Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 662 - No one has seen her

Feng Shanshan and the others didn't get Avlan's file, but Xixiu did.

It was obtained by Qing Zhixun from Gaia.

Before going on a mission, she conducted her first simulation with Qing Zhixun and got an unexpected surprise.

They encountered a bug in the virtual network that should not exist.

From this accident, I got some useful information.

Judging from the information Qing Zhixun gave her, Aiflan's file was very clean and normal.

She was born into an acting family in the Mingyun Galaxy. Her parents are both intelligent creatures with outstanding looks, and both of them are engaged in acting.

However, Aiflan also has a twin brother, but they don't look much alike.

Judging from the files, there are no problems in this family. Avran has been growing up with his parents since he was a child. None of them have been lost, and he has never been away from his parents for too long.

There is only one doubt.

After Avran went to high school at the age of sixteen, he fell into a coma due to physical training.

The cause of the illness was not clearly stated, except that she lay in the nutrition cabin for ten days.

She spent these ten days in the school's medical room, during which no one saw her.

Avran's birth information shows that her eye color is pure black.

However, Xixiu could see that there was a strange purple color in the depths of Avlan's eyes in the video.

Xiu Xiu had told Ah Xian before about this issue that it was very difficult to change the color of his eyes.

Even if the alliance has various disguise devices, they can be cracked with instruments, but it will take time.

"Could it be possible that there are two Avrans? After all, she has a twin brother. It wouldn't be surprising to have a younger sister." A Xian's mind was wide open.

The reproductive methods of intelligent creatures have long been diversified, so it is normal to have three or four children at a time.

"Well, it's possible." Xixiu felt that there must be something wrong with Avlan's life experience.

She had previously asked Jiuxing to send a team of ten people to the Mingyun Galaxy.

They're all female fighters, so there won't be that kind of crazy situation.

"But what does she want to do by making these people go crazy to Mingyun Prime?" Axian was puzzled.

"Maybe, to feed the bugs. Don't you think the timing of her on-site meeting is too coincidental?" Xixiu boldly guessed.

A Xian looked horrified.

To get food for bugs, right?

She thought of the previous on-site meetings at Avlan, where all were men, and the only women were the maintenance staff she brought along.

And these men who are attracted to her are from every galaxy and every species.

The most important thing is that the Mingyun Galaxy is currently quiet, with no trace of bugs.

Therefore, these people boldly headed straight for the largest open-air square in the Mingyun Galaxy.

Xixiu continued: "I just asked Feng Shanshan that Seymour and Sika almost went to the Mingyun Galaxy again. In the end, Shuofeihua had someone put them down and put them into a deep sleep temporarily."

This was successfully stopped.

Although Seymour and Sika are sometimes out of tune, they still have strong self-discipline.

Neither of them was spared, as can be imagined for other men.

Once you are attracted to Avran, this influence will not be eliminated in a short time.

Avran is really good at it.

"Could it be that bugs evolve faster by feeding on intelligent creatures with spiritual power?" A Xian suddenly thought of a possibility.

Xixiu frowned: "It's hard to say. We'd better wait for the information from Gaia."

Both of them felt their heads hurt.

I don't know what the situation is in the central brain. Although news comes from Sixi every day, they are all safe messages.

Qin Jian's traces are like a stone sinking into the sea.

After so many years, it is indeed difficult to find it.

Even with the central intelligence's understanding of him, we can't find him out. We can only say that this guy has hidden himself too deeply.

Xixiu and Axian discussed for a long time, and Qiu Shaorong knocked on the office door at this time.

He and Su Jinbao have been searching for news from various galaxies since returning to the starship. They have now compiled a piece of data, which looks amazing.

"Captain, this is really terrifying..." Su Jinbao couldn't say any more.

Xixiu turned her gaze to the light screen projected by Qiu Shaorong. The data there was much more serious than she had thought before.

Qiu Shaorong spoke with difficulty: "Captain, so far, about 10 million men in the entire alliance have flocked to the main star of Mingyun Star."

The number of people who will set off to Mingyun in the future will far exceed this number, and this is just the first batch.

Xixiu was also helpless: "We can't do anything about this matter just relying on our guesses. Moreover, we have to believe in the Council of Elders."

Those people who are currently not moving must be out of more prudent considerations.

Some of those who went to Mingyun Star were soldiers who had applied for vacation, some were retired, and some were elites in various industries. They all had special identities.

If the elders would stop it, these people would most likely not listen.

Instead, there will be a stalemate.

There is power in the hands of these people.

They also have strength.

What's more, they are desperate.

Once a conflict occurs, it may escalate.

Therefore, the Elder Council can only compromise.

They asked the central brain to temporarily cover the star map of the Mingyun Galaxy.

These people don't have star maps, so they will arrive at the Mingyun Galaxy later.

In this way, the alliance guards can enter the Mingyun Star layout in advance.

If there is a danger, Alliance Guards and Mingyun Station can control it immediately.

"But captain, if you really want to feed the bugs, how tragic it would be for these people who are currently in a state of chaos." Su Jinbao was a little sad.

If you are in such a state, you will definitely hope that someone can wake you up.

"So, the Council of Elders will definitely find a way to stop these people. As for how many they can stop, it is not under their control." Qiu Shaorong could understand what Xi Xiu said.

Qiu Shaorong raised his head and glanced at the light screen: "Captain, after you reported Avlan's strange behavior, did the commander say anything?"

If Qing Zhixun were to handle this matter, would the elders not take it seriously?

"After my feedback, he has already conveyed the news to the Council of Elders, so Gaia should be prepared for this incident."

Xixiu didn't think Qing Wenxu and the others would behave like Chen Huan.

These old people will definitely weigh the pros and cons.

However, we will put the safety of citizens first.

She had dealt with Chu Zekuan several times, and she still knew what he was like.

"Then, has Sir Qing revealed any information so far?" Su Jinbao asked cautiously.

Because they also saw that the captain and her partner were not as bored as they were.

So I was a little worried that Qing Zhixun was too boring.

He won't please the captain.

Xixiu glanced at Su Jinbao and didn't understand why he was so cautious. She had never been angry recently.

No, they probably haven't seen her get angry since they met them.

She and Qing Zhixun have passed the first scene simulation, and their relationship is considered settled.

It's just that it's not as sweet as others.

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