Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 655 - Gaia’s Insect Plague

The reputation of the Kuang family is very resounding. If it is used well, maybe it is really possible!

When leaving, Zhang Xiaoxiang looked happy, and he felt that his blood was boiling.

In that position, as long as there are capable soldiers who have joined the garrison and the border fortress, I guess there is no one who would not admire him.

That Hong Xixiu must be too.

However, it's not that he looks down on the fact that there have been several famous female coaches in the history of the Women's League, but without exception they all came from aristocratic families.

Civilians, never.

Because I don’t have the talent or the resources.

At this point, there is no comparison between Hong Xixiu and him.

Zhang Xiaoxiang decided to make a good plan after returning and talk to Kuang Biru about the future.

She also thrived in Tian'ao.

Last time I went to Tianning to kill bugs, Kuang Biru made a first-class contribution.

When this insect plague is over, she should be promoted to captain.

Although it is still one level lower than Hong Xixiu, who has already obtained it as a major, Tian'ao Fortress is an important military force of the alliance.

The promotion of soldiers over there is faster than that of Yuan Ri, their gold content is also higher, and they lead more teams than Yuan Ri.

As long as Kuang Biru makes a few more contributions, catching up with Hong Xixiu won't be a problem.

Zhang Xiaoxiang, who had been thinking alone for a long time, made a list of questions and information, planning to contact Kuang Biru as soon as the Star Network had a signal.

Wang Zichun led the soldiers and spent half a day sending all the citizens of the planet to the isolation facility built in mid-air.

He asked the medical robot to take care of it and sent soldiers to guard here. He and other alliance guards returned to the ground.

During this half day, the other soldiers were still fighting and had reduced the scope of the insect outbreak a lot.

At the rate at which the bugs reproduce, it will take them two days of fighting to drive them all to one place.

There is a desert.

Wang Zichun asked the mecha to be equipped with a kind of net that the alliance had recently developed urgently.

Heavy mechas also have nets in their arsenal, but they cannot catch bugs.

Because it will be decomposed by the secretions of the bug, the bug's body can restrain most of the alliance's weapons.

This kind of net will not be corroded by the mucus secreted by the bugs. Once it traps them, you can find a way to take them to the desert.

The mecha casts the net very quickly, but the bugs are not that stupid. They will not wait for others to catch them.

Their bodies look huge, but they are extremely flexible.

After a while, he disappeared into the forest.

For a time, the insects escaping in the forest destroyed a large area of ​​trees.

The fallen trees made a crashing sound as wood was suddenly broken, and thick smoke billowed on the ground.

The insect is huge, and the way it runs is very weird, twisting and turning, as if it can't balance its body.

When Wang Zichun saw this scene, he wanted to laugh but didn't dare, so he had to hold it in.

So do the other warriors.

With the help of mesh weapons, soldiers save a lot of energy.

These bugs were transported to the desert center of the planet within two days.

A large pit has been dug there in advance, and a large, airtight round pipe has been placed.

A total of five layers of protection devices were installed.

Throw the bugs into the pipe, then detonate the weapons already buried in the pipe, and set up the anti-leakage device. Only then can the treatment of these bugs be considered to be completely free of hidden dangers.

Because inhibitors are added to the weapon, even if the insect eggs are not completely destroyed, there will no longer be life fluctuations.

It will not hatch again if dropped on the ground.

The bugs were finally dealt with, and their mission was completed.

Although we encountered difficulties along the way, we were able to resolve them in time. Injuries are inevitable.

As long as no soldiers die, it is victory.

After the battle, Wang Zichun led the soldiers back to the station.

The citizens' return home will be handled by Alliance guards, and their mission as cooperating soldiers has been completed.

The completion of the task this time was pretty good. Although Zhang Xiaoxiang's approach made Wang Zichun unhappy, his performance in the following days was not bad.

Bu He suppressed Zhang Xiaoxiang's arrogance and prevented him from displaying it.

Wang Zichun decided to let Zhang Xiaoxiang go to Bu Hote's team and be Bu Hote's deputy team in the future, so that it would be easier to observe.

Buhot has a hot temper and can't be beaten, but he is very loyal to the station and the alliance.

Although some places are indeed weird, he is a bloody man.

He likes fighting, but he doesn't want the peace of the alliance to be broken by his own people.

It was perfect for him to look at Zhang Xiaoxiang.

Qing Zhixun had withdrawn his captain before, and he had completed the task quite well this time. According to the station management rules, his position could be adjusted, but for now, he did not want to think about the position of captain.

Wang Zichun told Qing Zhixun his thoughts and received a positive reply from Qing Zhixun.

After Zhang Xiaoxiang found out, he readily agreed.

He didn't know Buhot very well, but he knew that although Buhot had an unpleasant personality, he was very brave every time he went on a mission, and Wang Zichun still valued him.

And there are many opportunities for their team to go on missions.

Everyone has their own ideas.

Zhang Xiaoxiang wants to use Buhe's multiple missions as a springboard to accumulate more merits for himself.

Wang Zichun used Bu He to suppress Zhang Xiaoxiang. It depends on which of the two is more arrogant.

Buhot has an unpleasant personality, but he will not slander others, let alone be jealous of other people's achievements.

He is brave, but has brains, will not be led by others, and has the ability to be arrogant.

Unlike Zhang Xiaoxiang, who is young and easily influenced by other people's thoughts.

After Wang Zichun returned with his team, Qing Zhixun held an emergency defense meeting.

This kind of bug first spread from Kino Star, to Tianning Star, and then to the edge of Yuanri.

Within one alliance month, bugs appeared in more than ten galaxies.

Currently, only the Gaia galaxy, where the capital star is located, and the Mingyun galaxy, which has the weakest defenses, have not found traces of bugs.

Qing Wenxu and other members of the Elder Council kept an eye on the starry sky and the security of the surrounding planets, but they still failed to guard against it.

Bugs broke out on one of the administrative stars closest to Gaia.

This time, there are more bugs than any other galaxy has exploded.

The citizens of this planet were eaten clean in the night, leaving no room for resistance.

When the bugs break out, when you are sleeping at night and you notice abnormalities on the ground in the starry sky, it is already too late.

Moreover, this time the bug suddenly appeared and did not step on the defense alarm that had been set before.

This incident made other administrative stars in the Gaia galaxy very frightened, because they did not know how the bug spread, and the previous transmission route had been completely cut off.

However, the bugs still appeared.

I thought Gaia was well defended and bugs couldn't get in, but now it seems that the opponent obviously put Gaia last.

Every galaxy is fighting this bug. Alliance guards go to assist other galaxies, and the manpower left in Gaia is very limited.

When biologists arrived, they discovered something that shocked them.

The bug mutated again.

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