Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 648 - Stopped in the distance (fifth update, please vote)

There was a slight change in the flow of the air, and Fang Jinyu knew that this guy's consciousness might skyrocket and he was prone to chaos.

"Asi, get ready, I'm going to get close to it." Fang Jinyu decided to take this opportunity to feed it a few small light cannons.

"Alright, I got it."

Fang Jinyu calculated the angle and gave the bug a critical hit at the optimal attack distance.

A light cannon exploded brilliantly on the insect's body, but the insect was not fatally damaged and looked a little comfortable.

It may think that this is just an ordinary tickling, and it looks like it is enjoying itself as it rotates its four compound eyes that are as big as basketballs.

How did you get it?

Because, Fang Jinyu found that the insect looked down upon him. The insect swept its shell with its tail, and then the tail swept towards him lightly.

No use of full strength at all.

He and the heavy mecha were not taken seriously at all.

In fact, this is an opportunity.

Kill it while it is neglected.

So, Fang Jinyu fired eight smaller light cannons in succession, and flew towards the insect's compound eyes accurately.

The light cannon exploded on the insect's compound eyes.

In an instant, the bug lost its source of light and fell into darkness.

The bug went crazy after being unable to capture the light source and image.

Ace caught the movement in the air.

According to the flow of air, after collecting data and calculating, several positions were obtained.

It's so cunning to find something like this.

Their consciousness storage area is different from that of intelligent creatures. There is only a small part of the consciousness in the brain, and the rest is scattered in various less conspicuous locations.

The nervous system in the body is super developed.

So even if this kind of thing is opened, it will not die.

Asi broke into a cold sweat looking at the data.

If you are not careful, you will really become a meal for insects.

So he mobilized all his mental power, and the attack he would make later must be accurate.

He and Fang Jinyu have always worked together before, and the two of them already have a tacit understanding.

After calculating the results, the insect's vision had not yet recovered. Its giant pincers were waving wildly in the air, but it was still able to accurately find Fang Jinyu's position.

It's incredible.

Without its compound eyes to observe its surroundings, it can fight by relying on its sense of smell.

Fang Jinyu's mecha was hit by its pincers, and he could hear the "bang bang bang" sound of heavy objects hitting the mecha shell from inside.

Fortunately, the material of the mecha was beaten and did not shatter. Otherwise, the insect eggs would have entered the inside of the mecha.

Asi took advantage of the bugs to attack Fang Jinyu and quickly launched the device that destroyed his consciousness.

There are a total of sixteen positions, and the consciousness fluctuations in each position are different, so the weapons he sends out also have different weights.

The special atomic cannon to annihilate consciousness went to every location accurately.

Asi sent a message to Fang Jinyu before launching. 0.03 seconds after the weapon was launched, Fang Jinyu left the insect's capture range as quickly as possible.

Both men stopped in the distance.

The mecha's display screen transmitted back the scene after it hit the bug. The bug's two giant pincers were waving wildly in the air.

It was obviously very painful.

"Asian, take advantage of the opportunity and attack it mainly on its abdomen."

Even if their abdomen is improved and blessed this time, it should still be their weak point.


The two mechas were like arrows leaving the string, jumping in the air and arriving behind the insect.

Fang Jinyu transformed the mecha's right hand into a rapidly rotating sawtooth.

After the insect's conscious area is attacked, it is temporarily unable to judge the danger for a few seconds.

However, relying on its judgment of the external environment and its sense of smell, it knew that something was approaching it.

This insect seemed to know that its weakest point was its abdomen, so it put all its feet under its abdomen and wrapped its abdomen with its feet.

This insect looks like a big black ball that can roll, except for two huge pincers.

After seeing the change in the way the bug responded to the crisis, Fang Jinyu fixed one of the mechanical legs of the mecha on the ground with the mecha tilted.

Then, he launched the fifty rotating gears of the mecha towards the insect's abdomen, intending to cut off all the insect's legs.

The gear collided with the insect's foot, and Fang Jinyu adjusted the speed and power of the gear.

After a while, after more than a dozen gears were damaged, the gear that followed successfully sawed off one of the insect's legs, followed by three or four more.

On the other hand, Asi successfully placed the weapon under the insect's abdomen.

As long as Fang Jinyu cuts the insect's legs open, the weapon he places can open the insect's abdomen.

Then find a way to successfully put the weapon into its belly.

Let it explode from the inside out.

This prevents it from growing and healing quickly.

Only then can it be completely killed.

Dispose of its eggs later.

It takes about two hours to kill a bug, which is really slow progress.

However, the first one had been killed successfully, and Fang Jinyu and Asi shared their battle experiences with other warriors.

The next battle was much faster.

After they killed the insects, the task of dealing with the eggs was handed over to other soldiers.

As long as you don't come into contact with the liquid secreted by this bug, wearing a mecha is still safe.

However, to be on the safe side, Fang Jinyu asked the soldiers handling the insect eggs on the battlefield to wear three layers of protective isolation suits, and then put on the mechas.

According to this method, it took Fang Jinyu and Ying Pingyan fifteen days to deal with the bugs.

As for whether there are any eggs left in the soil, they are currently unable to determine.

After reporting the matter to the Council of Elders, the Council of Elders contacted Ye Yunhan.

In the end, it was decided to allow the citizens of the main star to relocate, and the alliance guards left manpower behind to guard the starry sky and observe the situation on the ground at any time.

There are animals in the forests of the Tinian galaxy, and the bugs will definitely look for food after they hatch. There are enough animals in the forest for them to grow into adults.

Then you can only find one and kill one until biologists find a solution.

It may take many months.

However, the Ye family and some other warriors from other families decided to stay on the main planet of Tianning.

They had also put in a lot of effort in previous battles and had enough experience in dealing with bugs.

In addition, this is their home, and they will not allow insects to destroy their home.

Looking at the central city that was almost in ruins, Ye Yunhan felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Obviously not for the citizens who lost their lives because of their mistakes.

It was because the order that the Ye family had worked so hard to establish was completely broken.

After this insect disaster, the Ye family will no longer be the only one in the Tianning galaxy.

He wants to share the Tianning star cake with several families. It is estimated that the Ye family can only get two-tenths of what it once was.

This is still his optimistic estimate.

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