare to make this decision, and no one can guarantee that it will be foolproof.

I can't afford to take this risk.

"Use a heavy mecha. Only the shell of a heavy mecha can collide with these bugs head-on."

Fang Jinyu calculated the probability of success. The alliance guards were all experienced warriors. Their level of driving mechas was acceptable, and they were familiar with using mechas to fight.

It's just that a mecha might not be able to compete with this bug.

Two mechas must cooperate to completely kill these bugs.

"How did you knock those two down in the first place?" Fang Jinyu wanted to gain some experience.

The sensitivity of this kind of bug is very high, and their sensory system is unimaginably developed.

The speed of heavy mechas is not as fast as that of wearing mechas, so the bugs need little buffering to capture the mecha's movements.

And then launch an attack.

In their eyes, these heavy mechas contain their favorite food.

If you fail to capture them quickly and let them go crazy, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Psychic attack." Qing Zhixun did not hide anything from Fang Jinyu.

"Direct attack?"


"To what extent can their mental power be strangled?" Fang Jinyu asked again.

"Strength above 3S."

Yes, asking is like asking in vain.

Fang Jinyu knew that Qing Zhixun's mental power level must be higher than what he said. He was a hybrid of Anvil and human.

Talent is different from ordinary people.

Fang Jinyu: "In other words, if you can't reach this level, don't try hard, right?"

Qing Zhixun answered lightly, "You can use mental power to strengthen weapons. It is not recommended to directly compete with insects for mental power. These things are emitted unconsciously and may be difficult to deal with if provoked."

The warriors' mental strength cannot reach this level, so they can only use conservative fighting methods.

Finally, Qing Zhixun gave Fang Jinyu a more constructive opinion.

Let him discuss with the starships of Tian'ao Fortress, use positioning technology in the starry sky to capture the location of the bugs, and directly use atomic light cannons to completely blast these bugs into powder, and then they will use manpower to clean up the ground.

The premise is that the person commanding the weapon must be absolutely trustworthy.

After hearing Qing Zhixun's suggestion, Fang Jinyu thought for a while, "In this case, all the residents here will have to retreat. Moreover, if one of them is not suitable, half of the planet may be destroyed."

Don't underestimate the weapons equipped on the starship. Those are all destructive weapons targeting planets or starships.

In addition, if someone has evil intentions, the entire planet will be wiped out.

That's why Qing Zhixun said that those who command weapons must be absolutely trustworthy.

Qing Zhixun himself would not use this method unless it was absolutely necessary.

Unless the person commanding the weapons is Xixiu, then maybe he will choose to take risks.

"Yes, so this is the last resort."

"Okay, Tian'ao and I will discuss it and form a mecha battle group immediately."

Time is running out.

If it is delayed any longer, more ordinary citizens will die.

The protective clothing can no longer resist the mutated bugs. The liquid secreted from their mouths can dissolve the materials of the protective clothing.

Although the speed is very slow, it is indeed dissolving the protective clothing.

Once the protective clothing is opened, the eggs on these bugs have the opportunity to come into contact with the skin of intelligent creatures.

This kind of hermaphrodite bug that can ovulate anytime and anywhere as long as it reaches adulthood is really, really disgusting.

Fang Jinyu and Ying Pingyan re-formulated the plan. The warriors driving heavy mechas must be able to knock down insects with one blow.

In this way, the mecha behind them quickly found their consciousness storage area before the insects could slow down, and used weapons to shoot through their conscious parts and heads.

Although the weapons in the starry sky can be very accurate, they are not recommended for use unless absolutely necessary.

Fang Jinyu and Ying Pingyan formed a heavy mecha team as quickly as possible.

The warriors in the Alliance Guards who were good at mecha combat were all organized into a temporary mecha team by Fang Jinyu.

Among the people brought by Ying Pingyan, there were also such warriors.

A total of 3,000 people from both sides formed a mecha team, and Fang Jinyu himself joined for easier command.

His mecha was still the interest he received when Qing Zhixun came to him for information.

It was a mecha designed by Qing Zhixun himself, with top-notch performance and equipment.

In recent years, as the alliance's technology has been updated, Fang Jinyu has also equipped the mecha with the latest technology.

He led the mecha team to the battlefield with the most bugs, and behemoths fell from the sky one after another.

When it landed firmly on the ground, a layer of thick smoke rose up.

After landing, the mechas dispersed. According to the previously determined partners, two mechas formed a group and immediately entered the battlefield.

These bugs had been surrounded by other warriors before, and they were not allowed to get close to the center of Tianning.

This is considered a suburb of Tianning Star Central City, with many forests and grasslands.

Therefore, these things have found the right breeding ground, and in such a dark environment, they grow rapidly in batches.

"Asi, I am in front of you and you are behind, you must find the right position." Fang Jinyu opened the communication group.

The team communication has also been set to always connected state to facilitate everyone's communication.

"Yes, captain, don't worry, we will complete the mission."

Before coming, biologists gave them some information, which they quickly researched, allowing them to more accurately determine the consciousness storage area of ​​this bug.

The first one may be a little slow, but the speed will become faster after the second and third ones.

Fang Jinyu also knew that he should be more careful in the first battle to give Asi more time to find it.

Therefore, when Fang Jinyu attacked, he did not choose to kill the insect with one blow. Instead, he angered the insect and let its anger radiate out.

Then Aspen can make a judgment based on the breath it spreads.

This is dangerous.

But it has to be done.

Biologists have studied that this bug has several consciousness storage areas.

They must track it to determine its location.

Fang Jinyu's big mecha quickly approached a huge insect.

It was very keen and immediately discovered Fang Jinyu and launched an attack on Fang Jinyu.

Their attack method is the secreted liquid, which can corrode the shell of the mecha.

If they were the Anweir people in the past, the insect liquid could also restrain their mental power.

Fang Jinyu knew how powerful the insect was, so he kept teasing it and didn't dare to get too close.

After a few times, Chongzi found that he could not reach the machine shell and couldn't eat the delicious food inside, so he became angry.

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