Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 661 -Contradictory temperament

This captain is an outstanding warrior who emerged from the family this time. Basically, he entered the station with a purpose, and there is no good fault.

They would not make principled mistakes on the surface, but in private, almost everyone already knew tacitly what they thought of their 909.

Flora held her head and shook it several times, "These people don't stop at this time. If we are really on the same battlefield in the future, can we just pray that they don't insert their swords? As for cooperation, don't expect it?" "

"Yes." Tarasha thought so herself.

"Well, if there is another chance to go on a mission together next time, I won't be so stupid again." Flora pursed her lips and decided not to go on the mission at all.

It would be great to train on site and improve yourself.

Physical fatigue can be restored overnight.

This kind of tiredness is not easy to get over.

Xixiu took five yuan to deal with the physical problems of the injured soldier. He was completely relieved when he saw that his men were not in danger or infected by insects.

The soldiers who caused the accident had already apologized to Yang Jiuqing and sent a lot of medical supplies, which made Xixiu unable to find an excuse to get angry.

On the starship returning to the station, Xixiu also received a message from Alyssa.

Belka lives a peaceful life on the transit planet. They train for eighteen hours a day and only sleep for six hours.

After Xixiu and the others left, some people who had been dissatisfied with Andra left the area where Belka lived and chose another area to survive.

Andra and Alyssa ignored them.

Just keep your head down and train.

They wanted to use the shortest possible time to restore Belka's vitality.

These tribesmen who left are of no use to Belka now.

After Alyssa explained their current situation, she reported their training results to Xixiu, as well as any questions during the training.

Looking forward to getting their answers.

Xixiu and Axian led others to analyze Alyssa one by one. It took more than an hour to write the summary.

Finally, Xixiu also carefully asked them to pay attention to the movement of the planet.

Although this bug that appears in the alliance has not yet reached the transit star, we must remain vigilant.

It's best to avoid it.

Otherwise, Alyssa and the others might have a hard time dealing with it.

Although there are people left on the transit star, all of them will probably have to go to the battlefield to deal with these bugs.

Alyssa remembered Xixiu's words, discussed it with her father Andra, and then went to the person in charge of the transit star to ask for information, and learned that the transit star had upgraded its defenses.

Also, after the soldiers stationed here left, the channel was closed.

So since Xixiu and the others left, no other living beings have visited the transit star.

Even if the insect eggs can float in the starry sky without being killed by radiation, they cannot enter the planet.

There is a six-layer defense system outside, and the defense measures have been upgraded according to the characteristics of the bugs.

For now, it's safe.

But don't be careless.

On the way back to the station, everyone was in a good mood because the task had been completed.

Flora took advantage of the fact that the star network was connected outside, and she had been spending time with her partner in the virtual network.

Both she and He Yinlei have decided on their partners and will not make any changes.

After Xixiu returned to the starship, he gave them a holiday to deal with his own personal matters.

She and A-Xian had other things to deal with, so they stayed in the office assigned to 909 on the starship.

Ah Xian had the news just sent from Anweil, and Wu Jingyang told her that the bug had reached the edge of Anweil.

Wu Jingxi and Qing Heming have returned to Anweil ​​and are stationed at the last line of defense.

Wu Jingxu, Wu Jingmu and Wu Jingya respectively stationed one line of defense, and other nobles from Anvil were responsible for the remaining lines of defense.

No trace of bugs has been found on Anvil Prime and Admin Star.

After the last crisis in Anweil ​​passed, with the help of Wei Lanshan, they had found a way to restrain the aura of corruption.

Wu Jingyang and his people have been studying that kind of bug, and they have gained something.

He tried to add a code that could identify the insect's genes into the defense system. Through the radiation transmission in the starry sky, the location of the insect could be known at once.

A pesticide that can kill insect eggs is sprayed on the outer space of the first level of protection every twelve hours.

Even if there were stray eggs, they wouldn't be able to withstand Anvil's detailed attacks.

After the bugs broke out in various galaxies, Wu Jingyang provided the method tested by Anweil ​​to the Council of Elders.

Not long after, the Council of Elders asked each galaxy to follow suit.

It takes time to clean up the eggs on the ground. After human intervention, the speed of adult insects has been slowed down a lot.

After the warriors of the original system were able to handle these things, the scattered Alliance defenders retreated back to Gaia.

The safety of Capital Star must be guaranteed.

As for other galaxies, only the Mingyun Galaxy is in an uncontrollable situation.

The female star Aiflan whom they had seen on Planet Susita previously announced the news of a live concert on the Star Network.

Her fans went crazy.

And they are all men.

Those who watched her videos were attracted by her appearance.

That kind of ethereal aura and the temptation carried by them actually allowed these people to break through the interference of the blockers.

They felt that they had fallen in love with this woman who looked like an orchid in the empty valley.

After Avran's video was transmitted to all galaxies, a one-sided situation emerged.

Some men were desperate, even those who had already matched their partners, went crazy.

They seemed to no longer listen to anyone and only wanted to see their goddess.

Xi Xiu and A Xian were studying the signals revealed by Avran.

A Xian stared at Avran for a long time, but didn't find anything special. She had a headache, "Xi Xiu, I don't think her eyes seem to be anything special?"

She didn't have any fluctuations after watching.

Xi Xiu also watched for a long time just now, and she was not sure, but the only thing that was certain was that Avran had a temperament.

Xi Xiu thought for a while, how to explain her opinion to A Xian, "Sister A Xian, she gives people a very peaceful feeling."

"Oh, how is the peacekeeping method?" A Xian didn't understand.

"Based on her appearance, she should be ethereal and pure, but at the same time, she has a kind of charm."

Ah Xian didn't quite understand what Xi Xiu said, so he asked again: "What is charm?"

"For example, Sister Xian, you also look clear, like an elf. But you only have this kind of temperament. Apart from this, there is only the fierceness that appears in battle."

Xi Xiu said it a little embarrassedly, not sure whether Ah Xian would accept this evaluation.

"Oh, it means that when we fight, our temperaments will be different from usual." Ah Xian didn't care about the word "fierce" at all.

"About that, but these two temperaments change with the occasion, and Afran is different. She has both temperaments at the same time."

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