Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 653 - Freedom to fight

Buhete didn't care much: "Didn't you also plan to use your deputy team as bait before?"

These words made Zhang Xiaoxiang unable to refute, "I didn't, we just cooperated. With my strength, I can kill the bug before it catches him."

"Oh? Are you sure?" Buhete's suspicious expression was very embarrassing.

Before Zhang Xiaoxiang could find a sentence to refute, Buhot spoke again: "I calculated that your speed is 0.5 seconds slower than mine, so I can find the right opportunity to cut off the insect's legs and bury the weapon into its body. , if it were you, you wouldn’t be able to do it.”

Buhete told the truth straight to the point.

But Zhang Xiaoxiang believed that he was not that bad. When he first joined the battle, he asked his deputy Yuan Hui to be the bait because they had experimented many times during training and he was completely sure.

"You are too underestimated. I am faster than you. Don't judge people you don't know casually." Zhang Xiaoxiang gritted his teeth.

He was very dissatisfied with Buhot's behavior. How could such a person be the captain!

"Tch, you are not strong enough. If you insist on showing off, you will cause the soldiers to lose their lives."

Buhot's strange aura made Zhang Xiaoxiang furious. In a fit of anger, he directly challenged Buhot: "In this case, I will compete with you after the mission is over."

Buhete, who had not been challenged for a long time, agreed very quickly, as if he was afraid that Zhang Xiaoxiang would regret it.

Zhang Xiaoxiang saw the smile on Buhete's lips after he raised the challenge, and realized that he was provoked.

However, he is not afraid of Buhot.

In a certain respect, Bu Hote and Zhang Xiaoxiang are the same people, born to like excitement.

However, after entering the station, they lost the freedom to fight with others at will.

Although he could challenge others in the virtual network, Buhot always felt that something was missing about the feeling of not being able to punch to the flesh.

So he has always been arrogant, and anyone who doesn't have the foresight comes to his door and beats him up.

Alas, this young man doesn't take teasing.

However, it was just as he wanted.

There was a faint smile on Buhot's lips. Although the battle with the insects was difficult, it didn't feel as satisfying as the battle.

It's still fun and exciting to fight against the same kind.

Moreover, this young man is prone to impulsivity and is expected to be very explosive in combat.

After killing the bugs, he had to find Zhang Xiaoxiang's information and do some research.

Buhete does not fight uncertain battles.

Wang Zichun knew Bu Hete's virtue, and the reason why he asked Zhang Xiaoxiang to team up with him was to reduce two troubles.

Firstly, Buhete had found fun and would not look for other fighters to compete with each other; secondly, Zhang Xiaoxiang was also suppressed, which was perfect.

In this way, his brain cells can be preserved, otherwise he would not be able to survive if he was tortured by these two every day.

In fact, apart from being belligerent, Buhot is also very cooperative with the team.

But Zhang Xiaoxiang is different. He always feels that he is a different kind of light, and he won't give up until he does something different.

Wang Zichun never has a good impression of such people, let alone a good look.

It just so happens that Buhete can specialize in treating this kind of dissatisfaction.

This mission has lasted for two days. During normal missions, Zhang Xiaoxiang was still working with Buhete. The two of them killed hundreds of adult insects in the past two days.

Currently ranked first on this mission list, surpassing other newcomers to the Zhang family.

Originally, he had come to the station early and had more combat experience than the new soldiers. This comparison was meaningless.

But for Zhang Xiaoxiang who wants to win the position of head of the Zhang family, or even a higher position, it is very important to accumulate achievements in the station.

Therefore, after ranking first, Zhang Xiaoxiang wanted to win more numbers.

In this way, he can gain more honors and accumulate enough points for promotion.

He told Bu Hete about his idea, and planned to go to the place with the largest number of bugs in the next battle. Bu Hete looked at Zhang Xiaoxiang unhurriedly, without nodding or rejecting.

After two days of fighting, Buhot had found the fastest way to deal with the insects.

As for whether Zhang Xiaoxiang is found or not, that is beyond his control.

Moreover, he proposed it himself. If something happened, Buhot would at most be criticized by his superior for not doing his best to stop it.

Buhete likes challenges, so Zhang Xiaoxiang's suggestion is exactly what he wants.

After Wang Zichun announced the mission location, they went to the battle location as quickly as possible.

However, this mission did not go as smoothly as Zhang Xiaoxiang thought.

They have a crisis.

The mission location this time is at the edge of a very dense forest, where biological resources are very rich.

Therefore, the bugs received a lot of nutritional supplements. Not only did they grow larger than the bugs of the previous two days, there seemed to be king bugs among them that could command smaller bugs with their mental power.

There's more than one.

Zhang Xiaoxiang thought it was still a cooperative battle like the previous two days. He and Buhete had developed a lot of tacit understanding after two days of running in, and they would definitely be able to kill more bugs.

However, this time he didn't get what he wanted.

The strength of king bugs is much higher than those of ordinary bugs.

Their feet were stronger, and it took Bu Hete two-fifths more time to cut open the feet on their abdomens than in the previous two days.

Zhang Xiaoxiang felt struggling.

The strength and speed of the bugs are much stronger than those of the previous two days.

The mecha's mechanical arms can't even deal with these bugs, so they must use highly lethal weapons to make them slightly inflexible.

"Bu Hete, what should we do now?" Zhang Xiaoxiang had no idea.

After all, he still has little combat experience.

Buhete made a gesture of spitting in the mecha through the protective suit, "What else can we do? We can't live without him now."

A dozen king insects commanded their own shrimp soldiers and crab generals to surround them. If they wanted to leave, they could just take the mecha directly into the air.

But in this case, the mission failed, which was a situation that neither of them wanted to face.

Zhang Xiaoxiang didn't like Buhot's tone very much. He thought he heard the sarcasm, mocking him for being timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

So Zhang Xiaoxiang spoke again: "Didn't you say that you are very powerful? You can't think of a single solution, but you are still the captain?"

Buhete raised his eyelids and said, "I'll give you my exact words. Who wanted to try to be a hero two days ago? Now there will be a chance to show off. Why don't you dare to take it?"

Does Zhang Xiaoxiang think he is a fool and doesn't know his true thoughts?

Just because Buhote wasn't good at strategy didn't mean he was stupid.

"You..." Zhang Xiaoxiang didn't have time to finish what he said, because the insect's huge, strangely purple pliers had already reached his mecha's eyes.

He was so frightened that he quickly backed away.

If a bug comes over, there will probably be cracks in the eyes of his mecha.

In this way, the probability that he will be contaminated by insect eggs will reach 100%.

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