Take a day off today.

First, because I have been working for fifteen days in a row, I am really tired. I go to bed at twelve o'clock every day and wake up at six o'clock. After a week of such days, I can finally rest this weekend. I just want to be paralyzed. I can't even muster the energy to code.

The previous updates were supported by saved manuscripts, so they could only be completed with additional updates, otherwise they would probably have to run naked.

However, the depository has been exhausted.

Plus Kavin, so I want to take a day off to think about the next direction.

Sort out the next plot clearly.

Second, I have received a lot of comments these days, which makes me feel sad and happy at the same time.

Reviews from book friends ranged from good to bad. Some said they couldn't understand it, some said there were too many spoilers in the text, and some said my writing was too literary.

So I reflected on whether I should adjust some details to make the characters more vivid and straightforward.

But it probably won't make much of a difference.

Because I am a stubborn and willful person, I just want to express myself in my own way.

Anyone who complains about the heroine’s name really doesn’t need to comment on me.

Really, whether the heroine’s name is strange, ugly, or tacky, it’s just a code name.

Because I don't want to use a name that might clash with others.

As for the rest, it will definitely not be perfect. After the article gets long, some logic will not be paid much attention to, which may be a flaw.

However, since you clicked in, you can read it if you can. If you can’t stand it, you don’t have to tell me to abandon the article.

As for some readers commenting that the article is too sad, in fact it is not too sad. I hope everyone can see the positive energy of the article and understand some of the sadness in it.

In my opinion, these sadnesses are because parting is everywhere in life.

When you leave home to study, you will be temporarily separated from your parents; when you leave work, you will say goodbye to your colleagues and get to know different people; you will say goodbye to good friends for various reasons, etc.

The biggest separation among them is probably to get married, have children, leave your parents, and live your own life in your own small home from then on.

This kind of separation may not seem like separation, but it is a special separation that cannot be ignored, because suddenly you will find that your parents have aged a little bit longer overnight and have a few more gray hairs.

They are getting older.

No one knows when the next separation will come.

I hope the little cuties can cherish every reunion and get together, and spend more time with their parents, family, and children. This is my heroine’s understanding of life.

But with every separation, she will grow more or less. These separations are also what we will encounter in life.

Here, I hope we all can live a good life.

I wish all book friends peace and happiness, a happy family, and delicious food. ^^

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