Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 654 - As long as there is food

One thing that is extremely irregular about this insect is that it has eggs that are as big as fine sand and gravel that are extremely inconsistent with their size.

Although it is visible to the naked eye, the size of the egg and the body of the insect are vastly different.

Moreover, it is not easy to distinguish in the soil at all, and the survival rate of insect eggs reaches 100%.

Also, once the eggs hatch into larvae, they can grow into adults as long as there is food and they continue to eat within a day.

This speed is really terrifying.

From such a small egg, which is almost negligible compared to their mechas, it grows into something bigger than their mechas in one day. How on earth is this done!

Biologists have yet to find an answer to this question, so they have been unable to eliminate the bug in other ways.

In the short term, this problem will be the biggest trouble for biologists and a disaster for the alliance.

Zhang Xiaoxiang retreated to a safe location, patted his chest in the mecha, and wiped the non-existent sweat stains on his forehead, thinking in his mind that if he hadn't acted quickly, he might not have been able to go back safely today.

At least put some color on it.

It wouldn't be a big deal if you were just hanging out, but it would be terrible if you were targeted by insect eggs.

When the insect attacked Zhang Xiaoxiang, Buhete wanted to make a silent sneak attack while the insect's attention was not on his side.

One hit.

Gave the bug a heavy blow.

But the insects were not completely killed.

When he wanted to do it again, the bug seemed to open all the organs in the body that could sense external information, and Buhete failed repeatedly.

The insect seemed to have eyes everywhere, and his mecha could be caught by it even if it was invisible.

You know, even the most sensitive starship system would take several seconds to detect his traces.

But the bug's recognition system only took three seconds to determine his location.

While staring at Zhang Xiaoxiang, he attacked him with the other pliers.

Didn't fall in either direction.

Buhete decided to change his strategy. He communicated with Zhang Xiaoxiang and asked him to go to a position in mid-air with weapons ready at any time. He would anger the insects, and then Zhang Xiaoxiang used instruments to determine where their mental power was stored.

The consciousness storage location of each insect is not exactly the same. Only the location in the head is the same, and the other locations are actually random.

Therefore, they have to find the consciousness storage area again every time they fight, which undoubtedly increases their fighting speed.

Zhang Xiaoxiang also knew that this was the fastest method at present. As for why he wasn't the one to shoot with Buhe.

Firstly, he didn't trust Buhote, and secondly, the battles in the past few days made Zhang Xiaoxiang see his own shortcomings and needed to learn something from Buhote.

In this case, he can win by challenging Buhet after returning to the station.

Zhang Xiaoxiang did not refute, but obediently took off, using the mecha's intelligent system to lock the bug, and destroy its consciousness storage area once it was discovered.

In this battle, it took Buhete and Zhang Xiaoxiang more than four hours to kill a king insect.

In the past two days, I could basically solve one in an hour, which was too time-consuming.

By the time they killed one king insect, the new ones had grown into adults.

After that, there are endless bugs to kill.

Trapped in an infinite loop.

Because their own eggs will hatch quickly after the mother dies.

These larvae will eat the flesh and blood of their mother, and then they will grow like a balloon to the size of a rubber ball in an instant.

This speed frightened everyone.

The mother is so big that it is enough for them to grow.

After seeing this situation, Zhang Xiaoxiang's scalp felt numb. This task was more difficult than he thought, but he had to win it no matter how difficult it was.

The other teams were not much better, and all teams suffered setbacks in the third day's mission.

Everyone reported this issue, and there were unpredictable variables in the bug's strength.

Even Wang Zichun himself couldn't kill the bug completely within an hour.

This would consume too much time and energy, and they could no longer give the bugs a chance to eat and grow, otherwise, more king bugs would appear.

This batch of bugs must be completely killed as quickly as possible, and then the eggs they leave behind must be cleaned up.

Wang Zichun asked Qing Zhixun for instructions and decided to transfer the citizens here, and then lure the insects to a place and blow them up together.

After all the bugs are dead, ground troops are sent to clean the soil, disinfect it, etc.

As long as there is no food source, these bugs cannot grow too fast.

It's best to let them fight on their own.

But this time the bugs will no longer eat the same kind when they become adults.

This is magical!

The juvenile body relies on the mother's body to grow, but the adult body must eat other carbon-based life forms.

Insects cannot dive, otherwise all creatures in the sea would probably not be spared.

Qing Zhixun asked Wang Zichun to deal with it immediately, and asked him to make sure it was safe before allowing citizens to return to the ground.

Wang Zichun arranged for several groups to work with alliance guards to transfer citizens. The alliance has regulations and the transfer must ensure the absolute safety of citizens.

Moreover, unless it is absolutely necessary, we cannot fight at the cost of destroying the planet.

This situation may continue for several days, so relocation is necessary.

As a result, the citizens of this planet were temporarily transferred to a quarantine area in the starry sky, where professionals would deal with their health problems.

It is necessary to confirm that there are no sleeping insect eggs on their bodies. In this case, it will be safe for them to return to the ground.

Wang Zichun and the alliance guards who had arrived here transferred the citizens. Zhang Xiaoxiang had no mission for the time being, so he took the initiative to greet the children of the Zhang family.

The Zhang family were surprised that he would take the initiative to talk to them, because in their minds, the identity of an illegitimate child was actually very embarrassing.

However, they decided to see what Zhang Xiaoxiang meant before making other decisions.

After all, no one wants to become cannon fodder for no apparent reason.

They are here with a purpose, and each has a mission.

They didn't ask what Zhang Xiaoxiang's mission was. They originally planned to have nothing to do with each other, but if he could take the initiative to contact them, they wouldn't refuse.

After all, it would be easier to work together as a group at the moment, but it would be too strenuous to work alone.

Everyone's tasks are different, but the purpose should be the same.

Zhang Xiaoxiang got their mission from these people, and he was thoughtful. He didn't expect that the Zhang family's appetite was getting bigger and bigger.

Not only did he want to enter the Council of Elders, but if possible, he also wanted to win both the Council of Elders and the Supreme Commander.

However, this is exciting enough.

Zhang Xiaoxiang's mind suddenly became active, and he thought of his friend Kuang Buru.

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